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Stupid election backlash

DC Tom

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Can you imagine how they'll behave when theTrumps stay in Washington after his administration is over and starts running a shadow government that funds anti-Democrat demonstrations with their extra campaign cash they haul in from their SuperPacs? B.O. is playing with fire.

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Can you imagine how they'll behave when theTrumps stay in Washington after his administration is over and starts running a shadow government that funds anti-Democrat demonstrations with their extra campaign cash they haul in from their SuperPacs? B.O. is playing with fire.



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wthiswrong-340x190.jpg You stay classy, New York Times


Has the New York Times finally gone too far?

This is really just awful.






There are plenty of images NYT could have used for this headline that didnt involve Stephen Millers head on a spike. This is just in seriously bad taste, imagine if Breitbart or another more conservative outlet had posted an image of say Valerie Jarretts head on a spike.



It's already been screen captured, so they might as well keep it up


It's an image from Colbert that is part of the article. I had to go to the actual story before that came clear. The image is watermarked and and the story is all about the pillorying of Miller. Edited by Benjamin Franklin
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It's an image from Colbert that is part of the article. I had to go to the actual story before that came clear. The image is watermarked and and the story is all about the pillorying of Miller.


Oh, well. Then that makes it completely acceptable. :lol:


You can piss and moan about Trump all you want, but you're watching the left launch his re-election campaign in tremendous fashion.

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It's an image from Colbert that is part of the article. I had to go to the actual story before that came clear. The image is watermarked and and the story is all about the pillorying of Miller.


Ben...............Everyone is aware that it is an image from Colbert,


However, as I posted, The New York Times DID use it in their tweet to publicize their story.


The images in the article that you went to did not use that inappropriate picture did they ? http://nyti.ms/2lL9Oy4


No..........it's a screen shot from a video in the story.


They CHOSE that to put in their tweet and it was a piss poor decision, that illustrates their hypocrisy


as does your attempt to "apologize" for them.





Edited by B-Man
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Oh, well. Then that makes it completely acceptable. :lol:


You can piss and moan about Trump all you want, but you're watching the left launch his re-election campaign in tremendous fashion.

Trump won't be president in 5 or 2 years. I say this with the authority of someone who was wrong every step of the way on Trump.


That said, yes: The media freak out and behavior is atrocious right now. Trump is surely s disaster but it's hard to find a source that is being rationally critical. (Thank you WSJ.)

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It's only the Post, but that's a wee mite more legit than Breitbart these days. The story is out there.

After Trump issued a temporary ban on immigration from seven terror-prone Muslim nations, the demonstrators jammed airports, chanting: No ban, no wall, sanctuary for all!

I wonder how many of the protesters know 2,500,000 people were deported while Barack "Deporter in Chief" Obama was President.



Edited by reddogblitz
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I remember a SNL skit about the revelation that Sarah Palin's daughter was pregnant and not married.

The "NY Times reporter" asked, "is Palin's husband the father? After all they're from Alaska."


Smug azzed liberals. They have no shame. Look at their leadership - Schumer, Warren, Franken, Pelosi, Waters, Hoyer. Despicable.

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My name is Mike Flynn and I approve this message.


But didn't Trump ask for his resignation? I could imagine a Clinton Administration that would deny it to the ends of the world and keep the lie going. And then when it was proven to be a lie make the denigration of the source the narrative.

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That may or may not be true, but how many illegal aliens were allowed into this country? What are the net results?

How may it not be true? I've read it in many places. My link was from CBS, hardly an Obama hatchet organization. If you got other facts, bring 'em.


I don't understand your questions.

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How may it not be true? I've read it in many places. My link was from CBS, hardly an Obama hatchet organization. If you got other facts, bring 'em.


I don't understand your questions.


I'll have to find a link, but there was something of a big fudge in the way the Obama WH counted what it considered to be "deported." I don't remember the specifics right now, but it was somewhat along the line of imply/infer on which Obama spent years tight-rope walking, like, for example, his amazing reference to the number of jobs he "saved and created."

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