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Sullivan: One Head Injury. One Head case.


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"So the Bills' grim preseason continues, draining away much of the blind optimism about their chances in the first year under Beane and Sean McDermott. It hasn't been this bad since 2009, when Dick Jauron fired Turk Schonert as offensive coordinator a week before the opener."

"Doug Whaley got a lot of heat for the Sammy Watkins deal, but the Dareus contract was equally regrettable. But capologist Jim Overdorf and president Russ Brandon have to take a big share of the blame for that deal.

Dareus had multiple indiscretions at the time. He had been held out of games for lateness twice, been charged with marijuana possession, crashed his car while street racing a day after telling the world he was determined to turn over a new leaf.

I advocated cutting him in the spring of 2014. The fans thought I was the devil for suggesting it. The Bills rewarded him, anyway. Who looks stupid now? Beane would probably love to get rid of Dareus, but he's stuck with him. Cutting him now would cause a major cap hit and no team would trade for him."

"Nathan Peterman has created a lot of excitement for a fifth-round rookie completing 50 percent of his passes for 5.5 yards an attempt. I understand fans wanting to see the new guy, but if Taylor is out for any length of time, the Bills have to give serious thought to signing Kaepernick, or some other viable starter."

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"Nathan Peterman has created a lot of excitement for a fifth-round rookie completing 50 percent of his passes for 5.5 yards an attempt. I understand fans wanting to see the new guy, but if Taylor is out for any length of time, the Bills have to give serious thought to signing Kaepernick, or some other viable starter."


If Brandon was still in control, this would have happened on Sunday afternoon.

Edited by BuffaloWings
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90% of Sullivan's articles are him digging up old predictions to tell you he was right. You'll rarely see him re-hash all of the hot garbage he says that never comes to fruition. Who wants to read 'i told you so' pieces? Thank you for copying his quotes. I wouldn't give him a click.

I think he wants everything to fail, so he can be right. But he is right on some topics.

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For a change, I agree with Sully. All optimism has eroded during this grim preseason.

It appears Dareus will 'ship out' next year when it least impacts the cap.

And all is right in WNY. Now all we need is for Eichel to get arrested.

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So when the best player on your team says no to Keap, we still have journalist pushing him as a potential signing.


Yeah, I mean the guy was awful on a rebuilding 49ers, but he'll do well on a rebuilding Bills. Gotcha


But did you see that one playoff game where Kaeperdick ran for a bazillion yards after Green Bay's defense kept giving him 20+ yard gaps because they were ignoring the middle of the field?!?


If that doesn't justify backing up the Brinks truck to his doorstep, nothing will!

Edited by Koko78
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He's a hack who can't get a job in a big city.

I had the misfortune of meeting him on a few occasions and can honestly say he is a head case who should be cut.

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I'll admit it: I enjoy bashing Sullivan.


Read the portion of this column about Dareus. Notice anything that's missing? I did. I noticed the total absence of discussion of how Dareus actually plays the game of football.


If I recall correctly, the Buffalo Bills are a football team. They play football. Players get paid to play football.


So what has Dareus done as a football player since he arrived? He's played very well to great, that's what he's done. He's never accused of taking plays off, let alone games. The guy is a beast, and he can run. He's a serious problem for any offensive scheme.


Did he play great for the past two seasons? No. You know why? R-E-X, that's why. Other than two linebackers who had career years last year, NO ONE played great in that defense.


So Sully can whine all he wants about the drug suspension (that WAS bad), Marcell taking a few tokes now and then, Marcell breaking a team rule, but really, who the hell cares about that if he shows up for the games and plays his butt off?


Is he overpaid? Maybe. He may not be a dominant enough defender to earn what he's getting paid. But again I'll go back to Rex, who for the past two years told Dareus that several plays a game he had to back pedal. Dareus is a guy who needs to be pointed in the direction of the football on EVERY PLAY and told to go get it. That's when he's at his best.


Let's see how he does in a defense that plays to his strengths before we run the guy out of town.

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