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Broncos dared Taylor to beat them through the air- so he did


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they do ..... when you can't run the ball. No?


Evidently not.


See Sunday.


Denver failed in a away game by first not stopping it enough and also because their QB wasnt good enough to push a advantage. Same fans can praise this game while others just see the last two seasons of it all over again of a 6-7 win season against teams failing at the gameplan against a home team that has the advantage . Enjoyed the win but sadly this win will do nothing but hurt next years draft. We all know who wins the home games more often, real good QBs win anywhere while the not good enough get the 6-7 win season because away games are a lot tougher. Just my opinion on this trying to post the other side of not wearing the Tyrod blind beer goggles. I hope Tyrod can be the man and take us to a playoff run but I have yet to see anything that will change my mind that he is just not good enough.


I LOLed at the 400 comment thanks.


Wow. So bitter over a win.


Pretty sad.

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So it's the turnovers that are what really matters, right? If the Bills score a TD on their opening drive, then get an interception on the opponent's first series, but have to punt, are they worse off than if they punt on their first series, but then get the interception and score a TD on the series immediately following the interception? That's what you're saying, right? Seems to me they're up 7 points either way.


Let me put it another way. We'll use a hypothetical situation.


Let's say the Bills are playing the Patriots*. And let's say the Bills are up, ohhh, by 5 with under two minutes in the game. The Pats* have no timeouts, so Buffalo just needs to field the ensuing kickoff, run a few plays, and get the victory.


Now let's say the punt returner is, oh, I don't know...Leodis McKelvin. And instead of fielding the ball, Leodis botches it and someone...pick a name...how about Stephen Gotskowski...recovers the fumble for the Pats* inside the 30 with 50 seconds on the clock.


One of two things can happen: you can convert that turnover into points or you can not convert that turnover into points.


Now let's assume Brady uses that turnover to hit Ben Watson for a TD and a win.


Points off the turnover sure look more important than any other points scored in the game, no?


Snark aside...I get your point. Points are points. But to my seat, any time you rob the opponent of a possession and turn it into points for your team, it's an advantage in who wins the game.

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I get what LABillzFan is saying. Turnovers are possession steals. To really hammer that advantage home you need to turn them into points.


If you don't put the points up you let the opposition hang around. I am of the school of thought that when you steal a possession you need to take a shot and I hope we see that in future games.

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I get what LABillzFan is saying. Turnovers are possession steals. To really hammer that advantage home you need to turn them into points.


If you don't put the points up you let the opposition hang around. I am of the school of thought that when you steal a possession you need to take a shot and I hope we see that in future games.



I've always been a big proponent of immediately taking a shot into the endzone after you get a turnover or great field position off of a punt from midfield or better.

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Denver failed in a away game by first not stopping it enough and also because their QB wasnt good enough to push a advantage. Same fans can praise this game while others just see the last two seasons of it all over again of a 6-7 win season against teams failing at the gameplan against a home team that has the advantage . Enjoyed the win but sadly this win will do nothing but hurt next years draft. We all know who wins the home games more often, real good QBs win anywhere while the not good enough get the 6-7 win season because away games are a lot tougher. Just my opinion on this trying to post the other side of not wearing the Tyrod blind beer goggles. I hope Tyrod can be the man and take us to a playoff run but I have yet to see anything that will change my mind that he is just not good enough.


I LOLed at the 400 comment thanks.



this post doesn't surprise me considering the source.

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Except for the elite ones, how many QBs are good on the road on a consistent basis? I always say win at home and win on the road any way you can. Doesn't have to be pretty on the road.

I'm not looking for 370yrds 4TD 0 INT but if he wants to be considered as the long-term answer at QB here, or anywhere in the NFL this is one of those games where he has to dig deep and come up big.

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As I said postgame........the Bills literally were running into 8 man boxes all day..........because the Bills have no deep threat the Broncos showed no respect for the pass and Taylor could have easily put up another 100-150 yards and quite a few more points in the air.


Contrary to what the Denver media might have felt, it was a Jauronian gameplan, otherwise they would have.


Just maddening to see them get an interception around the Broncos 35 yard line in a tight game and run directly into an overloaded front on first down.


The only way to get anything against that wall of humanity was to hold......and with a bouncing RB like McCoy that's what happened......and the next thing you know it's first and 20 and the drive is killed.


That was the most egregious instance but it was like that much of the day...........Taylor was fantastic with the opportunities he was given. :thumbsup:

Gotta keep the defense honest and keep pounding the rock. The only way theyre gonna get these new blocking schemes down is by continuing to work at it. I have a hard time complaining about the play calling when I expected them to lose by 20 and they won by ten. Not trying to bust your chops. Ive done plenty of complaining about this team myself but Im feeling some renewed enthusiasm after Sunday. That win was very much a coaching win and I think Mcdermott might just be on the verge of delivering a little more than we hoped for. Also Tyrods play should give this staff some confidence to open it up a bit and get teams out of those eight man fronts. Sunday in Atlanta will be a tight game. Not sure they can pull it out but it will be a game at the start of the 4th quarter. It took the k-gun four years to become the k-gun. I think these guys are still figuring out what works best and what doesnt. Edited by Billsmovinup
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More like the Broncos dared Siemian to beat us.


Not sure why. Jamal Charles looked like he could've run a muck all day.


On top of personnel changes, I think scheme change/Kromer gone has A LOT to do with the inability to run the ball as well.

Probably because getting a run here and there while being stuffed on twice as many wasn't putting the team in manageable downs.


I'm trying to find the part where Jamal looked unstoppable...


3-1 Charles 2 yards

1-10 Charles no gain

1-10 Charles 2 yards

1-10 Charles 12 yard TD run. Yeah he got us. Brown was also held.

1-10 Charles 2 yards

2-8 Charles 19 yards. He got us again.

1-10 Charles false start

1-10 Charles 3 yards

1-1 Charles 4 yards


At this point of the game Denver is down 23-16 and its the 4th quarter


Denver passed 6 times in a row

2-10 Charles 12 yards. Probably caught Bills off guard here considering the game situation and previous play calling

Next play was an interception

At this point there is 3 mins left in the 4th quarter. They aren't going to be running the football.


So yeah, Charles got us a few times. At no point did he look unstoppable. Had they ran him heavy I believe the Bills would have shut him down. The fact that he was used sparingly probably helped the big gains he did get. Just like Gailey use to do with Spiller.

Edited by Scott7975
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I'm not looking for 370yrds 4TD 0 INT but if he wants to be considered as the long-term answer at QB here, or anywhere in the NFL this is one of those games where he has to dig deep and come up big.


I tend to agree but if the defense plays well and Shady runs for over 150 yards do you still feel the same way? Buffalo doesn't have to pass to score points like Green Bay and Detroit. If he passes for over 300 I assume we are in a shout out with ATL in their dome. That is not way to beat them.

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