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DOJ Appoints Robert Mueller as Special Counsel - Jerome Corsi Rejects Plea Deal

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3 minutes ago, njbuff said:

It is expected that this investigation is going to wrap up shortly and the Dems are going to have major egg on their faces, damaging themselves severely for the midterms.


They tried like hell to get something on Trump to bury him, but even members of congress (both sides) want to move on.


I knew this was crap from day one and it wasted tons of time, money and manpower.


Trump's a lot of things (good and bad), but a Russian butt kisser isn't one of them.


The thing I have been lobbying for in these threads is to let Mueller finish his investigation.  That is it, and I keep finding myself in arguments.  We all can then see what he comes up with.  If nothing implicates Trump, then we can all try to move on. 


Aborting his investigation will leave too many Americans with unanswered questions.  It is abundantly clear that the Trump disciples have no further questions, but perhaps half the country still wants to see Mueller's completed report .  Lobbying to 'wrap it up' just seems to be lawyer like and an attempt to exclude possible evidence of wrongdoing.

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1 minute ago, Bob in Mich said:


The thing I have been lobbying for in these threads is to let Mueller finish his investigation.  That is it, and I keep finding myself in arguments. 


That's because you're (once again) being dishonest. You have been doing far more than lobby for Mueller to finish. You've been parroting long debunked partisan talking points since you re-entered this thread, and when people tried to have a conversation with you about why you're wrong, you lashed out and then ran away. 


That's the reality. But if you wish to play the victim card, you may. 

2 minutes ago, Bob in Mich said:


We all can then see what he comes up with.  If nothing implicates Trump, then we can all try to move on. 


Aborting his investigation will leave too many Americans with unanswered questions.  It is abundantly clear that the Trump disciples have no further questions, but perhaps half the country still wants to see Mueller's completed report .  Lobbying to 'wrap it up' just seems to be lawyer like and an attempt to exclude possible evidence of wrongdoing.


More dishonesty. I'm VERY interested in Mueller's report, if you've listened to what's been discussed rather than plug your ears and "wait for the professionals" to tell you it's okay to think about this stuff, you'd know many people have been arguing to let Mueller finish. 


What you ruffle against is the voluminous amount of evidence which proves that you've been mislead by the "professionals" you claim to trust. They've lied to you for over a year. You don't care though, because their lies fit your partisanship. So rather than discuss those possibilities, you shut it all off with "just let Mueller finish, GOD!" 


That's just being intellectually lazy. 

2 minutes ago, garybusey said:


By who?


Multiple sources have been saying that for a week now. Based on the indictments and hearings schedule... and the OIG report about to hit. 


But no one knows what "shortly" means.  

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Multiple sources? Can you link them, please?


because I find this quote in each of those articles..


Even if Mueller wraps up the obstruction probe, other elements of his investigation -- such as whether Trump or anyone close to him helped Russia interfere in the 2016 presidential election or broke any other laws -- are likely to continue for months more, said two officials who asked to remain anonymous speaking about the probe.

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2 minutes ago, garybusey said:

Multiple sources? Can you link them, please?


because I find this quote in each of those articles..


Even if Mueller wraps up the obstruction probe, other elements of his investigation -- such as whether Trump or anyone close to him helped Russia interfere in the 2016 presidential election or broke any other laws -- are likely to continue for months more, said two officials who asked to remain anonymous speaking about the probe.

What's going to happen if they find out Popadopolous shared his findings with Team Trump that Russia had the stolen emails and that's what the Trump Tower meeting was really about. A conspiracy to use stolen documents to influence an election? That's all kinds of illegal. Popadopolous is cooperating and already bragging about being the "John Dean" of this Russiagate 

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Is that this NY Daily News in the link?  Because they seem to have covered Trump quite a lot through the years.  Trump may have stopped that baseball attack mentioned above but I don't think I am the only one to say that it sounds like it could have been another attempt at publicity by John Miller.  So cynical....I know.


Trump may have run into that building bare handed.  I can't help but think he would have ducked in place or run away, but hopefully we will never have to find out.



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4 minutes ago, garybusey said:

Multiple sources? Can you link them, please?


because I find this quote in each of those articles..


Even if Mueller wraps up the obstruction probe, other elements of his investigation -- such as whether Trump or anyone close to him helped Russia interfere in the 2016 presidential election or broke any other laws -- are likely to continue for months more, said two officials who asked to remain anonymous speaking about the probe.


That's correct, that also has been the new speculation, that one phase is winding down and another is about to kick off. Nunes, Cobb, Schumer, Schiff all made comments on the Sunday shows that alluded it's winding down without specifying.  


But there's other data you can examine to make the case, such as the indictments: he's gotten the Russian bits out of the way with his indictments of 13 Russian nationals the other week, Gates has plead out and put the heat on Manafort. That leaves a very small number of people left for Mueller to speak with. 


There's one more upcoming event that makes this case: Horowitz's OIG report is about to drop in March. As I've been saying for months, the OIG report is either going to either be the silver bullet that stops Mueller's probe (if Mueller isn't on team Trump) by exposing the politicization and depths of the palace coup, or it's going to be used to bolster Mueller's findings (if Mueller is working "with" Trump as I speculate) when he reveals he's shifted to corruption on K-Street and away from collusion.  


Remember, Mueller knows Horowitz's report is coming, he knows Horowitz has been watching over his shoulder the entire time. This is why I don't buy into the theories that Mueller is playing dirty. He can't, not with a fully empowered IG watching his every move. 


Regardless of which way Mueller goes, the OIG report will have a huge impact on his probe. He knows this. Thus, there's motivation to either wrap it up before it hits - or around the same time it hits. 


There's very little chance Mueller's probe can exist beyond the OIG report's release unless it's moved on from collusion/obstruction/Trump.

5 minutes ago, garybusey said:


More evidence of the above. 

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4 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

What's going to happen if they find out Popadopolous shared his findings with Team Trump that Russia had the stolen emails and that's what the Trump Tower meeting was really about. A conspiracy to use stolen documents to influence an election? That's all kinds of illegal. Popadopolous is cooperating and already bragging about being the "John Dean" of this Russiagate 

you gotta limit that election meddling to stuff we can all get behind...that made up ×#@%.  That's where the magic happens.

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37 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

What's going to happen if they find out Popadopolous shared his findings with Team Trump that Russia had the stolen emails and that's what the Trump Tower meeting was really about. A conspiracy to use stolen documents to influence an election? That's all kinds of illegal. Popadopolous is cooperating and already bragging about being the "John Dean" of this Russiagate 


Was there something to use in those emails?  How could that be?

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5 minutes ago, Doc said:


Was there something to use in those emails?  How could that be?


He's lost on this subject, intentionally so now. He's still under the impression Papadopoulos has dirt on Trump and wasn't a plant from Fusion GPS and the DNC. 


He also ignores, like others on here, that Papadopoulos was ordered not to have any contact with Trump or his team during the time he was allegedly "wearing a wire". So if he was wearing a wire and not able to talk to Trump or his team... who was Mueller trying to get Papadopoulos to spy on? 


There's never an answer given to this mystery by the partisans. 

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1 minute ago, Deranged Rhino said:


He's lost on this subject, intentionally so now. He's still under the impression Papadopoulos has dirt on Trump and wasn't a plant from Fusion GPS and the DNC. 


He also ignores, like others on here, that Papadopoulos was ordered not to have any contact with Trump or his team during the time he was allegedly "wearing a wire". So if he was wearing a wire and not able to talk to Trump or his team... who was Mueller trying to get Papadopoulos to spy on? 


There's never an answer given to this mystery by the partisans. 


The prosecution has the ability to adjust these restrictions as necessary.

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Just now, Deranged Rhino said:


That's not an answer. That's wishful thinking. 


The judge ordered the restriction in contacts, not Mueller. 


No, Van Grack, an associate of Muellers, ordered the restrictions. The judge accepted them.


Muellers team can adjust the restrictions.

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