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Trump Alone at the Top

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Trump tells Bob Woodward at the Washington Post why Abraham Lincoln was a successful president. If you read this and still think he's the guy you want leading the free world, you're batshit nuts.




Whose answer is worse?


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I think I've decided. I want Cruz to win the nomination. If he wins the Presidency, maybe Constitutional values see a resurgence. If he gets blown out by abortion and same-sex marriage nonsense, the Republicans are dead.

Trump is an egotistical delusional blowhard ass and I still would much rather have him than Cruz who seems to be the worst parts of Eddie Haskel and Earnest Angley globed together like lumpy mash potatoes.

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If he gets blown out by abortion and same-sex marriage nonsense, the Republicans are dead.


While his faith supports neither, he sees them as state issues and given the clusterphuck of situation the WH has left the US on the world stage, I highly doubt Cruz will make either of those issues any part of his plan.


Then again, there is Trump, who took his massive Wisconsin ass-beating like a true gentleman by releasing this statement.



Trump is an egotistical delusional blowhard ass and I still would much rather have him than Cruz who seems to be the worst parts of Eddie Haskel and Earnest Angley globed together like lumpy mash potatoes.


Oh, please. You're schittbrown from the neck up from having your head so far up the ass of your party that you don't even care whether the DNC picks a angry, old, white full-blown socialist or an angry, old, white 1%er who used her position as SoS to launder international funds through her 'foundation' to sweeten the pot in a Russian uranium deal after telling America that the family of the Benghazi victims are liars.


Yeah. Cruz is the problem.



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While his faith supports neither, he sees them as state issues and given the clusterphuck of situation the WH has left the US on the world stage, I highly doubt Cruz will make either of those issues any part of his plan.


Then again, there is Trump, who took his massive Wisconsin ass-beating like a true gentleman by releasing this statement.




I wonder if the party "bosses" (sounds like a Deranged Rhino conspiracy) want Cruz. I suspect the party will swing hard for Kasich at the convention. He's the only one polling ahead of Clinton. She will wipe Cruz and Trump off the map, especially when you look at delegates.

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I wonder if the party "bosses" (sounds like a Deranged Rhino conspiracy) want Cruz. I suspect the party will swing hard for Kasich at the convention. He's the only one polling ahead of Clinton. She will wipe Cruz and Trump off the map, especially when you look at delegates.

I think Trump is starting to execute his "get out of the race" strategy. I feel like he's trying to kill off his campaign but his followers just keep digging their heels in deeper.


I "think" the establishment is going to throw a knucleball of trumps stock continues to drop. I see some dark horse candidates coming out of the woodwork like donte whitner at #8. I think some names reappear. In looking at you Jeb, mitt or maybe even Paul Ryan.

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Trump is an egotistical delusional blowhard ass and I still would much rather have him than Cruz who seems to be the worst parts of Eddie Haskel and Earnest Angley globed together like lumpy mash potatoes.

Is that an ugly joke? Nice one.



While his faith supports neither, he sees them as state issues and given the clusterphuck of situation the WH has left the US on the world stage, I highly doubt Cruz will make either of those issues any part of his plan.


Then again, there is Trump, who took his massive Wisconsin ass-beating like a true gentleman by releasing this statement.

What matters is how they are framed. Once the media gets an abortion or SSM soundbyte, they will pounce and young folks will mobilize to vote against him in droves, even for Hillary.


He'd be a moron to make them a part of a plan. He'd sign his own death warrant. If he does that, he'll have no one but himself to blame for the land-slide loss.

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Is that an ugly joke? Nice one.


What matters is how they are framed. Once the media gets an abortion or SSM soundbyte, they will pounce and young folks will mobilize to vote against him in droves, even for Hillary.


He'd be a moron to make them a part of a plan. He'd sign his own death warrant. If he does that, he'll have no one but himself to blame for the land-slide loss.


Again, I understand how the left has you on pins and needles for fear of being beaten about the head with moronic soundbites. But until proven otherwise, Cruz ain't Todd Akin or Christine O'Donnell, and you need to accept the fact that with a media that eagerly portrayed Mitt Romney as mean for a college hazing prank that culminated with a haircut, and as evil for single-handedly giving a woman cancer, there will inevitably be stuff on Cruz...just as their would be for any other GOP candidate no matter WHO they are.


Drop the fear.


Once you get Sanders and Trump out of the ring, Cruz will make Hillary look like the establishment-propped, money-laundering, angry, white, war hawk, Wall Street puppet 1%'er that has turned this election on its head with the likes of Sanders and Trump.


And one other thing: watch Cruz debate and then watch Hillary debate. She'll be crying about sexism and 'tone' from the moment the clock starts ticking, and he'll beat her about the head with her blame game until she stops calling NY her hometown.

Edited by LABillzFan
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Again, I understand how the left has you on pins and needles for fear of being beaten about the head with moronic soundbites. But until proven otherwise, Cruz ain't Todd Akin or Christine O'Donnell, and you need to accept the fact that with a media that eagerly portrayed Mitt Romney as mean for a college hazing prank that culminated with a haircut, and as evil for single-handedly giving a woman cancer, there will inevitably be stuff on Cruz...just as their would be for any other GOP candidate no matter WHO they are.


Drop the fear.


Once you get Sanders and Trump out of the ring, Cruz will make Hillary look like the establishment-propped, money-laundering, angry, white, war hawk, Wall Street puppet 1%'er that has turned this election on its head with the likes of Sanders and Trump.


And one other thing: watch Cruz debate and then watch Hillary debate. She'll be crying about sexism and 'tone' from the moment the clock starts ticking, and he'll beat her about the head with her blame game until she stops calling NY her hometown.

I know I've said this before, but this particular soundbite is IMO the right's greatest weakness. I reserve the right to remain skeptical until I hear them answer it sufficiently and correctly.

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I think Trump is starting to execute his "get out of the race" strategy. I feel like he's trying to kill off his campaign but his followers just keep digging their heels in deeper.

I "think" the establishment is going to throw a knucleball of trumps stock continues to drop. I see some dark horse candidates coming out of the woodwork like donte whitner at #8. I think some names reappear. In looking at you Jeb, mitt or maybe even Paul Ryan.

I'm thinking if the Republicrats want to win, they should go for Kasich. He would appear much more moderate and a lot less scary than Cruz or Trump. He could win Ohio. He could get a lot more of the anti Hillary vote than the other 2.

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It's not that Cruz's stance on social issues are unwinnable for the general election (even though it is a negative), it's that he isn't an effective enough communicator with an inclusive enough message for those outside of conservative base to either win those middle-of-the-road voters over or at the very least appear palatable enough to offset those positions. He is as fluent as they come in right wing speak, but the general election is a whole another ball game and his appeal is limited.


Make no mistake, he's a million times better than the narcissistic know-nothing Trump but Cruz is still going to get defeated pretty easily by Hillary. With Trump, it's a landslide loss, the GOP loses the senate and possibly the house. With Cruz you probably get similar presidential results of Obama/Mccain 08, and you may retain the Senate and definitely the house.

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I think Trump is starting to execute his "get out of the race" strategy. I feel like he's trying to kill off his campaign but his followers just keep digging their heels in deeper.

I "think" the establishment is going to throw a knucleball of trumps stock continues to drop. I see some dark horse candidates coming out of the woodwork like donte whitner at #8. I think some names reappear. In looking at you Jeb, mitt or maybe even Paul Ryan.

I don't think this will work, and I doubt they will try it. All of the guys you mention except for maybe Mitt would absolutely lose. Technically I don't think Whitner is old enough to run.

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I'm thinking if the Republicrats want to win, they should go for Kasich. He would appear much more moderate and a lot less scary than Cruz or Trump. He could win Ohio. He could get a lot more of the anti Hillary vote than the other 2.


Kasich is the new Huntsman. But thanks for the suggestion. We'll take it under advisement.


It's not that Cruz's stance on social issues are unwinnable for the general election (even though it is a negative), it's that he isn't an effective enough communicator with an inclusive enough message for those outside of conservative base to either win those middle-of-the-road voters over or at the very least appear palatable enough to offset those positions. He is as fluent as they come in right wing speak, but the general election is a whole another ball game and his appeal is limited.


Make no mistake, he's a million times better than the narcissistic know-nothing Trump but Cruz is still going to get defeated pretty easily by Hillary. With Trump, it's a landslide loss, the GOP loses the senate and possibly the house. With Cruz you probably get similar presidential results of Obama/Mccain 08, and you may retain the Senate and definitely the house.


Completely agree on this. I don't write off Cruz vs. Hillary as quickly, but I'll be curious to see how he does if/when it's him vs. Hillary. Having to keep up with Trump is necessary, but takes Cruz away from a general message.


Frankly, if we could get Cruz to speak like Rubio, it would be a different story.


Sidenote; good to see you back. Don't spend too much time trying to converse rationally with gatorman. He's not interesting in contributing so much as getting paid to copy/paste far-left talking points and then ignoring people who easily point out the idiocy of his posts.

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Kasich is indeed this year's Huntsman, with a dash of Rick Sanctimonious thrown in.


I wonder if Rubio would run as Cruz's VP. Trump seems hell-bent on imploding his campaign. He's a street fighter but he really is in the flyweight division wrt policy.

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Kasich is indeed this year's Huntsman, with a dash of Rick Sanctimonious thrown in.


I wonder if Rubio would run as Cruz's VP. Trump seems hell-bent on imploding his campaign. He's a street fighter but he really is in the flyweight division wrt policy.


Rubio lost his gleam during this race. I don't see anyone tapping him for VP.


VPs don't win races anyways.


Kasich could win vs Hillary.


The convention is going to be a blast. I hope a documentary crew with a 10 year NDA gets full access. It would be the greatest documentary of all time.

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