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Trump Alone at the Top

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Yes, I've noticed that myself. Many of the accurate charges leveled against him, he's trying to deflect them on Hillary. He's such a putz.

In his..."defense"...most of the charges against him apply equally to Hillary. They're both putzes.

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Trump dumps Manafort for Breitbart CEO.


Looks like Breitbart is about to go full National Enquirer. And with Trump getting access now to intelligence briefings, one can only imagine the glorious explosion we're all about to watch.


Proud day for Trump Davidians. You're about to see first hand what Marv meant about listening to the fans.

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The effect of illegals on good jobs in the US is a huge red herring issue hat feeds uninformed fears. It's a better story than reality and plays to passion and not reason.


The left plays the same game with climate change. Whip up a frenzy over something that we're more likely to solve with technology than tax and regulate to any solution.

don't fall from that perch there princess. There was a time in my life when any job would be good enough, $7/hr would have been great.

Many Americans don't see this whole "good jobs" thing because any job is a good job

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"One of These Things, Is Not Like the Other"




Trump, in law and order speech, calls for African-American support

Reuters‎ - 10 hours ago




Donald Trump defends Milwaukee police shooting - BBC News






Trump, Rallying White Crowd for Police, Accuses Democrats of Exploiting Blacks http://nyti.ms/2aSWUfo

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Trump dumps Manafort for Breitbart CEO.


Looks like Breitbart is about to go full National Enquirer. And with Trump getting access now to intelligence briefings, one can only imagine the glorious explosion we're all about to watch.


Proud day for Trump Davidians. You're about to see first hand what Marv meant about listening to the fans.


The problem isn't his staff...

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NY Times abandons objectivity because they know what's best for me and you.


Wow.....the audacity at the beginning of this article, just makes your jaw drop.



Two paragraphs from that article that stand out.


But let’s face it: Balance has been on vacation since Mr. Trump stepped onto his golden Trump Tower escalator last year to announce his candidacy. For the primaries and caucuses, the imbalance played to his advantage, captured by the killer statistic of the season: His nearly $2 billion in free media was more than six times as much as that of his closest Republican rival.



It's his fault......he made us cover him more than the others





“When controversy is being stoked, it’s our obligation to report that,” said the Washington Post managing editor Cameron Barr. “If one candidate is doing that more aggressively and consistently than the other, that is an imbalance for sure.” But, he added, “it’s not one that we create, it’s one that the candidate is creating.”




This is just a blatant lie.


The candidate is simply giving speeches and answering media questions (at a MUCH higher rate than the other candidate, I would add)


YOU, in the media and its echo chamber, decide that something is controversial and will be the topic of the day (at the exclusion of all else)

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In his..."defense"...most of the charges against him apply equally to Hillary. They're both putzes.

LoL! You got a point. It is like the Special Olympics and arguing on the internet... Well, YOU know how that plays out seeing how YOU are always the big winner.



Trump dumps Manafort for Breitbart CEO.


Looks like Breitbart is about to go full National Enquirer. And with Trump getting access now to intelligence briefings, one can only imagine the glorious explosion we're all about to watch.


Proud day for Trump Davidians. You're about to see first hand what Marv meant about listening to the fans.

You probably block me... But I agree. Throw Billary in there too.

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don't fall from that perch there princess. There was a time in my life when any job would be good enough, $7/hr would have been great.

Many Americans don't see this whole "good jobs" thing because any job is a good job

It is finally hitting down there isn't it? That huge sucking sound.


You need to get up North more. I once thought like you. Who's the guy on this very board that said he wouldn't roll out of bed for under 20 bucks an hour?


To your credit, you did say: "many (Americans)." I admire your idealism and faith in humanity.


FWIW... I started working for the Corps making 7 bucks an hour (actually, $6.85) as a Hyrdographic Survey Aid... The only thing that got me through was TDY w/per diem. I since make a ton more in my present capacity, bennys are gr8, hours are gr8t, no stress, and the summer scenary can be nice... ;-) Could be better money, but factor everything in... It's a vocation... It feeds the family, saves and educates.

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Media analyst Howard Kurtz has emerged (at least momentarily) from the New York-Washington-Los Angeles media jungle. In a commentary delivered that day,Kurtz revealed a troubling discovery: the big time media journalism he loves and advocates isn’t the journalism he loves and advocates—at least not in the 2016 presidential election.


In his commentary Kurtz laments the loss of the “credo” of fairness by mainstream media “reporters, editors and producers.” It takes a long quote to get a sense of his deep and abiding shock—he discovers his beloved journalists are “flat-out” unfair.



“The media’s legions of Trump-bashers are finally acknowledging the obvious. And trying their best to justify it. But there’s one problem: Tilting against one candidate in a presidential election can’t be justified. This is not a defense of Donald Trump, who has been at war with much of the press since he got in the race. Too many people think if you criticize the way the billionaire is being covered, you are somehow backing Trump.

And it’s not about the commentators, on the right as well as the left, who are savaging Trump, since they are paid for their opinions. This is about the mainstream media’s reporters, editors and producers, whose credo is supposed to be fairness. And now some of them are flat-out making the case for unfairness—an unprecedented approach for an unprecedented campaign.

Put aside, for the moment, the longstanding complaints about journalists being unfair to Republicans. They never treated Mitt Romney, John McCain, George W. Bush or Bob Dole like this. Keep in mind that the media utterly misjudged Trump from the start, covering him as a joke or a sideshow or a streaking comet that would burn itself out. Many of them later confessed how wrong they had been, and that they had missed the magnitude of the anger and frustration that fueled Trump’s unlikely rise.”

Congratulations, Howard, you’re emerging from the media jungle. However, you’ve a chronic case of historical amnesia, one that often accompanies life in the mainstream media’s heart of obliviousness. So what do you say we do a little historical research, sir, to establish an even more lamentable context?


Remember the 2008 campaign? In February 2008 The New York Times and Washington Post both ran poorly-sourced but innuendo-laced stories about John McCain’s relationship with a lobbyist.


The Times’ version implied McCain had an affair with the lady. Reporters? Rumor-mongers, Howard, targeting a Republican presidential candidate. The timing of the article damaged McCain’s campaign, so it was a successful political operation. Unfortunately it also maligned the woman’s reputation and she would have none of it. The Wikipedia summary notes a year The Times made a retraction, of sorts, in “an unusual ‘Note to Readers’ stating that The Times had not intended to allege any affair.” Read the quotes from the article and tell me with a straight face The Times didn’t mean to imply McCain wasn’t romantically entwined.


Let’s consider 2012. Obama versus Romney. George Stephanopoulos, Howard. Is he a reporter? No. He’s a Clinton operative, and early on in 2012 he inserted the “war on women” meme into the campaign. Remember when he asked Romney an out-of-the-blue theoretical question on contraception?


George performed a strategic political operation for the Democratic Party. His contraception insertion (so to speak) set the stage for another “war on women” outrage tsunami later in the campaign. Do you recall the media-wide outrage when Romney said his campaign had “binders full of women“—meaning the resumes of women who might serve in his administration?


It’s clear what Romney meant. There was absolutely no deprecation. But biased media had been primed. A sustained outrage tsunami swept forth, across the land and throughout the internet.


Now—a big one. Candy Crowley. Have you forgotten Candy Crowley and the Benghazi question during the Obama-Romney debate she moderated?


Except she didn’t moderate, did she? She favored President Obama.


Romney endured another media-wide ridicule tsunami when he called Russia a major geo-political adversary.


Mitt was ridiculed en masse for stating the truth.


2004. Specifically Dan Rather in 2004, with RatherGate’s fabricated Air National Guard documents that supposedly proved George W. Bush had shirked military duty.


Wasn’t ole Dan a reporter, Howard? Or supposed to be a reporter? And recall Democratic candidate John Kerry was running as Vietnam War hero—even though Kerry made his political bones by claiming to throw away his military medals in an act of sensational disgust.


I could go on, but that’s the real record.

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Peak Derangement



The LA Times paid a “professional journalist” to write this.


If Trump wins, expect to find him decorating the Oval Office with Hillary Clinton’s taxidermied head – and expect to find me breaking rocks in a Trumpian labor and re-education camp along with all the rest of America’s journalists, its intellectuals, non-Christians, immigrants and people of color.





I mean........what planet are these people on ?.....It's Donald Trump.......the TV buffoon, inexperienced, foot in his own mouth politician.


EVERY FOUR YEARS we have to go through this "GOP candidate" is a fascist B.S.

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With this Trump speech, Hillary camp fear of facing unafraid Trump at debates just multiplied x100.


FULL SPEECH: Donald Trump in battleground North Carolina.





I predict the media will come out harder against Donald Trump than they ever have............. Ever.............. No bigger threat than blacks flirting with GOP.



"72% of voters say our country is on the wrong track. I am the change candidate, Hillary Clinton is the failed status quo."


'Tell me, has Hillary Clinton ever apologized for lying about her illegal email server and deleting 33,000 emails?'


"While sometimes I can be too honest. Hillary Clinton is the exact opposite. She never tells the truth" http://cnn.it/1zadgl0

I’d like to take a moment to talk about the heartbreak and devastation in Louisiana, a state that is very special to me.

We are one nation. When one state hurts, we all hurt – and we must all work together to lift each other up. Working, building, restoring together.

Our prayers are with the families who have lost loved ones, and we send them our deepest condolences. Though words cannot express the sadness one feels at times like this, I hope everyone in Louisiana knows that our country is praying for them and standing with them to help them in these difficult hours.

We are one country, one people, and we will have together one great future.

Tonight, I’d like to talk about the New American Future we are going to create together.

Last week, I laid out my plan to bring jobs back to our country.

On Monday, I laid out my plan to defeat Radical Islamic Terrorism.

On Tuesday, in Wisconsin, I talked about how we are going to restore law and order to this country.

Let me take this opportunity to extend our thanks and our gratitude to the police and law enforcement officers in this country who have sacrificed so greatly in these difficult times.

The chaos and violence on our streets, and the assaults on law enforcement, are an attack against all peaceful citizens. If I am elected President, this chaos and violence will end – and it will end very quickly.

Every single citizen in our land has a right to live in safety.

To be one united nation, we must protect all of our people. But we must also provide opportunities for all of our people.

We cannot make America Great Again if we leave any community behind.

Nearly Four in ten African-American children are living in poverty.I will not rest until children of every color in this country are fully included in the American Dream.

Jobs, safety, opportunity. Fair and equal representation. This is what I promise to African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, and all Americans.

But to achieve this New American Future we must break from the failures of the past. . . .

The establishment media doesn’t cover what really matters in this country, or what’s really going on in people’s lives. They will take words of mine out of context and spend a week obsessing over every single syllable, and then pretend to discover some hidden meaning in what I said.

Just imagine for a second if the media spent this energy holding the politicians accountable who got innocent Americans like Kate Steinle killed – she was gunned down by an illegal immigrant who had been deported five times.

Just imagine if the media spent this much time investigating the poverty and joblessness in our inner cities.

Just think about how much different things would be if the media in this country sent their cameras to our border, or to our closing factories, or to our failing schools. Or if the media focused on what dark secrets must be hidden in the 33,000 emails Hillary Clinton deleted.

Instead, every story is told from the perspective of the insiders. It’s the narrative of the people who rigged the system, never the voice of the people it’s been rigged against.

So many people suffering in silence. No cameras, no coverage, no outrage from a media class that seems to get outraged over just about everything else.

So again, it’s not about me. It’s never been about me. It’s about all the people in this country who don’t have a voice.

I am running to be their voice.

I am running to be the voice for every forgotten part of this country that has been waiting and hoping for a better future.

I am glad that I make the powerful a little uncomfortable now and again – including some powerful people in my own party. Because it means I am fighting for real change.

There’s a reason the hedge fund managers, the financial lobbyists, the Wall Street investors, are throwing their money at Hillary Clinton. Because they know she will make sure the system stays rigged in their favor.

It’s the powerful protecting the powerful.

The insiders fighting for the insiders.

I am fighting for you.

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Trump, Pence to tour flood damage in Louisiana.








The People Versus The Powerful. Hmm. Plus:

Finally, we are going to bring this country together. We are going to do it by emphasizing what we all have in common as Americans. We are going to reject the bigotry of Hillary Clinton, which sees communities of color only as votes and not as human beings worthy of a better future.


If African-American voters give Donald Trump a chance by giving me their vote, the result for them will be amazing. Look at how badly things are going under decades of Democratic leadership – look at the schools, look at the 58% of young African-Americans not working. It is time for change.


What do you have to lose by trying something new? – I will fix it. This means so much to me, and I will work as hard as I can to bring new opportunity to places in our country which have not known opportunity in a very long time.


Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party have taken African-American votes totally for granted. Because the votes have been automatically there, there has been no reason for Democrats to produce.


It is time to break with the failures of the past, and to fight for every last American child in this country to have the better future they deserve.


In my Administration, every American will be treated equally, protected equally, and honored equally. We will reject bigotry and hatred and oppression in all of its forms, and seek a new future built on our common culture and values as one American people.


This is the change I am promising all of you: an honest governme

nt, a fair economy, and a just society for each and every American.


But we can never fix our problems by relying on the same politicians who created these problems in the first place.


72% of voters say our country is on the wrong track. I am the change candidate, Hillary Clinton is the failed status quo.

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Trump to Louisiana today. Not a fan, but at least someone is going.


Remember when people were crying during Katrina to drop pallets of water to the people?


Seems no one cares this time. Makes ya kinda wonder why.


Or not.


GWB hates black people.


BHO doesn't.


Amirite, John Adams?

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