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What’s your most Controversial opinion?


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21 hours ago, Steve O said:

Not at all, they all have to go to the school of meteorology to obtain a degree in guessing and predicting at an accuracy of 35%!

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3 hours ago, apuszczalowski said:

Not at all, they all have to go to the school of meteorology to obtain a degree in guessing and predicting at an accuracy of 35%!

Yours is of course the prevailing mindset, which is why my opinion that they get their jobs because of their looks is controversial?

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After reading all the threads about how the New England Patriots are evil / unstoppable, I opine that whenever an AFC East opponent plays the Patriots, it will be an ‘all star’ team consisting of Bills, Jets, and Dolphins players.


That’s all I’ve got...it’s Monday, and it’s relatively early.

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15 hours ago, /dev/null said:

i don't get why everyone loves the song "sweet caroline".  i'm just not a fan

Well, according to songfacts.com, "This song is fun, familiar, and easy to sing, which has made it one of the most popular Karaoke songs of all time. It goes over especially well where alcohol is served, since passable renditions are possible even after a few drinks."


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On 2/8/2019 at 6:28 PM, section122 said:


So why do we pay tax at all then?  Why do you get to enjoy roads?  Why do you get to enjoy any of the multitude of things that your tax bill affords you?  To me access to health services should not be dependent on whether or not you can afford them.  It isn't cable, it isn't a cell phone.  It is people's lives.  Doctor's will still be paid.  You will still have money taken out of your check for taxes whether it is used to fund a wall or to fund your health and well being.  I know what I would prefer to spend my tax dollars on and it isn't bombing some country halfway across the world.


At the root of it though I have no problem helping the less fortunate.  I am blessed.  I have a good job and I have health insurance.  I don't have the mine mine mine mindset.  I have enough to be happy and hope it continues that way.  However it is incredibly stressful knowing that if I lose my job my wife's health is in serious jeopardy as she has diabetes and insulin has skyrocketed in cost.  If something, god forbid, were to happen to my job she couldn't get the care she needs.  We would have to make decisions about either her health or us eating.  That is mind boggling to me in what is supposed to be the greatest country in the world.  The greatest country in the world should take care of it's people and I am glad to pay my share to make it so.  Yes there are lazy people who would benefit from this but guess what you are already subsidizing them with medicaid.  There are many more people like you or I (assumption - apologies if I am wrong) who would benefit from this.  I feel like the only people who don't support medicare for all either have incredibly low/no health insurance premiums or have no health concerns.  However if and when that changes for them, it will be too late.

Well, we don't need a wall. Most of what taxes pay for can be privatized. That's great that you want to help the less fortunate. You doing helping someone, is charitable. Making other people pay for it by force, isn't charity, it's theft. Would I benefit from it, probably. But ethically speaking, it's nobody else's responsibility to take care of my health but me. 

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5 hours ago, The Real Buffalo Joe said:

Well, we don't need a wall. Most of what taxes pay for can be privatized. That's great that you want to help the less fortunate. You doing helping someone, is charitable. Making other people pay for it by force, isn't charity, it's theft. Would I benefit from it, probably. But ethically speaking, it's nobody else's responsibility to take care of my health but me. 

What do you and the rest of the anti-taxation wing nuts propose as a viable solution?

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38 minutes ago, Jauronimo said:

Military, police, prison, fire, healthcare, and education, the free market is the solution to all our problems.


Road building


international diplomacy


medical  research and oversight of drug industry 


Arbitration over interstate business conflict



National income tax collection and audit

Edited by row_33
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