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Your favorite thing about going to Bills games

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I haven't been to a home game in a while, so I love going to road games and meeting Bills fans from around the world. There's this weird connection that you automatically have when you meet someone who roots for the same team as you. Especially those who are from Buffalo, but even the ones who aren't local fans there's a connection. The pregame party the night before Is always fun.


Home games have to be the Shout song. Sure it's cheesy, But that's what we all love about it. Plus, it means we just scored/won.


Going to my Bills Backer's bar is always a blast. We have a DJ that plays the Shout song after the scores, plus other music during commercials to keep the party going. Plus we're a tight knit group.

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That smell and sound is etched in my brain too Buf. Lord, the dogs suck at the stadium, but that smell puts us right back in the 70's and 80's.


There is a guy on Sabre Space who goes by "that Aud Smell". Ain't nothing truer than that!

I can hear Nevarath saying "Cribbs on the carry" so clear in my head...almost like I am there.

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The sudden eruption of celebration electricity flowing through the crowd after big plays, the high fives and hugs with the folks around us...absolutely nothing like it.

Agreed. That is the best part.

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the thing that has been a constant for me, since the rockpile days, is when the bills first appear at the tunnel, just getting ready to be introduced and the fans react.. it has been the same from year one.. and it will never change.

Edited by dwight in philly
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For me it's walking into the stadium and seeing the field for the first time...the temple of football.


Yeah, no matter how many times we've been to games, this part still gets me every time. The field is so green!!! I love it.

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1. Tailgating with good friends, food and beer.


2. The moment the Bills exit the tunnel pre-kickoff


3. Hugging random ppl I've known for 10 minutes to celebrate another Dan Carpenter field goal


4. Being able to see the true speed, size and strength of the game. So much of it is lost through television. It reminds me of the skills and talent those guys have.


5. A post-win walk back to the car screaming whatever nonsense song, chant or thought comes to mind. Look out for free high fives coming your way.

Edited by AlwaysBilleve
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