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Sully vs Gronk at Super Bowl


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I'm no fan of Sullivan, but he's right on this one.


Ultimately, if the 'hit' on White had happened outside of a football field, Gronkowski could quite easily be doing time for assault.


That sort of thing shouldn't just be 'brushed under the table'.  Tbh, the one game suspension was woefully inadequate, imho,  but NFL disciplinary rules etc. is far too big a can of worms to open now.

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10 hours ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:


I would’ve gone with the unfrozen caveman Patriot bit. I’m no historian, but 2000 years ago Gronk would’ve been stoned to death for walking around in a lion cloth. 


I get it though.  I’m positive his blood type is O pos but just barely 

Depends on how he obtained said lion cloth. It the lion cloth was a baby lion’s blankey the momma lion would have been hell to deal with.

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11 hours ago, YoloinOhio said:

Jerry Sullivan is covering the SB for the Buffalo News. He isn’t happy with Gronk’s lack of attention to his question about his concussion as it relates to his intentional hit/ensuing concussion for Tre White. 





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11 hours ago, hondo in seattle said:

The Super Bowl is coming up and Sully expects the national media to care about the concussion suffered by a Bills player?


I dont think that is what he was going for?



He did provide Gronk an opportunity to display a little humility, empathy, and compassion.... and instead, just displayed that he is the mentally fragile rock-head that we all know he is.  For that, I appreciate Sullivan's effort

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Gronk is a Patriot.  This is how Patriot players answer questions.  It's been happening for almost 20 years.  How anyone is shocked, or pissed, at his dismissive response, boggles my mind.


Frankly, I'm more concerned about lion cloths.

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It's sad. This is how poor Jerry tries to get his relevance. He posts how waiting for Gronk was like waiting for the royalty but he couldn't just leave, after all, he was about to have his big moment in the sun. Cam Newton, LeBron James, yada yada yada. Jerry, you look silly and TBN looks silly.

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18 hours ago, RaoulDuke79 said:

Poor fella has suffered from CTE since he fell out of the womb and hasn't been right since. He was born 2000 years too late. He'd be perfectly at home walking around in a loincloth with a club and scraping two rocks together in an effort to make a fire so he can eat a triceratops egg. Unfortunately he was drafted by the patriots. 

Gronk is way to pretty and soft to have lived in those days

Would have been eaten by the first carniverous animal he came across

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