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Interesting developments in Italy

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I love Italy (my deceased FIL was Italian). Hubby and I spent some time there a few years ago, and we cannot wait to go back. Truly beautiful countryside, great food and wine, and enough culture that even a Philistine like me can appreciate it. I hope they get their **** together soon.

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7 hours ago, The_Dude said:

It's 100% to do with immigration. 


Diversity is NOT great. In fact, it's awful. Nobody truly likes diversity, it's all a lie the left has established.




ALOT of Europeans enjoy diversity, and it's worked well in MANY places...  Sadly, you can have too much of a good thing.


Migrant inundation is unfair to stable populations.  -And I'm telling you that as an American who's Lived in more than one European Country.


Someone obviously took a good Idea to a ridiculous extreme.



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13 hours ago, #34fan said:




ALOT of Europeans enjoy diversity, and it's worked well in MANY places...  Sadly, you can have too much of a good thing.


Migrant inundation is unfair to stable populations.  -And I'm telling you that as an American who's Lived in more than one European Country.


Someone obviously took a good Idea to a ridiculous extreme.




Cool, we agree. 



Now what's the solution, and who is liable to implement it?


Angela Merkel?


None of those Globalist's have come forward with any real attempt to stop it. 





Edited by OJABBA
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9 hours ago, #34fan said:




ALOT of Europeans enjoy diversity, and it's worked well in MANY places...  Sadly, you can have too much of a good thing.


Migrant inundation is unfair to stable populations.  -And I'm telling you that as an American who's Lived in more than one European Country.


Someone obviously took a good Idea to a ridiculous extreme.




Diversity is bad and always has been. I don’t mean in terms of a color spectrum, I mean in terms of culture. Mixing cultures is bad. It doesn’t work. The death in the first half of the 20th century proves my point. I rest my case there. 


And these new migrants to Europe aren’t even human. They’ll drag Europe down to the depths they just escaped from because that’s what Haj does. Haj asks for asylum....then Haj notices Haj makes up about 5% of the population. Haj then begins raping and terrorizing in the same way my Australian Shepherd herds — it’s just in their blood. That’s why there’s a huge blowback. Nobody likes Haj, even Haj which is why when Haj isn’t trying to kill the infidel Haj is killing Haj, to include Haj children. I’ve seen a lot of dead Haj children because Haj does things like ‘blowing up schools / hospitals’ because they practice a religion created by a pedophile, barbarian warlord. 


Diversity is bad. Especially when diversity means Haj. 

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11 hours ago, #34fan said:

it's worked well in MANY places...



Well, except for the Middle East. And the Balkans. And here, really. But otherwise, sure.

Edited by joesixpack
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12 hours ago, #34fan said:




ALOT of Europeans enjoy diversity, and it's worked well in MANY places...  Sadly, you can have too much of a good thing.


Migrant inundation is unfair to stable populations.  -And I'm telling you that as an American who's Lived in more than one European Country.


Someone obviously took a good Idea to a ridiculous extreme.




Sure...if you think European history began in 1990.  


Do you have any idea how much ethnic cleansing occurred between 1945-1949 in Central and Eastern Europe?  

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9 minutes ago, DC Tom said:


Sure...if you think European history began in 1990.  


Do you have any idea how much ethnic cleansing occurred between 1945-1949 in Central and Eastern Europe?  


Including Allied troops forcing people back to the Iron Curtain for certain death.



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1 minute ago, row_33 said:


Including Allied troops forcing people back to the Iron Curtain for certain death.




Forced repatriation is not forced migration.  I'm thinking more of the uprooting of centuries-old communities on racial grounds...forced migrations of Alsatians, Swabians, Poles, Ukranians, Romanians, Germans, Russians, Belorussians, Serbs, Greeks, Italians, the remaining European Jewish population, Latvians, Lithuanians, Estonians, Finns, Slovaks...

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