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Blood is on the NRA's hands

LA Grant

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You have to arm yourself to an extent that you enough to firepower to compete with the intruder, right?


If that is right, why not consider ways of limiting the firepower available to future potential intruders?


It seems to me that many enthusiasts are crossing their arms and saying, 'No, there is nothing that can be done. There is no control measure that is acceptable'


Who here is in that camp?



Criminals who would use firearms to harm or terrorize others will not be impacted by laws telling them they shouldn't have superior firepower, which is a lesser crime than, oh, I don't know... breaking into someone's home with the intent or willingness to do them harm.


You cannot uninvent the gun.


Laws criminalizing ownership only impact law abiding citizens.

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You have to arm yourself to an extent that you enough to firepower to compete with the intruder, right?


If that is right, why not consider ways of limiting the firepower available to future potential intruders?


Seriously? You think that's how it works? Competitiveness based on load-out? :wallbash:

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You have to arm yourself to an extent that you enough to firepower to compete with the intruder, right?


If that is right, why not consider ways of limiting the firepower available to future potential intruders?


It seems to me that many enthusiasts are crossing their arms and saying, 'No, there is nothing that can be done. There is no control measure that is acceptable'


Who here is in that camp?

Criminals by their nature do not care about laws and are willing to break them. They already are willing to use "illegal" weapons. All that would do is limit the law abiding citizens ability to defend themselves against superior firepower of a criminal.


You're not getting it. Criminals break laws. They do not care. How are you going to confiscate the tens(more likely hundreads) of millions of high capacity (10+ round) magazines that citizens currently have access to legally or illegally?


Sure go ahead just put law abiding citizens at a disadvantage.

Edited by drinkTHEkoolaid
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You are promoting an unending arms race. At the same time you are fighting for your opponents' right to keep buying more weapons to use against you, more importantly, against all of us. This plan has an impact on the other citizens in this country and not in a good way.


Just because some weapon may be available to a bad guy on the black market, that is a poor reason to make any weapon available to anyone on Amazon. If you make it easy, more bad guys will have more powerful weapons. Make it less easy.


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You are promoting an unending arms race. At the same time you are fighting for your opponents' right to keep buying more weapons to use against you, more importantly, against all of us. This plan has an impact on the other citizens in this country and not in a good way.


Just because some weapon may be available to a bad guy on the black market, that is a poor reason to make any weapon available to anyone on Amazon. If you make it easy, more bad guys will have more powerful weapons. Make it less easy.



This is the exact opposite logic espoused to support legalizing pot.

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You have to arm yourself to an extent that you enough to firepower to compete with the intruder, right?


If that is right, why not consider ways of limiting the firepower available to future potential intruders?


It seems to me that many enthusiasts are crossing their arms and saying, 'No, there is nothing that can be done. There is no control measure that is acceptable'


Who here is in that camp?


I have a great way to limit the firepower available to an intruder. I don't care about potential intruders they don't bother me. Here's how I limit the firepower available to an intruder. I shoot the !@#$er.

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I have a great way to limit the firepower available to an intruder. I don't care about potential intruders they don't bother me. Here's how I limit the firepower available to an intruder. I shoot the !@#$er.


I bet that answer felt good, huh? Made no sense but that's ok as long as it felt good.

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Just because some weapon may be available to a bad guy on the black market, that is a poor reason to make any weapon available to anyone on Amazon. If you make it easy, more bad guys will have more powerful weapons. Make it less easy.



So if we have stricter gun control laws that make it more difficult to but guns, fewer bad guys will get guns?


Is that what you're arguing?

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You are promoting an unending arms race.

You can't uninvent the gun. It's impossible. In addition, you cannot, as long as there are nations, prohibit new and better weaponry from being invented. There will always be a demand for these weapons, and there will always be a market for these weapons.



At the same time you are fighting for your opponents' right to keep buying more weapons to use against you, more importantly, against all of us. This plan has an impact on the other citizens in this country and not in a good way.

He's not my opponent, this isn't a contest; and he isn't interested in the rules.


He is interested in obtaining a force multiplier in order to bully his marks into compliance, or to do them direct harm. He is looking for people to make into victims. He will acquire his force multiplier regardless of the laws saying that he cannot, because he doesn't care about the law.


The only person you are going to disarm is me, because I'm a law abiding citizen; so when the intruder breaks into my home, I'll be less able to defend myself and my family.



Just because some weapon may be available to a bad guy on the black market, that is a poor reason to make any weapon available to anyone on Amazon. If you make it easy, more bad guys will have more powerful weapons. Make it less easy.

I see... so you believe any weapon is available to anyone on Amazon? That's your argument?

Edited by TakeYouToTasker
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Wow! OK, OK, you guys win. You were right all along. Congratulations!! Now, can we have a discussion?


The question is this. Where is this going? Can you look at the trajectory and see where this solution of more guns takes us? That may be better in a world where we all need to shoot it out with terrorists, but in the world where we have lots of mentally unstable people in our midst, that is a dangerous solution. I think we will see increased societal killings if everyone is armed too. Shootings over disrespect, jealousy, road rage, drunkeness, etc. Hell, I'd shoot several of you given the chance.....lol.


Also, the reason we need good guys with guns everywhere, is because we have not been able to determine who should not have access to weapons. If we continue down this path, how do we not arrive in the world where we need highly armed guards everywhere?






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Wow! OK, OK, you guys win. You were right all along. Congratulations!! Now, can we have a discussion?


The question is this. Where is this going? Can you look at the trajectory and see where this solution of more guns takes us? That may be better in a world where we all need to shoot it out with terrorists, but in the world where we have lots of mentally unstable people in our midst, that is a dangerous solution. I think we will see increased societal killings if everyone is armed too. Shootings over disrespect, jealousy, road rage, drunkeness, etc. Hell, I'd shoot several of you given the chance.....lol.


Also, the reason we need good guys with guns everywhere, is because we have not been able to determine who should not have access to weapons. If we continue down this path, how do we not arrive in the world where we need highly armed guards everywhere?

Explain to me how laws prevent criminals from engaging in criminal activity, then we can talk.


Then explain to me you plan to round up the 300 million plus guns in the United States. Please suggest a solution which includes none of: civil war, massive gun violence perpetrated by government against otherwise law abiding citizens, rainbow farting unicorns.

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Wow! OK, OK, you guys win. You were right all along. Congratulations!! Now, can we have a discussion?


The question is this. Where is this going? Can you look at the trajectory and see where this solution of more guns takes us? That may be better in a world where we all need to shoot it out with terrorists, but in the world where we have lots of mentally unstable people in our midst, that is a dangerous solution. I think we will see increased societal killings if everyone is armed too. Shootings over disrespect, jealousy, road rage, drunkeness, etc. Hell, I'd shoot several of you given the chance.....lol.


Also, the reason we need good guys with guns everywhere, is because we have not been able to determine who should not have access to weapons. If we continue down this path, how do we not arrive in the world where we need highly armed guards everywhere?


What if like what I see as blue you see as red and what I see as red you see as blue?

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You have to arm yourself to an extent that you enough to firepower to compete with the intruder, right?


If that is right, why not consider ways of limiting the firepower available to future potential intruders?


It seems to me that many enthusiasts are crossing their arms and saying, 'No, there is nothing that can be done. There is no control measure that is acceptable'


Who here is in that camp?

I got it. Let's pass a law that says any criminal - or potential criminal can't buy a firearm, they can only buy a cap gun. That'll lower their firepower to the point where maybe they can't hurt anyone.

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Explain to me how laws prevent criminals from engaging in criminal activity, then we can talk.


Then explain to me you plan to round up the 300 million plus guns in the United States. Please suggest a solution which includes none of: civil war, massive gun violence perpetrated by government against otherwise law abiding citizens, rainbow farting unicorns.


I don't have an answer for you as to how to stop the well motivated, well connected, well financed, professional criminal with gun restrictions. OK? Again, not making acquiring weapons easy and legal for criminals to do so would be a good start, imo.


The thread is long so I can see why it has been missed but I have said several times that I think that people in the US should be allowed to buy a gun. I have never advocated for trying to confiscate anyone's gun. I think we would all be better off with less guns but we are at where we are at.


The point that I tried to make is that there are different types of shooters and so different situations to address. Just because a solution doesn't impact scenario A, doesn't mean that it may not be helpful defending against scenario B. Mental health restrictions won't stop everyone. Should we then forget about mental health checks?


It is pretty clear to me that there are things that could be done. It is also clear though that irrational fear of the slippery slope stifles any meaningful discussion.

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