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DOJ Appoints Robert Mueller as Special Counsel - Jerome Corsi Rejects Plea Deal

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2 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:

And -- for the record, this is where I remain:


That is the cover story. Not that there wasn't Russian disinfo seeded into "Steele's" memos -- there were -- but that it wasn't the driving force behind the frame job. That came from 44, HRC, and the DOJ/FBI/CIA. The Russian disinfo was a tool used during their coup, not the reason for their coup.


Lee is (likely) referring to this as well: 



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After Major New Revelations of Russia Investigation Abuse, How Bruce Ohr Still Has a Job Remains a Mystery




But while others like James Comey and Andrew McCabe have rightly been fired for the malfeascence that went on, Bruce Ohr continues to garner a government check. In fact, Ohr was given a massive raise and a bonus throughout the Russia investigation scandal. I guess it pays to be a conduit for Hillary Clinton’s Russian disinformation.


Think about how ridiculous this all is. The entire basis of the investigation was based on the notion that Donald Trump was secretly communicating with the Russians. Yet, at the exact same time that allegation was being pursued with everything the FBI had, the DOJ themselves were colluding with a Russian intel officer. That bad information was then used to get an illegal FISA warrant, and Bruce Ohr, the guy at the center of facilitating all this bad information from hostile sources, only got “demoted.”


Despite all of this, there are people who still insist the DOJ and FBI did nothing wrong, that this was all just an avalanche of “mistakes.” To be frank, one would have to be an absolute idiot to believe that at this point. You don’t meet with and take information from a partisan operative by Glen Simpson by mistake. You don’t then use that unverified information in FISA warrants by mistake. You don’t continue to pursue the investigation after knowing it was Russian disinformation by mistake. All of this was purposeful. They were looking for something to use to take down Donald Trump and if it was garbage from the Russians, they were willing to use it.


Someone tell me how this isn’t worse than Watergate by many magnitudes?


Meanwhile, your tax dollars keep paying Bruce Ohr and others who were part of this scheme.




Edited by B-Man
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...what is even scarier is how long has the subversive, corrupt and clandestine network been in operation while we promulgate "the world's greatest democracy" propaganda....who previously had the bawls to "drain the swamp"?......invest in chlorine futures...plenty of more swamp algae left to kill..........

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(don't tell @BullBuchanan or @Crayola64 ... their FEELz couldn't take this kind of damning turn in the narrative they've been programmed to believe)

Just now, OldTimeAFLGuy said:

...what is even scarier is how long has the subversive, corrupt and clandestine network been in operation while we promulgate "the world's greatest democracy" propaganda....who previously had the bawls to "drain the swamp"?......invest in chlorine futures...plenty of more swamp algae left to kill..........


Since the late 40s when we sold our soul as a nation by importing the worst of the Nazi war machine into our IC in order to gain an "edge" over the Soviets. 

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3 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


(don't tell @BullBuchanan or @Crayola64 ... their FEELz couldn't take this kind of damning turn in the narrative they've been programmed to believe)


Since the late 40s when we sold our soul as a nation by importing the worst of the Nazi war machine into our IC in order to gain an "edge" over the Soviets. 

nutcase says what?

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1 hour ago, B-Man said:

After Major New Revelations of Russia Investigation Abuse, How Bruce Ohr Still Has a Job Remains a Mystery




But while others like James Comey and Andrew McCabe have rightly been fired for the malfeascence that went on, Bruce Ohr continues to garner a government check. In fact, Ohr was given a massive raise and a bonus throughout the Russia investigation scandal. I guess it pays to be a conduit for Hillary Clinton’s Russian disinformation.


Think about how ridiculous this all is. The entire basis of the investigation was based on the notion that Donald Trump was secretly communicating with the Russians. Yet, at the exact same time that allegation was being pursued with everything the FBI had, the DOJ themselves were colluding with a Russian intel officer. That bad information was then used to get an illegal FISA warrant, and Bruce Ohr, the guy at the center of facilitating all this bad information from hostile sources, only got “demoted.”


Despite all of this, there are people who still insist the DOJ and FBI did nothing wrong, that this was all just an avalanche of “mistakes.” To be frank, one would have to be an absolute idiot to believe that at this point. You don’t meet with and take information from a partisan operative by Glen Simpson by mistake. You don’t then use that unverified information in FISA warrants by mistake. You don’t continue to pursue the investigation after knowing it was Russian disinformation by mistake. All of this was purposeful. They were looking for something to use to take down Donald Trump and if it was garbage from the Russians, they were willing to use it.


Someone tell me how this isn’t worse than Watergate by many magnitudes?


Meanwhile, your tax dollars keep paying Bruce Ohr and others who were part of this scheme.




I have other questions about Bruce Ohr as he’s  still employed so they have unlimited access to him in this investigation. My questions are why didn’t he quit? What was he offered that he remained employed accepting the unlimited access? Assuming he stayed employed due to a deal, is it for him, or Nellie? And, what has he given over to Durham in exchange for whatever deal he may have cut?





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18 hours ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

I have other questions about Bruce Ohr as he’s  still employed so they have unlimited access to him in this investigation. My questions are why didn’t he quit? What was he offered that he remained employed accepting the unlimited access? Assuming he stayed employed due to a deal, is it for him, or Nellie? And, what has he given over to Durham in exchange for whatever deal he may have cut?


I hope, in the end, they prosecute every single Agent that willingly participated in that operation - with any deals still requiring, at minimum, termination of employment. Then, If it were me, I would dismantle the entire management structure of the Bureau, decentralize it, and turn it back into an investigative agency - instead of a "domestic CIA" created and shaped by Mueller. That is exactly what Louis Freeh did, and it is no coincidence that the best years of the Bureau were under Freeh, who actually spent some time as an Agent.


I am not a fan of Wray as he is cut from the same cloth as Mueller and Comey, and I haven't seen any real changes under him. The Bureau has a long history of weak leadership. Most of the time, the Bureau is successful in spite of management. Other times, management drags the rest of the Bureau, and its reputation, down with it. 


It is time for a complete overhaul.


Edited by billsfan1959
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On 4/13/2020 at 11:15 AM, B-Man said:








First, remember that IG Horowitz reached two primary and controversial conclusions: 1) that there was adequate justification for starting the investigation, and 2) that there was no “evidence” of political bias as a motivating factor for the investigation. 

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