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Do We Have Any Bernie Sanders Supporters Among Us?

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This is a more reasonable view from my perspective.


Thank you. Snark aside, I sincerely don't mean to offend anyone.


The main reason I'm concerned with Mexican (and Muslim) immigration, and their voting patterns, is that I believe that the Democrats (I have been a lifelong Democrat, but this election is different) are trying load the country with new immigrants that will vote heavily Democrat for years to come, and use that power to pass progressive policies (some I agree with), that I think could have very damaging long term consequences.


It's not because I have any dislike for Mexicans (or Muslims, for that matter, I just think their culture is so different, that assimilation will take a long time. I support humanitarian efforts for them).

Edited by HoF Watkins
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This shows that you haven't been following this board or don't know the full history of the country.


Care to guess why Irish, and to most extent Italians, have unilaterally voted Dem for generations?


A fun exercise it to dig up articles from 1870s, and replace "Irish" with "Mexican" and you will see an eerie similarity.


The GOP alienated 100-years worth of Italian and Irish voters with their nativist fears. And they're repeating the exactly the same mistake with Hispanics.


Wellllll then there's the whole Bowery political machine.

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"If you got the curves, baby, I got the angles."


I do love me some Guess Who.

Although I did see the Guess Who live once, I'm not familiar with the song.


Did you watch the video?


At 1:30 after Wolf asks him the second time if he could have beaten Trump, he raises his voice and says "WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE NOW?"


I know yall don't like Bernie, but it is pretty funny.

Edited by reddogblitz
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I heard Bernie talking to a BBC reporter this morning. He said two really stupid things (probably figuring the BBC reporter doesn't know any better. (1) he reminded everyone that Hillary Clinton did win the popular vote (2) he wants to focus on changing the Democratic leadership. Someone should remind him that he's not a Democrat and remind him that they crapped all over him in the primaries.

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I heard Bernie talking to a BBC reporter this morning. He said two really stupid things (probably figuring the BBC reporter doesn't know any better. (1) he reminded everyone that Hillary Clinton did win the popular vote (2) he wants to focus on changing the Democratic leadership. Someone should remind him that he's not a Democrat and remind him that they crapped all over him in the primaries.

Yes he wants it to be more socialist. Anyone find it humorous that Bannon is getting hammered in the media while the thought of Keith Ellison as the DNC head is being seen as a good potential choice?

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I heard Bernie talking to a BBC reporter this morning. He said two really stupid things (probably figuring the BBC reporter doesn't know any better. (1) he reminded everyone that Hillary Clinton did win the popular vote (2) he wants to focus on changing the Democratic leadership. Someone should remind him that he's not a Democrat and remind him that they crapped all over him in the primaries.


I don't think Bernie was being stupid when he pointed out that Hillary won the popular vote, I think that's a calculated effort to continue the current discord which is the underpinning of all the protests and riots going on around the nation. He's the left's quintessential angry white male, and I believe the level of anger present in all these protests is at least in part a reflection of Bernie's own anger. He's trying to push the party further toward all-out socialism, and he's the reason so many millennials are willing to follow along the same path.


Yes he wants it to be more socialist. Anyone find it humorous that Bannon is getting hammered in the media while the thought of Keith Ellison as the DNC head is being seen as a good potential choice?



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