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DOJ Appoints Robert Mueller as Special Counsel - Jerome Corsi Rejects Plea Deal

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Aww, come one, I can't believe that.  It's our Bills board.  Surely Soros isn't wasting money here! :P



If Soros is wasting money there, then good.  Let him continue to waste money!  I've been a Bills fan for 25+ years, and I've never been up there.  I'm in Tulsa, OK.  I followed Thurmal up there many years ago from OSU.  I'm a Sooners fan, but I keep an eye on OSU players too.  Thurman was a good man to follow, and I haven't hated my choice in team to follow since.  But let Soros spend some money down here....There would be a waste :)


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58 minutes ago, TtownBillsFan said:

Aww, come one, I can't believe that.  It's our Bills board.  Surely Soros isn't wasting money here!



If Soros is wasting money there, then good.  Let him continue to waste money!  I've been a Bills fan for 25+ years, and I've never been up there.  I'm in Tulsa, OK.  I followed Thurmal up there many years ago from OSU.  I'm a Sooners fan, but I keep an eye on OSU players too.  Thurman was a good man to follow, and I haven't hated my choice in team to follow since.  But let Soros spend some money down here....There would be a waste :)



Not sure I should mention this, but it's possible that DR could attract "attention".

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8 hours ago, TtownBillsFan said:

No, no it's not.  It never has been.  It NEVER WILL BE.  


Let's say, at worst, someone in Trump's campaign wanted to get the dirt that some Russian had to offer.  Even then, that's NOT COLLUSION TO UNDERMINE THE ELECTION.  It's the same opposition collection that all sides do.  I know you're smart enough to understand this.  Why do you continue this falsehood?

Yes, yes it could be. And the fact Trump lied about the meeting adds to the evidence.


Even Steve Bannon of all people called it treason and said, like everyone else, that they should have called the FBI.


You are not saying the worst it could be. It's funny, you declaring it's not collusion and then try and lighten the crime. You really think the Russians were offering this for free? No, they would want something in return. That's a quid pro quo situation, a compromising act, possible acceptance of a bribe and perhaps a conspiracy to deal in stolen goods (the emails). 

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9 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:


I have thoughts... but I got sidetracked today. 


Here's the indictment if people haven't linked to it already. It's worth reading, for the comedy sake of how !@#$ing stupid Manafort is :lol: 





He spent a million dollars on antique rugs, and three-quarters of a million on shrubbery?  :lol:

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Tick tock, John.


And (older news), Buzzfeed is suing the DNC to get access to the servers. The same servers the DNC wouldn't let the FBI verify. 




Time's almost up... fireworks are primed and ready to fly. 

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14 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:



Tick tock, John.


And (older news), Buzzfeed is suing the DNC to get access to the servers. The same servers the DNC wouldn't let the FBI verify. 




Time's almost up... fireworks are primed and ready to fly. 


Then he gets called out - but 45 won't say his name. 


Only chance John has left is that the cancer takes him off this planet before he's completely exposed. 



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On 2/21/2018 at 3:33 PM, Tiberius said:


Against DC's advice, I'm going to engage you for this one.  How can you possibly say, "and"?  If that was Trump, you'd be apopletic!   That should drive any American crazy with outrage.  Unless you like what he proposes, that he can be more lenient with the Ruskies after he secured his second term.  Just swap the faces, and imagine how you'd react if that were Trump doing and saying the exact same thing that Obamer was caught saying.  Here's your chance to show that you're not just a left-wing hack.  I'm listening.

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2 minutes ago, TtownBillsFan said:

Against DC's advice, I'm going to engage you for this one.  How can you possibly say, "and"?  If that was Trump, you'd be apopletic!   That should drive any American crazy with outrage.  Unless you like what he proposes, that he can be more lenient with the Ruskies after he secured his second term.  Just swap the faces, and imagine how you'd react if that were Trump doing and saying the exact same thing that Obamer was caught saying.  Here's your chance to show that you're not just a left-wing hack.  I'm listening.

Do you know you are asking for the person who openly laughed at the deaths in Benghazi, to not be a left wing hack?

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3 minutes ago, TtownBillsFan said:

Against DC's advice, I'm going to engage you for this one.  How can you possibly say, "and"?  If that was Trump, you'd be apopletic!   That should drive any American crazy with outrage.  Unless you like what he proposes, that he can be more lenient with the Ruskies after he secured his second term.  Just swap the faces, and imagine how you'd react if that were Trump doing and saying the exact same thing that Obamer was caught saying.  Here's your chance to show that you're not just a left-wing hack.  I'm listening.


He's trolling you - no matter what you say to him, no matter how spot-on your point may be, he will reply with something ridiculous intended to do nothing more than keep you replying. That's why so many of us just ignore him.

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28 minutes ago, TtownBillsFan said:

Against DC's advice, I'm going to engage you for this one.  How can you possibly say, "and"?  If that was Trump, you'd be apopletic!   That should drive any American crazy with outrage.  Unless you like what he proposes, that he can be more lenient with the Ruskies after he secured his second term.  Just swap the faces, and imagine how you'd react if that were Trump doing and saying the exact same thing that Obamer was caught saying.  Here's your chance to show that you're not just a left-wing hack.  I'm listening.

Sounds like you are bucking to pressure to dismiss what I say anyway, but ok. Why are you listening to the board trolls anyway? Be your own person. 


Presidents always have more flexibility after elections. It's just the way our system works. What was the context there?  Could have been nothing. Not really much there to go on.  With Obama was it the Iran nuclear deal? Or something else? We don't know. It could of been about a cease fire in Syria for all we know. I can understand partisan could twist those situations for political ends. 


Are you pissed Trump ran over to

talk to Putin alone at the international meeting? Are since its Trump you give him a pass? 

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