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Special K unhappy in Buffalo?

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That's what I was kinda wondering... how many Bills players live in and spend all of their time in Buffalo?

very few and considering most of them are from the south they have probably all left by now.


Even vets like Kyle Williams and Eric Wood have offseason homes elsewhere.

Edited by YoloinOhio
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Not sure what he's referencing, but it has some Bills fans nervous.


"Have you ever looked at your surroundings and realized that no matter how much you tried that the place you are isn't for you. Don't fit in."




It had nothing to do with the Bills or Buffalo.

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Not sure what he's referencing, but it has some Bills fans nervous.


"Have you ever looked at your surroundings and realized that no matter how much you tried that the place you are isn't for you. Don't fit in."



On the contrary, maybe he was somewhere else besides Buffalo and is realizing that Buffalo has now become his home? :thumbsup:

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How do you know this? Has the twit been explained?

ha - it was just an ongoing theme with his tweets for months. Seems like he stopped. Maybe this one is about that too? Who knows. One thing with young players/college kids is many have no issue putting every fleeting thought out there for the whole twitter verse to see. Many of their followers only follow them because of football and assume all the tweets are about football. Many of these kids then say the tweets don't have anything to do with football. That won't stop fans from thinking it does. Happens with college players a lot tweeting about their "terrible choice" and fans get all upset and they think they are going to transfer. Turns out they just had ordered the wrong meal at chipotle. :lol:
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Not if he has 4 kids by 23


I thought I was "smart" waiting to have kids when I was older...now I am 38 with two kids under 3. As I type this averaging about 4 hours of sleep per night, I wish I got this over when I was 24.....fml :lol:

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ha - it was just an ongoing theme with his tweets for months. Seems like he stopped. Maybe this one is about that too? Who knows. One thing with young players/college kids is many have no issue putting every fleeting thought out there for the whole twitter verse to see. Many of their followers only follow them because of football and assume all the tweets are about football. Many of these kids then say the tweets don't have anything to do with football. That won't stop fans from thinking it does. Happens with college players a lot tweeting about their "terrible choice" and fans get all upset and they think they are going to transfer. Turns out they just had ordered the wrong meal at chipotle. :lol:

Could just as easily be about relationships couldn't it?


It's the offseason... :lol:

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Not so sure he isn't Bi-polar.


He shows a lot of symptoms of Mania.

The least of which is his rambling twitter.




I really like the guy and hope it isn't the case. Check out his interviews with this in mind:


Pressure of speech is a tendency to speak rapidly and frenziedly, as if motivated by an urgency not apparent to the listener. The speech produced, sometimes called pressured speech, is difficult to interrupt.

It may be too fast, or too tangential for the listener to understand. It is an example of cluttered speech. It can be unrelenting, loud and without pauses.[1]

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