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Sociology Professor: Whites Should Set Up “Individual Reparations Accounts”


If you’re among the “oceans of white folk” agonizing over centuries of white privilege and the systemic oppression of black people, Michael Eric Dyson has the solution to your anguish. This sociology professor from Georgetown thinks that white people who find themselves consumed by this anxiety should set up “individual reparations accounts.”


The New York Times interviewed Dyson last month about this “benediction” section.



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Sociology Professor: Whites Should Set Up “Individual Reparations Accounts”


If you’re among the “oceans of white folk” agonizing over centuries of white privilege and the systemic oppression of black people, Michael Eric Dyson has the solution to your anguish. This sociology professor from Georgetown thinks that white people who find themselves consumed by this anxiety should set up “individual reparations accounts.”


The New York Times interviewed Dyson last month about this “benediction” section.





He should open a reparations account for inflicting this bull **** on everyone.


You know who else believed in confiscating wealth and giving it to the oppressed on the basis of collective racial guilt? !@#$in' Adolf...

Edited by DC Tom
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  • 3 weeks later...

A 27-year veteran for Whittier PD was murdered yesterday by an LA gang member who was granted early parole because of the Prop 57.


His early release came because of Jerry Brown's plan to make CA safer by giving prisoners an early release incentive to be better people. The shooter killed two people, including the cop, and a third cop is in the hospital.


We were watching the news last night, and surprisingly, the Whittier PD chief said in the press conference that the state better get its head out of the sand with its early release program.


Local public ration station 89.3 KPCC released a story today explaining that, despite having two cops shot, and two people killed by the recently paroled LA gang member, this is no evidence that early release makes CA less safe.

Edited by LABillzFan
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A 27-year veteran for Whittier PD was murdered yesterday by an LA gang member who was granted early parole because of the Prop 57.


His early release came because of Jerry Brown's plan to make CA safer by giving prisoners an early release incentive to be better people. The shooter killed two people, including the cop, and a third cop is in the hospital.


We were watching the news last night, and surprisingly, the Whittier PD chief said in the press conference that the state better get its head out of the sand with its early release program.


Local public ration station 89.3 KPCC released a story today explaining that, despite having two cops shot, and two people killed by the recently paroled LA gang member, this is no evidence that early release makes CA less safe.


I heard this on the local news up here this morning. I missed the whole early release program part. It was likely because I was getting dressed while I was watching.......awww who the !@#$ am I kidding. They never mentioned that.


What I did yell at the tv was "all the gun controls in the world will never prevent this **** from happening!" Some mental white guy with a legally obtained handgun (and I agree he shouldn't have one) shoots someone and the lefties are screaming gun control gun control when it's this **** that needs to be gotten under control. Sad sad story. They showed the Whittier police chief giving a press conference and breaking down. !@#$!!!

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They showed the Whittier police chief giving a press conference and breaking down. !@#$!!!


We were watching it live last night. We're not far from there, and we have a couple of very good friends/neighbors who work PD at neighboring towns.


It's a bit upsetting, to say the least.


But look on the bright side. If Brown's early release program keeps going at this pace, the next Democratic presidential candidate will win CA by over 3 million votes!

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Turns out it wasn't Prop 57, but an older Jerry Brown early release program AB 109.


According to this story, the suspect, Michael Christopher Mejia, a 26-year-old gang banger was arrested five times since July for probation violation.


Probably the only comforting part of this story...


Mejia has not been charged in either of the Monday killings. Corina said he remains in the hospital and is on a “flash incarceration” hold, a period of detention in county jail due to violations of AB 109 probation. These holds typically last for up to 10 days, according to state law.


Could be 10 days. Could be 20. Depends on how much "flash incarceration" hold is needed.

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We were watching it live last night. We're not far from there, and we have a couple of very good friends/neighbors who work PD at neighboring towns.


It's a bit upsetting, to say the least.


But look on the bright side. If Brown's early release program keeps going at this pace, the next Democratic presidential candidate will win CA by over 3 million votes!


I have several clients/friends in local LA/OC PD's and several clients in Whittier. Why even waste time and money on a !@#$ing trial? Eliminate the worthless scumbag ASAP.

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Emotions run high at times like these... especially at the local level. Better to wait a few weeks/months and then










stone the mother fu cker!





These are photos and representations of what the savage barbarians do to their women.

They are despicable acts by neanderthal jackasses that shouldn't breathe the same air as we do.

Edited by Nanker
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  • 3 weeks later...

Associated Press Is Still Enabling Lies About Ferguson


The death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri sparked the Black Lives Matter movement and put the Obama administration firmly on the anti-police side. Two subsequent investigations found that the officer who shot Brown, Darren Wilson, acted in self-defense. But the Associated Press can’t let the narrative go, and the Minneapolis Star Tribune, for one, thinks the story is significant enough to pick up:


A convenience store is disputing a new documentary’s claim that previously unreleased surveillance video suggests Michael Brown didn’t rob the store shortly before he was fatally shot by police in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014.


One of the filmmakers, Jason Pollock, told The New York Times he believes the footage shows Brown trading a small amount of marijuana for a bag of cigarillos around 1 a.m. on Aug. 9, 2014. The video doesn’t clearly show what was exchanged, but shows Brown leaving behind the cigarillos.


Pollock reasons Brown intended to come back later for the bag of cigarillos.




The first question that comes to mind is, so what? That question is never answered. The AP casually publishes a smear against the people who own and operate the store–they vociferously deny the filmmaker’s speculation that they engaged in a drug deal–but to what end? Previously released video filmed the following afternoon shows Brown shoving a co-owner of the store out of the way and walking out with the cigarillos, without paying for them. Store employees called the police and reported the theft.


This new video sheds absolutely no light on what happened after that, as law enforcement wearily explained to the Associated Press.


So why is the Associated Press making a national story out of an obscure documentary filmmaker’s bid for attention? Because it provides yet another opportunity to push the false Ferguson narrative:


Brown, who was 18, was fatally shot minutes later by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson. Brown, who was black, was unarmed. Wilson is white.




Got that? The only relevant facts are the races of the people involved, plus Brown being unarmed. No mention of the fact that Brown, 6′ 4″ and close to 300 pounds, attacked Officer Wilson in his squad car after Wilson asked him to get out of the street and stop blocking traffic. No mention of the fact that Brown tried to wrestle Wilson’s gun away. No mention of the fact that the gun discharged, wounding Brown, while Wilson was still sitting in the squad car. No mention of the fact that Wilson got out of the car and told Brown to put his hands up, after which Brown charged Wilson, whereupon Wilson shot him in self-defense.





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Michael Brown's family attorney is freaking out on CNN right now and trying to tie Ferguson to President Trump.



CNN is going to get a city torched for no reason.

i love it. i actually love it. who cares if the hood burns down again?


it'll be really fun if they try to bring that **** to DC.

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Michael Brown's family attorney is freaking out on CNN right now and trying to tie Ferguson to President Trump.



CNN is going to get a city torched for no reason.


You saw Lynch's video. It's time for the resistance to get violent.


Papa needs a new big screen for March Madness. Make it so, CNN!

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CNN Bad!

(I need somebody to blame)

How can you read the 4 posts above yours and actually say this ?


Holy effing shhhhhht.


Chris Cuomo has more brain cells then exill??




"CNN New Day host Chris Cuomo insisted Monday that just because a video appeared to show Ferguson police shooting victim Michael Brown overseeing a drug deal, that doesn't mean he was a "drug dealer."

Edited by Ryan L Billz
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