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Liberal Protests


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Gutsy gal.


And, apparently, very successful. She jumped last night to the top of Amazon's digital albums, and hit #7 in iTunes.


Gotta love how music artists are able to do their own thing without the mighty hand of record labels. This dude from last night, Chance the Rapper, won a Grammy, and did everything on his own via the internet, but he was mostly following the lead of Lindsey Stirling, who literally created her success on Youtube after being told no one wants to see a dancing electric fiddler.

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Now the butt-munch musicians who couldn't resist trashing Trump, are asking for his help in getting music laws updated so they get more money! :lol:


Makes me hope he writes an executive order saying that all income derived from the performing arts, after the first $50k, is taxed at 100% by the federal government, because at some point you've made enough money.


It wouldn't worry me, because it would never hold up in court. But it would be an awesome "!@#$ you" to these two-faced morons.

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Makes me hope he writes an executive order saying that all income derived from the performing arts, after the first $50k, is taxed at 100% by the federal government, because at some point you've made enough money.


It wouldn't worry me, because it would never hold up in court. But it would be an awesome "!@#$ you" to these two-faced morons.

And of course that order only applies to "artists" like Meryl Streep. Not ruffians like Rhonda Rousey.

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Now the butt-munch musicians who couldn't resist trashing Trump, are asking for his help in getting music laws updated so they get more money! :lol:


It appears to be NARAS that's behind the appeal to Trump. I think they'd probably prefer the general public believe that their favorite artists are getting screwed, but the artists have pretty much been getting screwed for decades. The recording industry itself looks like they're trying to force payment from radio stations for airing their music - which might be a reasonable request, since the radios stations play the music and collect all the ad revenue.


The recording industry has been screwing most artists for years. Most people would be appalled at the horrible deals that bands happily accept when they sign. NARAS is probably trying to open a fresh revenue stream to make up for the money they no longer make on independent artists who have been taking advantage of the huge advancements in home recording technology and internet distribution.

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Sarah, If you walk around convinced that we’re on the verge of being taken over by neo-Nazis, you’ll see signs everywhere.


LOOK ! Concentration Camp signals !







BigernTheDeplorable @bigern73 8h8 hours ago

@redsteeze @SarahKSilverman Final Solution truck? In front of my house every Wednesday at 9AM like German clockwork. Should I be concerned?pic.twitter.com/ZPZVbMJp7W

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I've been on the road the past day, and just heard about some "day without immigrants" protest taking place today. I was watching CBS News Channel 4 for Los Angeles in the lobby, and they interviewed a business owner who closed his doors for the day to stand in solidarity with immigrants.


The guy owns a money-gram store, which essentially exists in LA almost exclusively for illegals to send money home.


In what way is closing your store that services immigrants a way to make a point about how important immigrants are?


I swear, you leftists are some of the absolute dumbest people I've ever encountered.

Edited by LABillzFan
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I've been on the road the past day, and just heard about some "day without immigrants" protest taking place today. I was watching CBS News Channel 4 for Los Angeles in the lobby, and they interviewed a business owner who closed his doors for the day to stand in solidarity with immigrants.


The guy owns a money-gram store, which essentially exists in LA almost exclusively for illegals to send money home.


In what way is closing your store that services immigrants a way to make a point about how important immigrants are?


I swear, you leftists are some of the absolute dumbest people I've ever encountered.


We have that today in Austin as well, and it's made a noticeable impact locally. The schools are apparently closed, and there's a hell of a lot less traffic, so I made it to work much more quickly than usual, was in & out of the grocery store on my lunch break, and drove straight up to the drive through at the Whataburger instead of waiting in a long line like usual.


At this rate, they're not really doing much to help their cause.

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A day without immigrants?? What does that mean? What is it supposed to point out?


Now a day without illegal immigrants? that's a day I can get behind. And why stop at a day? Let's make it a week, nay a month...aw !@#$ it. Let's shoot for a decade!!


Oh and BTW this is coming from a guy who's pretty damn sure his grandfather was illegal.

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I live outside of LA, and I haven't noticed a thing. I'll have to ask my daughter if there were many kids absent from school today.


LAUSD students and teachers were urged not to participate. Families where both parents are working do NOT like it when you kill a school day for a reason that makes sense to only a select few.

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The recording industry itself looks like they're trying to force payment from radio stations for airing their music - which might be a reasonable request, since the radios stations play the music and collect all the ad revenue.


Radio station have been paying royalties for, like forever. Back in the 80's (I think it was ASCAP) would call business's and try to get put on hold. If the on-hold music was covered by copyright the business would get a threatening letter and bill to pay royalties. I knew bar owners in the 70's. If you had cover bands play at your bar you were suppose to pay royalties.

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Radio station have been paying royalties for, like forever. Back in the 80's (I think it was ASCAP) would call business's and try to get put on hold. If the on-hold music was covered by copyright the business would get a threatening letter and bill to pay royalties. I knew bar owners in the 70's. If you had cover bands play at your bar you were suppose to pay royalties.


I'm not certain about the radio stations themselves - that article claimed that they don't pay royalties on broadcast music, but I would tend to question why they should if what they're doing is promoting that music, so that part of it might be a big heap of BS.


You're absolutely correct about ASCAP suing bar owners if cover bands are playing, unless they have a license that allows them to do that. My band played a show along with Billy Milano and M.O.D. to raise funds for a local bar, Headhunters, who was facing just such a lawsuit from BMI. In fact, ASCAP and BMI will hire college students to find & report such bar owners.

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LAUSD students and teachers were urged not to participate. Families where both parents are working do NOT like it when you kill a school day for a reason that makes sense to only a select few.

Since when did LAUSD care about doing something that made sense?

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