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Kimmel? Link? I have no idea?

omg I don't have a link but I guess I watch too much ESPN. It is on every 15 min. It's the commercial for the CFB playoff semis on NYE.

So if Rex s the guy to,lead us and is sold on a 3-4 than why the heck did Whaley sign Darius to 100M contract. he is anot a NT. We don't have the LBs for a 3-4 and kiko might have been a good fit. I am NT arguing we should have kept kiko over shady since kiko is injured, delclined as first season went on etc. It's not clear that whalye and Rex are anywhere close to the same page.

perhaps they kept Dareus because he is an elite young player (which is true) and they plan to continue building the personnel to fit the system. NT, LB. This is why it takes longer than 1 season.


GMs and coaching staffs work together on personnel decisions.


I get that people on here don't like Rex but he is the HC, he's not going anywhere, his system is here, and for that reason, there will be changes to personnel as they adapt.


Continuity starts now... The owners just bought the team and are going to build it. They don't care about stars of the past. They never won anything. They are starting over with new systems and building on the young talent drafted and signed over the last few years.

Edited by YoloinOhio
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After year 30x, game 100x of raging on Mondays, I have chosen to use my positive attitude in life and finally apply it to the Bills.


Here goes, and hopefully this helps someone else!


1) All of the good franchises have success because of coach/system tenure and stability, solid QB play, timely defensive play down the stretch

2) Rex has a defensive system that works, however he does not have the players necessary to run it yet (really he runs a 3-4, and we don't have the personnel) He and the GM need time to assemble the pieces.

3) Roman is a competent OC, with the ability to get plenty out of average QBs. He needs another year to work with Tyrod, (who may or may not be the answer) and another year of assembling players for his system

4) We are not going to the playoffs this year. Too sloppy, too messy- not happening. Lets look forward and hope that year 2 in the system, with 2 drafts and free agent classes to assemble the proper talent, proves to be the difference.


In short- give us time! You saw the Browns game last night and those graphics- (how many coaches, GMs and coordinators they have been through in the last few years) we don't want that!


There is no guarantee Rex will take us to the promised land, but this regime needs some time, as in years, to try and I am looking forward to seeing it work!


I used to always hear "The great coaches build around the talent they have.".............Why is it that since at least Greggo we keep having coaches who want to play their system no matter what our talent is?!?


I hate it.


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In the NFL, every year there are a few teams that go from the outhouse to the penthouse. Yet somehow, the Bills never appear to be one of them. I'm all for stability, but Rex was a mistake. Bad game-day coaches never get better, but we're stuck with this guy, and at the end of 2016, 17 and counting. SMH.


Your right. There is no way the Pegulas blow $27.5 mil on a coach and can him in one or even two years. They still after three years will eat $11 mil and have to pay for a new coach.


As far as blowing it up, it is our organizations downfall, and making bad front office and coaching decisions. We're stuck with the situation and will have to live with it.

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I never understand the "I demand a winner NOW!" posts. What do these people think, they aren't trying?


If people are tired of waiting 16 years (and it will probably be more), they are free to get off the bus at any time.

KD, one has to be very disciplined to not get pissed off about the 2015 Bills.


Rex came to town telling us that the Bills would be bullies. Well, these bullies look more like ballet dancers as the tiptoe away from the LOS, not even making qbs hurry, let alone hitting them. This mind you, after signing the defensive linemen at a cost of well over a quarter of a billion dollars. Did you, or any Bills fan see this coming? I sure didn't, and I've been watching football for more than 45 years.


Ultimately, allowing ones self get angry is a very bad thing to do. Maybe the Bills are here to put us to the test. :)

Edited by Bill from NYC
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Rex came to town telling us that the Bills would be bullies. Well, these bullies look more like ballet dancers as the tiptoe away from the LOS, not even making qbs hurry, let alone hitting them. This mind you, after signing them at a cost of well over a quarter of a billion dollars. Did you, or any Bills fan see this coming? I sure didn't, and I've been watching football for more than 45 years.


I was afraid of it, Bill. IMO Rex ran a D that depended on great middle linebackers and secondary to disguise a stunting and versatile but only OK DL. We have a great line (when they're left to do their own thing), adequate linebackers, and uneven quality on DB. Rex started out soothing fears by all his talk about how he would fit his system to the players. After 11 games and watching DLmen drop into coverage while LB are continually exposed with the ground they're expected to cover, I call BS and "Shenanigans".


I'm reminded of Albert Haynesworth's "Letter to his Younger Self" where he talks about moving from Tenn. under Schwartz to Washington under Shanahan.


I never liked the bullies analogy. IME bullies are the guys who fold like wet tissue paper when someone kicks them hard in the knee (or the balls). Warriors are the ones who keep going.

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I have to say, the year has been up and down for me. Lots of different feelings. Overall though, last year and this year have been, upgrades. When I sit back and really look at it though, this is the thought that keeps me positive:


Brady and Belichick will eventually retire. I firmly believe that if that if they had retired and it was a new Coach and new QB, we'd be #1 in our division.


Remember, not every team has to deal with having one of the greatest coaches and QBs in their division for over a decade and a half.

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I used to always hear "The great coaches build around the talent they have.".............Why is it that since at least Greggo we keep having coaches who want to play their system no matter what our talent is?!?


I hate it.


This is why none of our coaches have been successful. They try to force their system on a group of players whose skill set does not fit. Ryan is doing it again with the D. There was nothing wrong with the D. It did not need to be changed, yet he insists on trying to play his system. Great results so far don't you think. Good coaches can assess the strengths and weaknesses of the personnel they have and put them in position to succeed. Bad coaches try to enforce a certain system of play regardless if they have the personnel to play it. Ryan is not a good coach.

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After year 30x, game 100x of raging on Mondays, I have chosen to use my positive attitude in life and finally apply it to the Bills.


Here goes, and hopefully this helps someone else!


1) All of the good franchises have success because of coach/system tenure and stability, solid QB play, timely defensive play down the stretch

2) Rex has a defensive system that works, however he does not have the players necessary to run it yet (really he runs a 3-4, and we don't have the personnel) He and the GM need time to assemble the pieces.

3) Roman is a competent OC, with the ability to get plenty out of average QBs. He needs another year to work with Tyrod, (who may or may not be the answer) and another year of assembling players for his system

4) We are not going to the playoffs this year. Too sloppy, too messy- not happening. Lets look forward and hope that year 2 in the system, with 2 drafts and free agent classes to assemble the proper talent, proves to be the difference.


In short- give us time! You saw the Browns game last night and those graphics- (how many coaches, GMs and coordinators they have been through in the last few years) we don't want that!


There is no guarantee Rex will take us to the promised land, but this regime needs some time, as in years, to try and I am looking forward to seeing it work!

This is easily the biggest point of the season. Everyone is questioning how/why our defense went from Top 5 last year to middle of the pack this year. Well, our "multiple front" "hybrid" defense isn't anything the names lead you to believe it to be. Ryan's system is still very much 3-4 base - he'll give you varied looks, but fundamentally still the same. If the personnel doesn't match the system/scheme, you're going to have a bad time. The meme really writes itself here.


Honestly, I don't understand why Rex believed his system would work within the first year here - our current personnel does not play 3-4. I wasn't and still are not sure what our front office was anticipating when they thought about his system working with this current roster. We have a very clear and cut setup for a 4-3. You can see the frustration in the players having to wrap their minds around multiple look coverage so much that it's taking away from their on the field impact. Don't fix what ain't broke! You can fine tune to iron out wrinkles and kinks, but don't implement an entirely new system with conflicting philosophies and methodology and expect it to work instantly.

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Gee, it's a good thing we locked up all our stud DLinemen with expensive contracts, even though they don't fit the scheme? Something's gotta give, and we've already invested in the players. Time for Rex to learn some new tricks.



(He makes me cranky.)

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