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Blood is on the NRA's hands

LA Grant

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I see it here at PPP all the time.


What you see on this site from GOP/conservatives is no fear of fighting their own party for a candidate that can make things better. In spite of all the Trump polls, most Republicans and conservatives on this site argue against a Trump presidency because we're not idiots.


You would never see that here from the left: in spite of all the embarrassing Hillary history of corruption and lies, and in spite of Bernie being a full-blown socialist nutjob with unicorn farts and a broken calculator, the Democratic party is 100 in lockstep with whomever should win their party's nomination.

Edited by LABillzFan
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There isn't anything more substantive than pointing out the standard hypocrisy of the partisans. It's the very road that led us to this place. Your masters actually count on you arguing over stupid **** like abortion and gay marriage so they can continue robbing the store.

My masters? That's laughable. I've said very little here regarding gay marriage and abortion although I do remember making a statement along the lines of "very few people are actually for abortion. I personally am against it, but feel it is a woman's right to choose".


I'm a conservative generally speaking, but will watch or read the "opposition" to get another perspective. I think that I was one of the first to come out against the ACA here not only because I was against the idea in general but that it was unworkable because the fines were too low. I sympathize with the Tea Parties stances (fiscal responsibility, strong defense, adherence to the Constitution and no stance on social issues). I'm my own man and make up my mind by reading and listening to various sources. I resent being told I have "masters" or I'm just a partisan hack.

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What you see on this site from GOP/conservatives is no fear of fighting their own party for a candidate that can make things better. In spite of all the Trump polls, most Republicans and conservatives on this site argue against a Trump presidency because we're not idiots.


You would never see that here from the left: in spite of all the embarrassing Hillary history of corruption and lies, and in spite of Bernie being a full-blown socialist nutjob with unicorn farts and a broken calculator, the Democratic party is 100 in lockstep with whomever should win their party's nomination.

Just look at the sheer amount of candidates on the R side competing for president. Trump is appealing to people because he is not pc and they think because he's a billionaire real estate developer that he's a financial genius. He strikes a chord on immigration and trade. He's a fun shiny new (political) toy that other candidates could learn from (without the douchebaggery). I fear he would be a disaster as president. Now, here's a conundrum for you---Trump and Clinton win their respective party nominations. Who do you vote for?

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He's not entirely without a point. The Democratic Party used to be more accepting of diverse viewpoints, but over the past 20 years they seem to have become much more inflexible and doctrinaire.


Discounting the true extremists on either side, the Republicans overall seem to be less intolerant of dissent than the Democrats. Of course, you can't ignore the true extremists...and when you consider them, both parties are absolutely batshit crazy.

Speaking of intolerant this was a FB post from a relatively reasonable (or so I thought) friend.


The only reason I allow the few pro-gun anti-Obama pro-Trump !@#$s who are my "friends" to stay "friends" is so I can see what you're up to. You're disgusting, ignorant !@#$wads, and I pity you. If you don't like that, unfriend me.

No, he's a dick. He's constantly saying things to undermine my confidence and shatter my self-esteem.

Has it worked? :D

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Now, here's a conundrum for you---Trump and Clinton win their respective party nominations. Who do you vote for?


I live in California. My vote means nothing.


But i will say this again. Barry and the party of birdog have made so many mistakes, so many bad decisions, and passed so many bad laws, that the next president is about to inherit a cluster phuck so epic, they'll be screwed no matter who they are.


Which is why we should do everything to ensure the next president is Granny Maojacket.

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Just look at the sheer amount of candidates on the R side competing for president.

I guess there are different ways to look at the large field on the Republican side. In my opinion, it is not a sign of strength.


Forget politics for a second and say you were thinking of entering a winner-take-all road race. In addition, let's say there is a very large entrance fee.


If you wanted to race, you would look at who you are running against. If the competition looked very tough, maybe too tough, you might think it not the best time to enter a race.


If the competition looked vulnerable, you would be more encouraged to risk the entrance fee and you might be more likely to race

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Now, here's a conundrum for you---Trump and Clinton win their respective party nominations. Who do you vote for?


c) none of the above


You have more than two choices, you know.


I resent being told I have "masters" or I'm just a partisan hack.


When you run around doing nothing but jabbering about how bad libs are and extolling the virtues of conservative dogma, then how do you think folks are going to view you?

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c) none of the above


You have more than two choices, you know.


When you run around doing nothing but jabbering about how bad libs are and extolling the virtues of conservative dogma, then how do you think folks are going to view you?

You don't comprehend very well, do you? I have no problem claiming I'm a conservative. Your vision of conservatism doesn't match mine though. It's obvious that you are a liberal (at least in most areas) and get your panties all in a wad over anyone that disagrees with you. Tell me Mr. Moderator, do you have a problem with wanting the government to follow the Constitution, have a strong defense, limit their intrusion into citizen privacy, practice solid fiscal policy and not change the flavor of our country by allowing or actually promoting illegal immigration? This is what you call conservative dogma? Is this when you now try to connect me to the social issues?

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'A Good Guy With a Gun', a segment on last night's Daily Show, made some interesting points. I will say, I have seen funnier segments. Jordan Klepper misses on quite a few jokes, imo


This is the entire show but I think (after the ad) you can skip to about the 4 minute, 15 second mark for Jordan's gun story





Note, some bad language that may not be bleeped out.

Edited by Bob in Mich
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This is what you call conservative dogma?

Yes, you are an excellent representative of blind conservative doctrine.

Why don't you tell us some more about how conservatives have principles but liberals have agendas? :lol:

You can cry about it all you want but you're nothing more than the same ridiculous caricature that gatorboy is.

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Yes, you are an excellent representative of blind conservative doctrine.

Why don't you tell us some more about how conservatives have principles but liberals have agendas? :lol:

You can cry about it all you want but you're nothing more than the same ridiculous caricature that gatorboy is.

I am actually enjoying the hell out of this, don't stop.

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Yes, you are an excellent representative of blind conservative doctrine.

Why don't you tell us some more about how conservatives have principles but liberals have agendas? :lol:

You can cry about it all you want but you're nothing more than the same ridiculous caricature that gatorboy is.


Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Crocodude's on a whole different level.

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