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TNF: Denver at KC


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If Manning is even 3/4 of his former self with this defense look the hell out!


Timing and rhythm on offense is only going to improve as the season goes on


Wade is dialed in on D

Wade dialed in the D, but I still am not that impressed with what the Broncos put together.

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How is that Reid's fault?


Charles needs to know he can't fumble there.

Why is he calling that play? You either sit on it or you try to move the ball, running that play is meaningless and just continues Reids struggles with play calling at the end of a half.


Reid has been screwing up play calling and time management since his first game as a head coach

Edited by Max997
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Why is he calling that play? You either sit on it or you try to move the ball, running that play is meaningless and just continues Reids struggles with play calling at the end of a half.


Reid has been screwing up play calling and time management since his first game as a head coach

I hope Mike and Mike have Herm Edwards on tomorrow ...

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Somebody please explain why, when a ball is ruled not catchable, they totally waive off a PI penalty? Shouldn't at least be an illegal contact penalty? I mean they call PI (and illegal contact) when the receiver is nowhere near where the pass is thrown? This has always seemed very bizarre to me.

agreed it's hard to follow. Also, perhaps the QB would have thrown the ball differently if the receiver wasn't pushed 8 yards out of bounds.

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Interesting: Announcer said Kubiak calls all the plays. Manning has been pretty successful calling his own game. I'll give it a few weeks before Manning convinces Kubiak and Elway to let him call his own game.


This, Kubiak is handicapping one of the greatest playcalling QBs making Manning look underwhelming along with his weakened arm.

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Wade dialed in the D, but I still am not that impressed with what the Broncos put together.

Broncos remind me of the 3-0 Fitzmagic Bills. They have won 2 games where , at least to me, they were outplayed. Turnovers are not predictable, and will generally revert to the mean over the course of a season. I mean, KC had 5 freaking turnovers and the game was a one score game.


I think San Diego wins that division in a cake walk this year. KC is second best. I see Denver no better than 9-7, and that with a 2-0 start.

I have ways hated the run play at the end of 1st half when no danger of having to punt. It's eithe TMQ or Simmons always had a note in their weekly column about the folly of this play, noting that all you are doing is exposing the opportunity to fumble, exposing your ball carrier to a needless hit and possible injury..... And 99 out of a 100 times not gaining enough to vary your strategy of not trying to score.


And yes , Reid may be the absolute worst game manager in the history of the NFL that is still considered a good coach. His play calling at first half close was ridiculous as well. I am not a fan of Simms, but he was right. You run the ball to take it to 2 minute warning, then you start to attack.

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great outcome for us. we want the Broncos in the post season, not the Chefs. i might be concerned about possibly having to go to their stadium and playing a mile high and their defense is above average, but Peyton Manning in January? yes please. his arm will be completely shot by December and he was never a good post-season QB to begin with so just think how bad he is going to be now that his body is deteriorating

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If Manning is even 3/4 of his former self with this defense look the hell out!


Timing and rhythm on offense is only going to improve as the season goes on


Wade is dialed in on D

The question about Manning is, will he decline this year at the same pace he did the previous two seasons? If so he is starting at a lower place than he did in those two seasons.

Age and injuries really look to be taking a toll on Manning. I like Manning, I think he is a true pro and has been great for the game. It is a long season and I fear his drop off in play will continue and by the end of the year we will be trying to remember how awesome he really was not is.

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