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Terrorist Pet Peeves

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10 questions for Muslims sure to anger them.

1. Why did the angel of God Gabriel assault Muhammad three times in the Hira cave by squeezing Muhammad so hard that Muhammad couldn't breathe? The angel of God Gabriel appears in the Holy Bible four times and he never behaved this way.

2. Why did the angel of God appear in a chair in the sky when he supposedly visited Muhammad the second time? The angel of God Gabriel appears in the Holy Bible four times and he never behaved this way.

3. Why didn't the angel of God Gabriel identify himself to Muhammad in the Hira cave and when he appeared in a chair in the sky? The angel of God Gabriel appears in the Holy Bible four times and he always identified himself.

4. Many think it was Satan who visited Muhammad in the Hira cave and appeared in a chair in the sky in order to fool Muhammad. Do you agree?

5. Which Jews or even Christians conferred the title Prophet of God on Muhammad? Because that's the only way one becomes an Abrahamic Prophet of God.

6. Why was Muhammad suicidal?

7. Why did Muhammad believe that he was possessed by demons?

8. Can you name another "religion" that murders apostates? I thought that only Godless death cults like Communism and Nazism murdered apostates.

9. Can you please tell me about Surah 53: 19 and 20? Many Christians are certain that it was Satan inspired.

10. How did Muhammad die? He was poisoned? Why would anyone want to poison your false Prophet? Was it one of Muhammad's slaves that poisoned Muhammad? Why did Muhammad own slaves?

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Islamic State... Where women wear Burqas and sheep live in fear...




Making fun of the sexual habits of terrorists is a good idea, and your reply has potential, but all you get is a participation trophy. Did you ever watch the TV show "Jeopardy?" This thread is intended to be kind of like that - - the form of the answer matters. There needs to be a "pet peeve" from the terrorist's perspective, or at least something that the terrorist finds annoying. Maybe you could recast the reply to something like:


Khalid: "Why must it be so lonely fighting in the desert, Mustafa? Osama took more than his share of wives to Pakistan, the cowardly American drone strike has killed my favorite goat, and my adult sheep run from me. But praise to the prophet, I still have a friendly lamb. Here he comes now.


Lamb: "Daaa--aa---aa-----aad?"

Edited by ICanSleepWhenI'mDead
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Ramadi Tom: "The Crusaders get my dandruff up, Fazul. They are such idiots. American Pharoah? Really? In a momentary reprieve from there degravity, they give a horse that can run like the wind an excellent name, but spell it wrong? Perhaps the moon landing really was staged after all!"

Edited by ICanSleepWhenI'mDead
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Habib: Why do I always get stuck with Hassan? An AK-47 is the most user-friendly rifle in history, but Hassan the idiot can't figure it out. One day he is going kill all of us with his, and none of us will get our 72 virgins, because there is no martyrdom for "death by idiot".


CAIR spin doctor Jamal: Dammit, there he goes again! Every single time I come up with a really good plan to rationalize Islamic terror, or marginalize and character assassinate those who demand that we either answer for it, or commit ourselves to fixing Islam's problems, Obama always beats me to it! It's like instead of being POTUS, his sole mission in life is to make mine meaningless.


Khalil: Every time I come home, my wives terrorize me more in one day, than I terrorize the infidels in a year. And unlike the infidels, I can't go the bar and B word about it.


Hakim: Allah dammit, I had to let the boss win at soccer again today. I'm so sick of pretending he's better than me, but if I don't, I will die a slow, agonizing death. The worst thing that happens to the infidels if they beat their bosses at something is they have to work the weekend.

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I was walking through the mall and saw that there was a Muslim Book Store.

I was wondering what exactly was in a Muslim bookstore so I went in.

As I was wandering around taking a look, the clerk stopped me and asked if he could help me.

I imagine I didn't look like his normal clientele, so I asked, “Do you have a copy of the U.S. Immigration Policy Book regarding Muslims?”

The clerk said,

"F**k off, get the f**k out and stay out!"

I said, "Yes, that's the one. Do you have it in paperback?”

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I was walking through the mall and saw that there was a Muslim Book Store.


I was wondering what exactly was in a Muslim bookstore so I went in.


As I was wandering around taking a look, the clerk stopped me and asked if he could help me.


I imagine I didn't look like his normal clientele, so I asked, “Do you have a copy of the U.S. Immigration Policy Book regarding Muslims?”


The clerk said,


"F**k off, get the f**k out and stay out!"


I said, "Yes, that's the one. Do you have it in paperback?”

In tracking down this joke I found out a couple of things 1. Pam Geller is soaking up a lot of right-wing admiration that use to go to Sarah Palin and Ayn Rand 2. American Pharaoh's triple crown win is an Illuminati nod to Obama

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In tracking down this joke I found out a couple of things, Pam Geller is soaking up a lot of right-wing admiration that use to go to Sarah Palin and Ayn Rand




You "found" no such thing.


You read (presumably) several articles that support Pam Geller's point,


and you again showed your bias by projecting that into your standard liberal BS about past conservative women.



Standard stuff.







Edited by B-Man
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Ramadi Tom: "The Crusaders get my dandruff up, Fazul. They are such idiots. American Pharoah? Really? In a momentary reprieve from there degravity, they give a horse that can run like the wind an excellent name, but spell it wrong? Perhaps the moon landing really was staged after all!"



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