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PSU: This can't be a surprise

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No, I'm not saying it's acceptable. I'm trying to put my mind into 1970s Joe Paterno's mind. WTF reason would he have to keep this guy?


I think that in the 1970s, these types of things were handled more by firings than legal action. (I know of one alleged one in my high school at the time).


I'm not trying to put words in your mouth so I'm sorry if it sounded that way, but K-9 is correct when he says getting rid of the guy would have been tantamount to unleashing him on another community.

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This doesnt make alot of sense to me. If true, it would mean that not only did Paterno know Sandusky abused children in 1971 (when he was in his 2nd year as a defensive line coach), but he then allowed Sandusky remain on the staff, and to start up his charity (The Second Mile) to help at-risk children in 1977, with alot of support by Paterno. Sandusky became a big name in College Football in the early 1980s, but he was certainly a nobody from 1971-1977. Comments made by this victim such as stating Paterno said "How can you say this about someone who did all these good things" are very strange, since at that point Sandusky hadnt even become a DL coach or started his charity.

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Is anyone under the illusion that Sandusky all of a sudden became a pedophile in 1998? Paterno had heard all sorts of things about Sandusky by then and yet he still allowed Sandusky access to the facilities. Accompanied by children no less!


It strains credulity to think Paterno and numerous others in and around the campus and State College didn't know what Sandusky was for decades. Defies logic, actually.


Amazing what hundreds of millions of dollars and the legend of Saint JoePa did to the courage and collective moral obligation of an entire community.

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It's tribalism. People swept it under the rug because all they cared about was football

No, it was all about money. Its a simple equation. This leaks out = a big drop in talent in their football program = big loss of revenue. End of story.

Is anyone under the illusion that Sandusky all of a sudden became a pedophile in 1998? Paterno had heard all sorts of things about Sandusky by then and yet he still allowed Sandusky access to the facilities. Accompanied by children no less!


It strains credulity to think Paterno and numerous others in and around the campus and State College didn't know what Sandusky was for decades. Defies logic, actually.


Amazing what hundreds of millions of dollars and the legend of Saint JoePa did to the courage and collective moral obligation of an entire community.

Well said, K-9.

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This doesnt make alot of sense to me. If true, it would mean that not only did Paterno know Sandusky abused children in 1971 (when he was in his 2nd year as a defensive line coach), but he then allowed Sandusky remain on the staff, and to start up his charity (The Second Mile) to help at-risk children in 1977, with alot of support by Paterno. Sandusky became a big name in College Football in the early 1980s, but he was certainly a nobody from 1971-1977. Comments made by this victim such as stating Paterno said "How can you say this about someone who did all these good things" are very strange, since at that point Sandusky hadnt even become a DL coach or started his charity.


This is what I'm saying. I'm trying to "follow the money" and make logical sense out of this.


I remember Penn State having undefeated seasons in the early 70s. So, if some defensive line coach is said to be abusing children, is Paterno going to risk the program because this guy is going to turn into some genius coach down the line? He's already having undefeated seasons - is he the dumbest person ever?!?


What is in it for him??

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I'd like to see the logic behind why Paterno would hide it since now they early 70s. I don't care if Sandusky was the 2nd coming of Knute Rockne, why would he keep him.


I will offer one.


During the 70s and into the early 80s, Paterno often flirted with taking head coaching positions in the NFL, namely with the Patriots.


Obviously, the information about Sandusky getting out would have prevented NFL teams from looking at him for those jobs. Even worse, he could have taken that job and THEN the information comes out, and he'd be fired, never to coach again at any level. As time went on and PSU became one of the most successful programs in the country, it became more about protecting THE program from all that has since transpired.


In some ways, I think Paterno stayed at Penn State to control and manage this and other unpleasant issues.

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I will offer one.


During the 70s and into the early 80s, Paterno often flirted with taking head coaching positions in the NFL, namely with the Patriots.


Obviously, the information about Sandusky getting out would have prevented NFL teams from looking at him for those jobs. Even worse, he could have taken that job and THEN the information comes out, and he'd be fired, never to coach again at any level. As time went on and PSU became one of the most successful programs in the country, it became more about protecting THE program from all that has since transpired.


In some ways, I think Paterno stayed at Penn State to control and manage this and other unpleasant issues.



I can think of 1000. Some would exonerate Paterno. Some would excoriate him. Some would make him look like the devil incarnate. All are speculative.


Personally I would dismiss the question of why he would have swept this under the rug in the 70s. How is this different than asking why would he have swept this under the rug in the 90s? He did sweep it under the rug in the 90s which leads me to believe he would have done the same in the 70s. All of the surrounding details are just that....details.

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I can think of 1000. Some would exonerate Paterno. Some would excoriate him. Some would make him look like the devil incarnate. All are speculative.


Personally I would dismiss the question of why he would have swept this under the rug in the 70s. How is this different than asking why would he have swept this under the rug in the 90s? He did sweep it under the rug in the 90s which leads me to believe he would have done the same in the 70s. All of the surrounding details are just that....details.


If true (and I still am suspect), I think once you look past one case, then it becomes harder and harder to blow the whistle, since it will become abundantly clear that you did not do the right thing the first time around. The longer this goes on...the worse off you will look if you decide to do the right thing.


But the Pennsylvania Solicitor General came out today and said these new claims were not verifiable and "of no value". The coaches in question deny ever seeing anything. Its speculation as to what really happened, but the new evidence here is pretty damn weak, and certainly not enough to merit headlines on CNN and ESPN.

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  • 1 month later...

From Lavar Arrington on Facebook. I do not follow him, but he is friends with a friend.




The second someone ask me where I went to college I instantly anticipate what the next question will be.
We've been made fun of, insulted, frowned upon.
I'm sick of it, there's nothing wrong with the pride and dignity we hold in our hearts
for our school. I felt guilty to be proud of who I am and what I represent as a PSU'er.
Even in knowing I/ we had nothing to do with what happened.
It's odd to me that I'm still trying to find peace within all of the chaos that one mans actions led to.
We do not and should not have to justify ourselves for an isolated wrong doing within our community, if that were the case I think everyone everywhere all schools, all people would have to do it.
So it needs to STOP!!
There has been so many discussions
about clearing Joe's name and that's
perfectly fine by me. In the grand
picture of all of this it should be clear that we all are accused of being guilty of what happened and it's NOT OK. I don't recall being at Beaver Stadium with 100 thousand plus and us eating hot dogs and popcorn watching these horrible happenings on a Saturday morning or afternoon.
So today I'm writing this to burry once and
for all the feelings I've been wrestling with
for many years now.
Let's all agree that to some degree justice has been served for the few that were responsible. As for Joe, he was never guilty of anything by the letter of the law PERIOD.
WE Are not a cult football community that
blindly defends our school.
Heck truth be told the football program isn't even the most successful one on campus. We Are great across the board.
WE Are students of higher learning, WE Are
professionals in the work force that drive world and American economy. WE Are fathers, mothers, daughters and sons.
WE Are people that just happen to have a Ton of pride about who WE Are... PENN STATE!!
It falls on us to continue to restore and revive what PSU means. No matter how many "stories" accuse or condemn, ultimately We Are the ones that possess the true power to tell our story!
So today I challenge us all to come together
and burry all of the guilt, embarrassment, shame, anxiety, anger, pain, regret and all the other feelings that this scandal created.
It was and continues to be the actions of many that put the "We" in We Are Penn State.
The truth is the stories surrounding clearing Joe's name has been a saga that seems to challenge the validation and vindication of us all. The reality is every last one of our accomplishments in life and what We have represented for so long is not only Joe's vindication but ALL of ours. We should not have to go on trial when we say what school we went to.
I'm proud to be a Penn Stater "dammit" and I'm proud that You are... We Are Penn state together!
I'm proud every time I see that Nittany Lion logo!
I'm proud of every time I hear We Are!! Penn State!!
The media or everyday interaction with people will never remove the love I have for my school or my alums.
That's it WE ARE PENN STATE and only those who lived it can understand it and that's all that matters to me!
One can only apologize so many times... The apologies and regrets have been issued in true sincerity, TIME TO MOVE ON!!
Case 11 LaVar Arrington vs his feelings
VERDICT: Innocent
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Is anyone under the illusion that Sandusky all of a sudden became a pedophile in 1998?


Yeah...but you know, he had to "all of a sudden" become a pedophile at some point. Everything starts with a "first time."

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Yeah...but you know, he had to "all of a sudden" become a pedophile at some point. Everything starts with a "first time."

With pedophiles, that first time is usually in adolescence. I find it hard to believe Sundusky suppressed his urges until he was in his mid fifties.

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I love how the PSU guy lists their priorities as a school and football isn't on the list. Ha ha ha. If research is so important I wonder if anyone in PSU research has been abusing kids for decades or if they would have been fired/arrested for such an abuse.


All the individual accusations against Paterno can be picked apart due to time and detail but the fact that this guy was listed as John Doe # 150 is telling IMO.

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Shocking, but certainly not surprising. Paterno and everyone else associated with the program maintained a safe haven for Sandusky for decades. Even after 1998, he had access to the facilities and routinely brought kids there. People knew or suspected what was going on and they lacked the courage to tip the apple cart of of their biggest money-making apparatus.

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I'm glad that Paterno got to experience the humiliation of his legend crumbling before he died. He deserved much worse though.


Yup. Only silver lining to this whole ****ty mess. Disgraceful POS, stood by and watched it happen for decades simply to protect his own ego.


If there is a hell, I hope he is burning in it.

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