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bills game day traffic needs to change.


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Rocky. Are you saying that a serviceman and his wife of 59 years should wait in traffic with the other teenyboppers and drunken punks when all we want is a hotdog with pickle, ketchup and mustard down the road? Southwestern blvd is a public road last time I checked which in my day meant that all travelers had an equal right to drive in both directions at an equal speed. On sundays in the fall, Shirl and I expect to get to our lunch after our walk when we're hungry. If anything the drunk punks should stay to the right so we can pass through. Tradition means pay it backward for me because I served you and your parents for many years.

Yes. That is exactly what I am saying. It's a grim fact of modern life, inconvenient though it may be.

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You weren't in the army - don't refer to yourself as a serviceman.


Why are postmen always the most entitled pricks? You had one of the easiest jobs and got a generous pension - you have absolutely nothing to complain about, so you're complaining about a small inconvenience like it's life-altering.

im not even mad at you, busta, just disappointed.


I would sign a petition for you Howard, if you can create one.


#teamhoward #shirlsmygirl

Yes. That is exactly what I am saying. It's a grim fact of modern life, inconvenient though it may be.

We should be better than that!


Come September I would support Howard getting out of his car, slapping one of this chin strap beard having look at me punks (you know those LAMP types) and throwing their road soda into the nearest body of water; even though I don't normally support pollution. Sometimes a lesson in respect needs to be taught.

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**BLOCK <BustaTimes>** There. Now he's blocked. I don't have to listen to his gibberish any more and he can't respond to my writings.


It amazes me that some of these younger fellas can't squeeze over on SW Blvd for us when we are heading to Teds. Granded, my Olsmobile is about 13ft wide and takes a little more room, but move your little trucks over so we can get where were going.


Rocky I thought I heard you right. Shirl just told me to tell you that my pension has nothing to do with the Bills game traffic. Your 401k at Petsmart will work out just fine and we buy a lot of food for Howard there so we are basically putting food on your table also.


How about this: Park your &#33;@#&#036;ing cars a half mile away and stay off SW Blvd at 11:30am....easy answer.

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**BLOCK <BustaTimes>** There. Now he's blocked. I don't have to listen to his gibberish any more and he can't respond to my writings.


It amazes me that some of these younger fellas can't squeeze over on SW Blvd for us when we are heading to Teds. Granded, my Olsmobile is about 13ft wide and takes a little more room, but move your little trucks over so we can get where were going.


Rocky I thought I heard you right. Shirl just told me to tell you that my pension has nothing to do with the Bills game traffic. Your 401k at Petsmart will work out just fine and we buy a lot of food for Howard there so we are basically putting food on your table also.


How about this: Park your !@#$ing cars a half mile away and stay off SW Blvd at 11:30am....easy answer.

**BLOCK <BustaTimes>**


Good idea, Howard. I don't need his hootenanny filling up my thoughts either.

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NoSaint You see my point about the traffic pattern right? I love the Bills as much as the next guy but I don't need to hit my brakes on SW Blvd just to save a buck on a parking space. These guys should choose a spot and park. Better yet, close SW Blvd between 11-12 and let people wait for 30 minutes.

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**privatemessage <Howard>** I'll admit I don't know the precise routing all that well but I'm tired of the disrespect shown to our servicemen and think you deserve better than our bills fans are showing you. I hate to say it, but maybe it's time to find more patriotic fans to associate yourself with. half these posters are just Canadians due to the recent marketing of the bills across the border. It's a real shame how we started letting anyone on the bills bandwagon. I remember when we stood for something. It's a shame trump isn't the owner. He'd put up a great big wall for you and I bet that would've helped with the traffic, and respect from fellow fans.

Edited by NoSaint
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**privatemessage <Howard>** I'll admit I don't know the precise routing all that well but I'm tired of the disrespect shown to our servicemen and think you deserve better than our bills fans are showing you. I hate to say it, but maybe it's time to find more patriotic fans to associate yourself with. half these posters are just Canadians due to the recent marketing of the bills across the border. It's a real shame how we started letting anyone on the bills bandwagon. I remember when we stood for something. It's a shame trump isn't the owner. He'd put up a great big wall for you and I bet that would've helped with the traffic, and respect from fellow fans.

you forgot the /**privatemessage

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But then again, I'm the guy who runs 3 miles a day and then gets a police escort across town to grab some smokes at the res.

Having a police car following you with lights and siren going is not exactly an escort.

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Having a police car following you with lights and siren going is not exactly an escort.

You realize it's going to take Howard 3 months to find this thread now don't you? (which coincidentally is the same amount of time it took him to deliver the Sears catalog every spring)

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Howard needs to go to Golden Corral

He's still getting over losing the Ground Round. Golden Corral is where you go around 3:45, because you pay the lunch price, and then wait around 15 minutes, and the dinner food comes out.


Plus, Howard and Shirl aren't the only ones. If any of you paid attention, you'd see that they meet friends at the mall. They're prolly all veterans such as Howard. Is Howard asking for the law to change? Of course not. He's just asking for some damn common courtesy from the young punks going to the game.



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You've got me beat in LA, but we made the 5 hour trip from Sea Island GA back to Atlanta today. The first 4 hours went great. The last hour took two hours. No reason, it just did. No rush hour on a Saturday afternoon.


I drove to south jersey this weekend from the lehigh valley. 90 minutes worth of jam from 476, to 95 and 42.


&#33;@#&#036;ing rubberneckers.

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TheRealBuffalojoe Thanks for understanding. Some of these younger fellas are Generation XY'rs They need to let go of that female influence in their genes and respect other servicemen and their families. While these punks were feeling boobs in the backseat of the bus in 8th grade I was sorting all their junk mail and delivering their magazines through their unshoveled walkways. Bunch of pansies want easy access to parking at games WALK YOU LAZY generation XY'rs...WALK

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TheRealBuffalojoe Thanks for understanding. Some of these younger fellas are Generation XY'rs They need to let go of that female influence in their genes and respect other servicemen and their families. While these punks were feeling boobs in the backseat of the bus in 8th grade I was sorting all their junk mail and delivering their magazines through their unshoveled walkways. Bunch of pansies want easy access to parking at games WALK YOU LAZY generation XY'rs...WALK

Exactly. And that was before the days where a computer did all the work for you I'm sure. Kids today don't know the meaning of hard work.

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I actually work with the traffic department in Orchard Park and may be able to help you with your issue. I'd be more than willing to schedule a meeting with you to discuss your concerns. We do charge a $25 in order to setup something, with an additional $25 for each subsequent meeting. Would you like to set something up? Now I do realize that many people don't like being burdened with having to bring $25 in cash with them each time they meet with us, so if you'd like, I could setup automatic payments from a credit card or bank account. If you could send me a private message with that information, I could get the wheels rolling. I have actually been thinking about some measures to lessen the traffic in that area, so I am very anxious to hear more from you.

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