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Let's Talk Race Issues


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If I was black and I was given an extension on a paper that was due because I was black I'd kick the !@#$er in the nuts. But then again I can't relate because I'm white and life was handed to me on a silver plate. :doh:


When I was in college, I was handed extensions on all my work, for whatever reason, just because I was white.


It's only fair that blacks get the same opportunity.

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If I was black and I was given an extension on a paper that was due because I was black I'd kick the !@#$er in the nuts. But then again I can't relate because I'm white and life was handed to me on a silver plate. :doh:

Silver? You poor thing. I was handed everything on gold platters.

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At least he can argue things, unlike you. You are just a board troll

Lacey chabret originally voiced meg on family guy but left after the first year believing the show would not succeed and not wanting to have a flop on her record



Ted Danson wasn't originally desired for his role in cheers

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Silver? You poor thing. I was handed everything on gold platters.



The rich use silver. Gold platters are gauche and for the nouveau riche. :thumbdown:


I wouldn't use either silver or gold. Gold & silver are highly conductive and I'm afraid I may shock myself with all the TV dinners that I eat

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I wouldn't use either silver or gold. Gold & silver are highly conductive and I'm afraid I may shock myself with all the TV dinners that I eat


I prefer to be practical. All of my dinner plates are made of rubber, and coated with a tritium-phosphor compound so I can find them quickly if the power ever goes off.

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I think the race issue is best explained in this Op-Ed from a Penn State student.


"Privilege Does Not Exist To White Penn Professors"




terrific article. pretty much explains exactly the kinds of things im talking about


ive talked about this many many times with my black associates. many of them see this for what it is, a type of person that simply cant let things go and keeps adding more injury to themselves in the process


many blacks have talked themselves into believing that whites are racist by default, so of course they will see racism EVERYWHERE, even when it does not exist


i feel really bad for this brother. but he is creating his own hell. hes constantly on the lookout for any tiny thing that could remotely be interpreted as racist, and then goes ballistic in his mind when he finds one. which hes going to do on a virtually constant basis in his life


if you think about it, he is manifesting the same general pattern of racism that we all rightfully condemned from whiteness. hes projecting his own bias of inferiority in the 'white system' and sees black folks as somehow naturally above that fray. its devastating to him, but hes mostly creating it in his own mind


i wish i could get through to ppl like him but it is super super tough

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terrific article. pretty much explains exactly the kinds of things im talking about


ive talked about this many many times with my black associates. many of them see this for what it is, a type of person that simply cant let things go and keeps adding more injury to themselves in the process


many blacks have talked themselves into believing that whites are racist by default, so of course they will see racism EVERYWHERE, even when it does not exist


i feel really bad for this brother. but he is creating his own hell. hes constantly on the lookout for any tiny thing that could remotely be interpreted as racist, and then goes ballistic in his mind when he finds one. which hes going to do on a virtually constant basis in his life


if you think about it, he is manifesting the same general pattern of racism that we all rightfully condemned from whiteness. hes projecting his own bias of inferiority in the 'white system' and sees black folks as somehow naturally above that fray. its devastating to him, but hes mostly creating it in his own mind


i wish i could get through to ppl like him but it is super super tough



BTW... I wonder what his financial obligations are going to be at a highly selective school like Penn? Is he staring @ +$200,000k debt when he graduates?

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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terrific article. pretty much explains exactly the kinds of things im talking about


ive talked about this many many times with my black associates. many of them see this for what it is, a type of person that simply cant let things go and keeps adding more injury to themselves in the process


many blacks have talked themselves into believing that whites are racist by default, so of course they will see racism EVERYWHERE, even when it does not exist


i feel really bad for this brother. but he is creating his own hell. hes constantly on the lookout for any tiny thing that could remotely be interpreted as racist, and then goes ballistic in his mind when he finds one. which hes going to do on a virtually constant basis in his life


if you think about it, he is manifesting the same general pattern of racism that we all rightfully condemned from whiteness. hes projecting his own bias of inferiority in the 'white system' and sees black folks as somehow naturally above that fray. its devastating to him, but hes mostly creating it in his own mind


i wish i could get through to ppl like him but it is super super tough


Terrific article?


What the actual !@#$ are you thinking?

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i wish i could get through to ppl like him but it is super super tough


... and this reaction isnt just a few black folks. this is a pretty widespread phenomenon. i probably have literally a hundred links to stories like this ive saved over the years. i think this one is the most dramatic example:


Wyatt Cenac says Jon Stewart told him to “!@#$ off” over concerns about Herman Cain impression


... as related in this week’s episode of WTF With Marc Maron, in which former Daily Show writer and correspondent Wyatt Cenac discussed the events that lead to his departure from the show.

The center of the discussion—during which Cenac talked about his struggles with his family and career, and the life-saving effects of being hired by the show—hinged on an impression of African-American presidential candidate Herman Cain that Stewart deployed in 2011, which Cenac said made him “cringe” when he heard it. (Cenac was working on a field piece when the segment containing the impression made its way through the writers’ room.) When Fox News accused Stewart of racism as part of the ongoing feud between the two organizations, he and the Daily Show writers began constructing a response piece that Cenac—the only black writer on the show’s staff—found unnecessarily defensive. When he expressed those concerns, first through e-mail, and then multiple times in the writers’ room, eventually comparing the impression to the Amos & Andy character Kingfish, Stewart exploded, yelling, “!@#$ off, I’m done with you,” repeatedly, and storming away.
i couldnt find my original link for this story so im not sure its in this specific video (i didnt watch this whole one), but the gist of the matter is that stewart did a piece where he was openly mocking both white people and jews (hes jewish) including a very stereotypical redneck accent just seconds before he did the stereotypical black accent for herman cain
mr. cenac did what a lot of black folks do now, he ONLY heard the stereotypical black voice and didnt even notice the other stereotypes that were used for comedic effect here. either that or he just tuned them out. the point is that stewart was OBVIOUSLY making fun of EVERYBODY on this topic, all races, but mr cenac was ONLY offended by the black voice, as if blacks had to have special rules that apply to nobody else
this is a huge problem in the american race relationship right now. far too many of our black brothers and sisters want to force a standard that ONLY THEY get preferential treatment when it comes to making stereotypical observations about race. in one breath they will claim they dont want to be singled out bc they are black, but then turn right around and do what this brother did in demanding that exact preferential treatment
its a horrible blindness that inflicts a great many blacks and enabling whites/other races right now. we simply cannot have these kinds of 'special rules' that apply to blacks and only blacks. it destroys the inter-race relationship and creates exactly the kind of mass dysfunction that got someone like trump elected bc it creates a race war from something that has no substance
i love our blackness dearly but im pretty positive i would have told this brother to f*** off too


Terrific article?


What the actual !@#$ are you thinking?




Maybe in his world terrific = pathetic and sad?


um mcflys, cant you see what i mean by terrific here? i even said it point blank, did you stop at that one sentence


its a terrific article bc it shows the tremendous bias and dysfunction we have in far too much of our blackness. it is 'terrific' in a negative sense, its a perfect example of what we should NOT be doing


holy hell. if i have to explain super simple stuff like this we are going to waste A LOT of time. please try your best not to jump to wild conclusions like that

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um mcflys, cant you see what i mean by terrific here? i even said it point blank, did you stop at that one sentence


its a terrific article bc it shows the tremendous bias and dysfunction we have in far too much of our blackness. it is 'terrific' in a negative sense, its a perfect example of what we should NOT be doing


holy hell. if i have to explain super simple stuff like this we are going to waste A LOT of time. please try your best not to jump to wild conclusions like that

Don't worry... PPP critters play dumb when stressed.



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well i want to be careful with my mental ignore feature. i dont want to ignore valid questions and i want to address misperceptions like this. but this one was pretty ridiculous. i hope these guys are more careful in the future and actually read what i/we write instead of just assuming the worst

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well i want to be careful with my mental ignore feature. i dont want to ignore valid questions and i want to address misperceptions like this. but this one was pretty ridiculous. i hope these guys are more careful in the future and actually read what i/we write instead of just assuming the worst


You know who else had a mental ignore feature?


Nobody. "Mental ignore feature?" Who talks like that?

Edited by DC Tom
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well i want to be careful with my mental ignore feature. i dont want to ignore valid questions and i want to address misperceptions like this. but this one was pretty ridiculous. i hope these guys are more careful in the future and actually read what i/we write instead of just assuming the worst


No, i read his whole piece. It sounded like a lot of blame-passing and whining to me.




It's not like he's living in a cardboard box somehwere ffs.

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No, i read his whole piece. It sounded like a lot of blame-passing and whining to me.



which is exactly why it was a terrific article. it illuminated a very bad set of assumptions that we often see black folks making in this terrible race issue climate. it was terrific in demonstrating what not to do


see what i mean now?

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which is exactly why it was a terrific article. it illuminated a very bad set of assumptions that we often see black folks making in this terrible race issue climate. it was terrific in demonstrating what not to do


see what i mean now?




Try brevity.

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