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Terrorist Pet Peeves

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The only reason it sounds naive or ignorant is because you're mischaracterizing my point, and you're doing so on purpose. Where did I ever presume that we have "perfect information on who will go postal"? What I'm telling you is that we used to lock crazy people up and/or get them help before they could do harm to others. Not all were identified before they could cause harm, but many were. You ignore that because it doesn't fit your agenda. Instead you use tragedies such as this one to blame firearms and racism, and completely ignore the fact that all this might have been prevented had somebody seen the sickness festering inside this kid's mind. Instead, he never got treatment, and nine people paid with their lives.

So you really think it would have been enough to arrest and medicate him based on comments his friend alleged made? And if the threshold were that low how many others would have to be arrested ?


And the guy in California shot the college kids? Or the killer at theatre in Colorado? They'd been arrested and medicated in time? What were the standards in those cases that would have allowed for this? Who gets to make and enforce them?


How about someone who's stupid, easily frustrated, has an attachment to guns, and an avatar of a infant with a bloody knife ought to be pre-emptively incarcerated too?

Edited by JTSP
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So you really think it would have been enough to arrest and medicate him based on comments his friend alleged made? And if the threshold were that low how many others would have to be arrested ?


And the guy in California shot the college kids? Or the killer at theatre in Colorado? They'd been arrested and medicated in time? What were the standards in those cases that would have allowed for this? Who gets to make and enforce them?


How about someone who's stupid, easily frustrated, has an attachment to guns, and an avatar of a infant with a bloody knife ought to be pre-emptively incarcerated too?


You're the one frustrated that racism and guns play less of a role than do mental illness and evil in this case. Are you forgetting that Adam Lanza, perpetrator of one of the worst mass murders in American history was supposed to be on medication when he stole his mother's gun before killing her and all those teachers and children.


Roof may well not have been identified as being mentally ill before he killed those people. He'd better pray that he IS found to be insane, because there are a lot of people who would support bringing back the chair for that sicko.


I chose my avatar because it was done by a popular artist from Buffalo (Mike Mararian) from a series called 'Inky Dreadfuls', and it's entitled 'The Grave Digger's Orphan'.


By the way - I don't have an 'attachment to guns'. I don't even own one.


If I sound frustrated, consider who it is that I'm talking to.


Is 'stupid' the best you've got?

Edited by Azalin
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I think we can all agree that JTSP should never own a gun. It's obvious he's afraid of them and what he might do if he ever got one in his hands. For that small measure of restraint I simply want to say, "thanks".


Back on topic, I would think one of the top terrorist pet peeves would be, "You just can't get a decent shot of bourbon in Riyadh".

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You're the one frustrated that racism and guns play less of a role than do mental illness and evil in this case. Are you forgetting that Adam Lanza, perpetrator of one of the worst mass murders in American history was supposed to be on medication when he stole his mother's gun before killing her and all those teachers and children.


Roof may well not have been identified as being mentally ill before he killed those people. He'd better pray that he IS found to be insane, because there are a lot of people who would support bringing back the chair for that sicko.


I chose my avatar because it was done by a popular artist from Buffalo (Mike Mararian) from a series called 'Inky Dreadfuls', and it's entitled 'The Grave Digger's Orphan'.


By the way - I don't have an 'attachment to guns'. I don't even own one.


If I sound frustrated, consider who it is that I'm talking to.


Is 'stupid' the best you've got?


I wouldn't take JTSP very seriously at all on a personal level:


His stance essentially boils down to a desire to molest children and perpetrate acts of violence against others in the name of Islam without any fear of being opposed by someone with access to a force multiplier.

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I wouldn't take JTSP very seriously at all on a personal level:


His stance essentially boils down to a desire to molest children and perpetrate acts of violence against others in the name of Islam without any fear of being opposed by someone with access to a force multiplier.

Actually you're the scariest person on the board. You routinely ascribe imaginery motive to people or groups you don't like to justify hostility against them, you hate the police, and you have an extreme attachment to guns
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Sources please.

Here's one example of your hallucinations: you claim I have "a desire to ..... perpetrate acts of violence against others in the name of Islam" with no source, while ignoring for example a thread I started exposing Saudi support for terror in the region, and questioning why we treat them as an ally



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Here's one example of your hallucinations: you claim I have "a desire to ..... perpetrate acts of violence against others in the name of Islam" with no source, while ignoring for example a thread I started exposing Saudi support for terror in the region, and questioning why we treat them as an ally








Your sources pinning down my stances in order to condem them as" dangerous" include... threads I've never contributed to?


You're an absolute cartoon.

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Here's one example of your hallucinations: you claim I have "a desire to ..... perpetrate acts of violence against others in the name of Islam" with no source, while ignoring for example a thread I started exposing Saudi support for terror in the region, and questioning why we treat them as an ally




:lol::lol: Who is hallucinating again? The guy who didn't post in the thread or the one holding that thread up as a source of said person's hallucinations?


I know you don't understand the difference between fact and speculation, but this is an all time low moment for you on this board. You should really, really, really, be ashamed.

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Your sources pinning down my stances in order to condem them as" dangerous" include... threads I've never contributed to?


You're an absolute cartoon.

That's right, you ascribe motive to groups or individuals you don't like, without sources, and in total contradiction to what they've actually said.
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That's right, you ascribe motive to groups or individuals you don't like, without sources, and in total contradiction to what they've actually said.



All you have to do, is provide ONE example.


restating the same thing doesn't count............. :D





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Sasheem: Be mindful of this, my son. Many years ago, one of our Stojan-head ancestors foolishly discussed Arabic numerals with an infidel. That is why the Americans can now rain fire upon us from the sky. We must closely guard such knowledge in the future, by avoiding the appearance of wisdom when we post messages for each other at Modern Goat-Herder Monthly.


Little Sasheemi: You are wise, Father. But how can I best avoid the appearance of wisdom?


Sasheem: Read what my cousin ******** posts at Two Bills Drive. No American suspects him of having a useful thought.

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