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Would ya? College Station edition

The Poojer

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She must have been pretty good at it. Posted $39,000 bond (which was probably 3900) with no problems. Even 3900 for a 19 year old is pretty good. And yes, I probably would.

HELLO! She was selling drugs!

I hear there's good money in that line of work.

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I suggest that you talk to an administrator at your local high school and ask them about the drug use that goes on there. It would open your eyes a bit.


I grew up in the 70's and we were doing all sorts of ****. I'll admit to pretty much anything you can think of. I was the "what does this stuff do? I don't know, give it to Jim he'll tell us" guy. But I wasn't dealing it. That's why I had a job so I could buy the stuff. My remark was mostly to the quantities she had and the amount of dealing she was doing. Doing is dumb, dealing is really dumb.

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