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President Obama plagiarizing George W. Bush now.



BREAKING: President Obama will visit Baton Rouge on Tuesday 8/23. "Wants to ensure that his presence does not interfere with ongoing recovery efforts"





CqPuazzUMAAUaXw.jpg Is this a lateral hazard?

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President Obama plagiarizing George W. Bush now.



BREAKING: President Obama will visit Baton Rouge on Tuesday 8/23. "Wants to ensure that his presence does not interfere with ongoing recovery efforts"





CqPuazzUMAAUaXw.jpg Is this a lateral hazard?


Way to go Barry. Leading from behind. Again.

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Obama irks La. flood victims with memo warning them not to discriminate




Department of Homeland Security Secretary. Jeh Johnson: President Obama can't go to Louisiana because he has a "busy schedule"


................seems legit :wallbash:





110,000 homes worth a combined $21 billion are in Louisiana’s flood-affected zones, study says...https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2016/08/19/110000-homes-worth-a-combined-21-billion-are-in-louisianas-flood-affected-zones-study-says/?tid=sm_fb&utm_term=.a2d58e255b48







While Obama is lecturing Louisianans http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/aug/19/obama-offends-louisiana-flood-victims-me/?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiT1RNNU4yUmlOamM0T0dSaiIsInQiOiJxSnFrK3NcL1JLaFZ1bThUMmI4ODBhN2FTUEtsRVJ6YjJwTWRnV01rOVwvTFFMa2dvaFVyemFqVEJIeit4eGRldzhLMWltcVRyeWcrVElPWXZFS0dvQ0s3bFZ1d3NGdWN4NHlySG1tMmdjdGE4PSJ9


here's how good people there are caring for each other:









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President Obama plagiarizing George W. Bush now.



BREAKING: President Obama will visit Baton Rouge on Tuesday 8/23. "Wants to ensure that his presence does not interfere with ongoing recovery efforts"





CqPuazzUMAAUaXw.jpg Is this a lateral hazard?


When the levee breaks... You know were I am going... Just like the Great Flood of '27:


"...Cryin' won't help you, prayin' won't do you no good

Now, cryin' won't help you, prayin' won't do you no good

When the levee breaks, mama, you got to move


All last night sat on the levee and moaned

All last night sat on the levee and moaned

Thinkin' about my baby and my happy home


Going, going to Chicago...

Going to Chicago...

Sorry but I can't take you...

Going down... going down now... going down...."

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And we all know the history when it comes to African Americans moving from the GOP to the Democrats, the Great Migration with regard to the Great Flood of 1927... Louisiana should just be thankful Trump and the GOP hasn't turned the clock back to pre-1929 days, the impact of the flooding would be much worse.

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Pre-1930's (and you know who's Party was in power) was pre-lock & dam days on the Upper MS and Illinois Waterway, rain up North would make today's situation in Louisiana even more dire.


It is raining like a Mutha up here... Not gonna help the situation as it rolls down hill. We are increasing the water flows. But much of the Illinois Waterway was @ summer low.


Some boater just pissed in the river:


"When somebody pisses in Chicago, by the time the water reaches NOLA it has been filtered through 3 people."


~100+ year old axiom


Well not really... Today they treat it, and just this year, first disinfection plant (as opposed to the sun baking the nasty stuff off as it heads down river) has come online, before sending things on its merry way to The Gulf! :D:D

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Obama irks La. flood victims with memo warning them not to discriminate




Department of Homeland Security Secretary. Jeh Johnson: President Obama can't go to Louisiana because he has a "busy schedule"


................seems legit :wallbash:





110,000 homes worth a combined $21 billion are in Louisiana’s flood-affected zones, study says...https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2016/08/19/110000-homes-worth-a-combined-21-billion-are-in-louisianas-flood-affected-zones-study-says/?tid=sm_fb&utm_term=.a2d58e255b48







While Obama is lecturing Louisianans http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/aug/19/obama-offends-louisiana-flood-victims-me/?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiT1RNNU4yUmlOamM0T0dSaiIsInQiOiJxSnFrK3NcL1JLaFZ1bThUMmI4ODBhN2FTUEtsRVJ6YjJwTWRnV01rOVwvTFFMa2dvaFVyemFqVEJIeit4eGRldzhLMWltcVRyeWcrVElPWXZFS0dvQ0s3bFZ1d3NGdWN4NHlySG1tMmdjdGE4PSJ9


here's how good people there are caring for each other:










That, the memo from Jeh Johnson is just outrageous if true. Obama sees every fed gov't agency as a civil rights department and sees everything through the prism of race. Truly sad.

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That, the memo from Jeh Johnson is just outrageous if true. Obama sees every fed gov't agency as a civil rights department and sees everything through the prism of race. Truly sad.


Is it any wonder racial tensions are the worst they've been in decades?

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THE HILL: A tale of two Louisiana disasters and media bias.


“A very simple question,


if George W. Bush was president right now and playing golf with celebrities in one of the richest zip codes in the country, would the headlines again be everywhere that portray him as insensitive, out-of-touch, even a racist president be the same now as they were 2005?


Of course they would. Instead, President Obama continues his vacation that includes fundraising events for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and the relative silence is deafening.”




HECKOVAJOB, BARRY: Obama Sends Memo to La. Officials Warning Them Not to Discriminate With Disaster Assistance.






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The administration guidance cited instances of discrimination in Gulf Coast states after Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita in 2005, such as “numerous media reports [that] showed images of African Americans stranded on roofs in New Orleans.”

“These images exposed significant inequalities in access to emergency response and recovery efforts,” said the guidance.


Because the ability to access a disaster area plays absolutely no role in response. First responders rescue whitey first, then return for the !@#$s.



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Worst Headline ever............................







So................................CNN thinks "blacks" synonym for "felons." http://www.cnn.com/2016/08/20/politics/donald-trump-african-american-voters-virginia-voting-rights/


Any way to attack Trump.........thats what's important to them



BTW, not all Hispanics are gardeners or maids either.







Historically Black Charlotte Church Endorses Donald Trump............. https://youtu.be/p5alzg5vLwI via @YouTube




Edited by B-Man
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Pre-1930's (and you know who's Party was in power) was pre-lock & dam days on the Upper MS and Illinois Waterway, rain up North would make today's situation in Louisiana even more dire.


It is raining like a Mutha up here... Not gonna help the situation as it rolls down hill. We are increasing the water flows. But much of the Illinois Waterway was @ summer low.


Some boater just pissed in the river:


"When somebody pisses in Chicago, by the time the water reaches NOLA it has been filtered through 3 people."


~100+ year old axiom


Well not really... Today they treat it, and just this year, first disinfection plant (as opposed to the sun baking the nasty stuff off as it heads down river) has come online, before sending things on its merry way to The Gulf! :D:D

2 rivers in northern hemisphere flow south to north. name them.

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2 rivers in northern hemisphere flow south to north. name them.


The Nile and the Ob.


And the Monongaheia.


And the Lena.


And the Mackenzie-Pierce.


And the Rhein.


And the Oder and Vistula.


And the Elbe, Seine, and Neman.


And the Dvina.


How many is that? Is that two yet?

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