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Wade vs Rex


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Both 3-4 legends with lots of defensive coordinator experience and fathers who coached in football. Excluding interim coaching, Wade has a career 79-57 record, Ryan has a career 58-60 record. It's interesting how Ryan was a guy the Bills targeted but nobody touches Wade. All he seems to do is win wherever he is. He's fallen short in the playoffs over and over, but it's not as if Rex has a ring. I know his Bills squads had great records but were somewhat overshadowed following the Kelly years. We were a spoiled fan base during those times. I don't recall what actually severed our relationship with Wade. I'm 34 and those were some memorable years, I just remember the players and games more than situational things like why we lost a player or coach. Anybody recall? Anybody rather have Wade vs Rex? Anybody think it's shocking the guy isn't a HC? He seems to fall victim to high expectations getting fired his first down year everywhere he goes despite success in previous seasons.

Edited by KzooMike
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My feeling is both are better DCs than HCs. So no, I'm not shocked at all that Wade isn't a head coach.




I personally disagree about Wade. His win loss record as a head coach while not wildly impressive is very good. Some in his career are 1-3, 2-1, 1-7, 0-3 when he's either been the interim or got fired - but when he coaches 16 games his record is excellent.

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I personally disagree about Wade. His win loss record as a head coach while not wildly impressive is very good. Some in his career are 1-3, 2-1, 1-7, 0-3 when he's either been the interim or got fired - but when he coaches 16 games his record is excellent.

Perfectly understandable.



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Wade> Rex. easily


the only thing I have against Wade was tucking his balls between his legs and benching Flutie at Ralphs command over a meaningless week 17 performance. SMH...


I won't hold that against him anymore. That's a tough one. Defying the owner isn't a good career path either. Ancient history, but if I could chose between the two guys today....no brainier for me.

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I won't hold that against him anymore. That's a tough one. Defying the owner isn't a good career path either. Ancient history, but if I could chose between the two guys today....no brainier for me.

That's understandable, too.


But I still hold it against Wade when he declared both us and the Colts out of the playoffs before our game against them and the Colts went on to make the playoffs. Coaches just can't concede that kind of thing. Ever.



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Just an example of how emotional and impulsive fans can be with this stuff.


Wade was run out of Buffalo because of a gaffe he made during an interview segment on Monday Night Football. The Bills were injured and limping but still technically in the playoff hunt but Wade said they were probably out of it. They finished 8-8 that year and he was let go.




The better option would have been for Wade to stay put, learn his lesson about not sticking your foot in your mouth, and continue on. But no, Wade was fired along with John Butler and in came Tom Donahoe and Greggo and the drought began.

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I won't hold that against him anymore. That's a tough one. Defying the owner isn't a good career path either. Ancient history, but if I could chose between the two guys today....no brainier for me.

He defied the owner when Ralph asked that he fire the coach of the worst special teams units in NFL history.


I think people are being a little too nostalgic about Phillips. There's a reason that he washed out as a head coach. Compared with Rex, I'd say they're about equal. Wade has a better overall record but is 1-5 in the post season. Ryan has a 4-2 post season record. Honestly, neither one looks like a top NFL head coach to me.

Edited by vincec
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Just an example of how emotional and impulsive fans can be with this stuff.


Wade was run out of Buffalo because of a gaffe he made during an interview segment on Monday Night Football. The Bills were injured and limping but still technically in the playoff hunt but Wade said they were probably out of it. They finished 8-8 that year and he was let go.




The better option would have been for Wade to stay put, learn his lesson about not sticking your foot in your mouth, and continue on. But no, Wade was fired along with John Butler and in came Tom Donahoe and Greggo and the drought began.

I don't recall anyone running Wade out of town but when a coach openly concedes the season when it was far from over and before a national TV audience to boot, it was evident his time was short. You can excuse his gaffe because we were "injured and limping" but I would argue that's precisely when a coach can't give up on the season. Hard to maintain faith after that. Especially when the Colts went on to qualify for the playoffs after winning that night. He proclaimed they were out of it, too. Wade looked lost, beaten, and ready for a rest.


Hindsight affords us the luxury of saying we should have kept Wade over what came next, but that's too easy.


And John Butler deserved to go after stringing the organization along for months. Nice that he leveraged that into a deal with the Chargers. Especially after the cap hell his personnel decisions left us in, too.



I don't want Rex as my HC or DC. Look what he did to our steller defense of two seasons ago.


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But Rex gives a killer interview.....

an interview with rex.


Reporter- so rex how do you feel about your team this year?


Rex- ah man I'm excited. Real excited man. We're going places. We're a playoff team and we are going!


Reporter- How do you feel about about the quarterback situation?


Rex- aw man. I feel great about it. We have _____. He's smart and can really throw the ball and stuff like that. He's the hardest worker if ever been around. He's gonna be a good one I know it.



Pretty much say your excited, insert a player name, list off things needed for that position, say "and stuff/things like that, say man/boy I'm excited, say playoffs (like Lois griffin saying 9/11 when running for mayor in family guy) and say you know something.

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I would strongly, strongly prefer Wade!

an interview with rex.


Reporter- so rex how do you feel about your team this year?


Rex- ah man I'm excited. Real excited man. We're going places. We're a playoff team and we are going!


Reporter- How do you feel about about the quarterback situation?


Rex- aw man. I feel great about it. We have _____. He's smart and can really throw the ball and stuff like that. He's the hardest worker if ever been around. He's gonna be a good one I know it.



Pretty much say your excited, insert a player name, list off things needed for that position, say "and stuff/things like that, say man/boy I'm excited, say playoffs (like Lois griffin saying 9/11 when running for mayor in family guy) and say you know something.

Great and so funny because its true!!
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I don't recall anyone running Wade out of town but when a coach openly concedes the season when it was far from over and before a national TV audience to boot, it was evident his time was short. You can excuse his gaffe because we were "injured and limping" but I would argue that's precisely when a coach can't give up on the season. Hard to maintain faith after that. Especially when the Colts went on to qualify for the playoffs after winning that night. He proclaimed they were out of it, too. Wade looked lost, beaten, and ready for a rest.


Hindsight affords us the luxury of saying we should have kept Wade over what came next, but that's too easy.


And John Butler deserved to go after stringing the organization along for months. Nice that he leveraged that into a deal with the Chargers. Especially after the cap hell his personnel decisions left us in, too.





as I recall, he wouldn't fire his buddy he hired to coach ST, the replacement for dehaven. Ralph wanted him fired, and wade wouldn't do it.
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Felt that Wade lacked the charisma and leadership to be a head coach but he's been a stellar D coordinator. Rex has the charisma and talks a good game but lacks the discipline and extreme dedication required of a head coach. I don't think he's putting in the extra hours to get a competetive advantage over other coaches.

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Felt that Wade lacked the charisma and leadership to be a head coach but he's been a stellar D coordinator. Rex has the charisma and talks a good game but lacks the discipline and extreme dedication required of a head coach. I don't think he's putting in the extra hours to get a competetive advantage over other coaches.


Wade's lack of charisma doesn't show in his win loss record as a head coach - and I'd say he's well beyond a stellar D coordinator, instead one of the great defensive minds of all time.

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