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How is it different?

Since you can't figure it out on your own................Owners were business people first. Anyone involved in the sport is a "fan". You think someone from this board would be able to go straight to the GM position? Know how to run an organization? Be my guest. Give it a shot. You wouldn't be given the time of day form any team.

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Did they?


I don't remember one thread or article stating that at the time.



Skimming through the first 2 pages, there are at least 4 posts wishing we tendered him higher or worried someone else wouod sign him.


That narrative continued with other threads that he would be "the next Hogan".

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Since you can't figure it out on your own................Owners were business people first. Anyone involved in the sport is a "fan". You think someone from this board would be able to go straight to the GM position? Know how to run an organization? Be my guest. Give it a shot. You wouldn't be given the time of day form any team.


I'll take these one by one




Since you can't figure it out on your own


You can save the snark. I'm simply doing you the courtesy of allowing you to explain your position before I expose it for the inane sophistry it is.





Owners were business people first. Anyone involved in the sport is a "fan".


Millions of fans are business people. The Pegulas' business was in no way related to professional sports franchise management. They are quite literally rich fans who bought a team and are now the owners.





You think someone from this board would be able to go straight to the GM position?


Not necessarily, but who's to say. The underlying philosophy that you're espousing is that amateurs should not second guess professionals, which is both flawed and boring. It's flawed for several reasons.


First, it presupposes that anyone with such competencies would necessarily be hired on in such a capacity. But the NFL is a very limited field - there are only 32 NFL teams in the world. Becuase of that the overwhelming majority of people would never have an opportunity to put their abilities to the test.


Second, it assumes that the professionals must know best. Around the turn of the 20th century Montgomery Ward was one of the biggest retailers in the country. They determined that opening department stores was a bad idea and stuck with the catalog format. A nobody named James Cash Penney thought they were wrong and started opening his own stores. His stores quickly overtook Montgomery Ward who eventually realized they were wrong and were late to the party. If Penney had followed the Riverboat Richie philosophy of deference to authority he would never have started his empire.


Penney was actually more qualified for his undertaking than were the Pegulas as he had actually worked in the industry, the Pegulas had not.


Third, it ignores the plain reality that some posters have been right a lot more often than the experts have.


Fourth, your point is boring. The fun of this is tossing around different ideas and discussing them. If we all just deferred to the FO by claiming they must be right because they're the experts nobody would come here because it would be the most boring site on the internet.




Know how to run an organization? Be my guest. Give it a shot.


I don't think I could be a GM, but I think some of the posters in this thread would make better owners than the Pegulas. Many of them clearly know a lot more about football.





You wouldn't be given the time of day form any team.



Edited by Rob's House
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I'll take these one by one





You can save the snark. I'm simply doing you the courtesy of allowing you to explain your position before I expose it for the inane sophistry it is.







Millions of fans are business people. The Pegulas' business was in no way related to professional sports franchise management. They are quite literally rich fans who bought a team and are now the owners.




You think someone from this board would be able to go straight to the GM position?


Not necessarily, but who's to say. The underlying philosophy that you're espousing is that amateurs should not second guess professionals, which is both flawed and boring. It's flawed for several reasons.


First, it presupposes that anyone with such competencies would necessarily be hired on in such a capacity. But the NFL is a very limited field - there are only 32 NFL teams in the world. Becuase of that the overwhelming majority of people would never have an opportunity to put their abilities to the test.


Second, it assumes that the professionals must know best. Around the turn of the 20th century Montgomery Ward was one of the biggest retailers in the country. They determined that opening department stores was a bad idea and stuck with the catalog format. A nobody named James Cash Penney thought they were wrong and started opening his own stores. His stores quickly overtook Montgomery Ward who eventually realized they were wrong and were late to the party. If Penney had followed the Riverboat Richie philosophy of deference to authority he would never have started his empire.


Penney was actually more qualified for his undertaking than were the Pegulas as he had actually worked in the industry, the Pegulas had not.


Third, it ignores the plain reality that some posters have been right a lot more often than the experts have.


Fourth, your point is boring. The fun of this is tossing around different ideas and discussing them. If we all just deferred to the FO by claiming they must be right because they're the experts nobody would come here because it would be the most boring site on the internet.





I don't think I could be a GM, but I think some of the posters in this thread would make owners than the Pegulas. Many of them clearly know a lot more about football.




You wouldn't be given the time of day form any team.




Right. I'm the one with the unrealistic views. Posters here who deal in emotional reaction would be better owners. Ok, nice to see how you mind works if nothing else.

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Right. I'm the one with the unrealistic views. Posters here who deal in emotional reaction would be better owners. Ok, nice to see how you mind works if nothing else.

To be fair... if we lined up EVERYONE here and terry, there's a pretty good chance he wouldn't be the number 1 best owner on the list, if we ignore the cash factor.


That's not to trash him and say he's junk either.

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Sure. I mean ........to be "fair" and all.

Pegula's just a fan who happened to be rich enough to buy a team. He has no special expertise in the field.


Your argument, to the extent you're making one, seems to fall under the fallacy that someone who is competent in one field must be competent in others.

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No, McDermott isn't a two-time SB DC.


But yes, Greggo was.


So....wrong.....and wrong.


Time flies.....but google is still your friend even when nobody else can stand the grouchy. :flirt:


Sage takes, my friend.....SAGE. :worthy:

Greggo's second stink slipped my mind, because you know tossed out of the league thing.


Yet the main point stands. You compare McD to mediocre head coaches, and complain about the effects of losing a backup.


Why not discuss why MG looks pedestrian when Shady is out of the line up?

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Greggo's second stink slipped my mind, because you know tossed out of the league thing.

Yet the main point stands. You compare McD to mediocre head coaches, and complain about the effects of losing a backup.

Why not discuss why MG looks pedestrian when Shady is out of the line up?

Because it goes against the (bs) narrative Badnuts concocted in his head. First it was that shady is over the hill and injury prone, then he was certain McCoy would be out of the NFL and working in radio before he turned 30, then after he started playing well it shifted to he only plays hard on nationally televised games, then when that was proven to be bs he moved the goalposts to say it was the system


<Doing you a favor and editing this post to keep you out of the Penalty Box. Consider yourself warned- Chandler#81>

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Funny how fans and the media never become team owners or GMs, even though they think they know better.


Matt Millen of Detroit; I do not think you know what word never means.

He did not do a good job however.

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