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Anyone ever get fired or quit

Ice bowl 67

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Please tell me you got a massive raise, a hot assistant and beer fridge for the office!


The next raise was a good one. No hot assistant.. Hell, no assistant at all.

Beer fridge...hummm.


The satisfaction that the buffoon got waxed was enough of a payment.


Three years later the plant was bought by a competitor. The President came to the lab and asked me what I would like to see done in the lab.

My main response was to remove the "contract worker" status from the 4 lab techs and make them full-time employees.

He liked that I stood up for my staff and did that immediately.

Alas, he has retired and now we are ruled by a 'nano' manager President.

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Never been fired. But my wife was sh*t canned from Super Duper back in the day... She claims it was NOT fault and more of a soap opera played out... LoL


I did almost go through a RIF w/the Federal Gov't 20+ years ago, while still back in BFLO... But then the MidWest was calling and landed out here. :-/


Employment/housing stability has always been my norm... I wish I could say the same thing about other aspects of my life... ;-) Besides being on the road and traveling, I have lived in 3 permanent houses my whole life, heck father still lives in the house I grew up in. Same w/my wife too and her parents back in BFLO.

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Yeah...funny **** right there...I should have expected as much...there I go and pour my heart out in a rare post then I get ridiculed and mocked...it's almost as if it's a plan to keep me from posting.......sayyyyy....




Please. If I were going to ridicule and mock you, I would have dusted off one of the old Nervous Clan...

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have quit two partner track jobs before the end of my first year contract. one was a practice where the senior partner was bonking the office manager, there was a ridiculous buy-in and the deck was clearly stacked against junior partners. i did er/urgent care work for a year and interviewed all over the country. eventually joined another private group with partners only a bit older than me. turns out they were borrowing money every month to make payroll while paying themselves way too much. quit after 8 mos and opened my own practice. not a single one of them is still in that practice. it's closed long ago. if you have a strong work ethic, it's unlikely anyone will do it better than you can do yourself.

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if you have a strong work ethic, it's unlikely anyone will do it better than you can do yourself.


Aye that's the pisser...so I was a senior scientist, after I was laid off, some of my younger co-workers who survived kept contacting me for advice, how do you do this, how do you do that...at first I was patient and cooperative, then I just started getting kind of pissed and pretty much shut them out...felt like a dick about it but I thought "why did they kick me to the curb and retain people who don't know how to do the work."....obviously it all boils down to money...damn...call me bitter I guess.

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if you have a strong work ethic, it's unlikely anyone will do it better than you can do yourself.


Aye that's the pisser...so I was a senior scientist, after I was laid off, some of my younger co-workers who survived kept contacting me for advice, how do you do this, how do you do that...at first I was patient and cooperative, then I just started getting kind of pissed and pretty much shut them out...felt like a dick about it but I thought "why did they kick me to the curb and retain people who don't know how to do the work."....obviously it all boils down to money...damn...call me bitter I guess.


Definitely money. The people they kept at my old job are inept morons who just made less money than I did. Once in a while, I'll let bitterness creep in. But I stay in touch with a select few former coworkers who are actual friends of mine. So I hear about how miserable the ones they chose to keep are. Getting worked like dogs with no appreciation. No power to do their own thinking; they just follow ridiculous orders and put up with it. Yes, you're damn right it makes me happy. Every !@#$ing time I hear it.

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I actually quit over the Bills once. I was young, working at Ames Dept. store. It was a Sunday and I was the electronics dept. guy. I had the Bills game on. My boss told me I had to turn it off. I told her I dont need this. I left and never came back. Finished watching the game at home.

Did they win?

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I was laid of in 2007 after 27 years.

I spent 20 months at Corning Tropel, "contract-to-hire" as quality engineer, took about a $12K pay cut, and was laid off again.


Worked at a small manufacturer as a quality manager. That lasted for 12 months until they fired me for not completing engineering tasks I specifically told them I was not trained for and had never done, before I signed the offer. Dropped another $8K too. That was difficult, because I was treated like dirt for too long but had to get fired to insure I would get unemployment.


After a year on unemployment, I took an internet help desk job, that did not pay well, unless you were starting your career, but it was full time with good benefits. I needed that because two pills I take daily for MS would be $84K annually out of pocket. Four years later, I am still there but looking to make another change. I will keep this gig until another is found.


As far as salary? I make now what I made almost 30 years ago.


So much for Baby Boomers living the "high life". LOL

That's crazy. I believe it too.


A lot of people have these great jobs for many many years, overpaid even. Then if a layoff happens, then they realize how good they really had it.


I feel for these types of people.

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but I thought "why did they kick me to the curb and retain people who don't know how to do the work."....obviously it all boils down to money...damn...call me bitter I guess.

Becuase they were cheaper to keep around? Were their salaries much lower? What about bennies?

That's crazy. I believe it too.


A lot of people have these great jobs for many many years, overpaid even. Then if a layoff happens, then they realize how good they really had it.


I feel for these types of people.

Look @ Ford. They are staring them off @ 15 bucks and hour, and this was a bunch of years ago.


I have been working for the DoD, wage grade for decades... People wouldn't touch this type of work years ago, now they are all clamoring for it... Lists are long!


We actually have an opening... Vets get a better crack @ it too. :-)

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Becuase they were cheaper to keep around? Were their salaries much lower? What about bennies?


Seems like it, they make about 75% of what I made...benefits the same. I was an expert in two particular tests they are now trying to take over, they have no clue as to what they are doing. It took me about a year to get these up and running and getting consistent results...After a few weeks of incessant questions, I finally just gave them a few one liners and told them to "have fun"... :pirate:

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Seems like it, they make about 75% of what I made...benefits the same. I was an expert in two particular tests they are now trying to take over, they have no clue as to what they are doing. It took me about a year to get these up and running and getting consistent results...After a few weeks of incessant questions, I finally just gave them a few one liners and told them to "have fun"... :pirate:


Can you tell us what drug trials those tests were supporting? I'd like to avoid those drugs if they come to market.

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GE has. 2 tier wage system in place at Schenectady. Started in 2010 when Batterie plant came to Schenectady. T rates make $10 less per hour. Company asked when they hired them if it would bother them working next to a person making $10 more per hour.. Now that they have been around a while they want GE to raise the rate and make it equal. They gave the trades $3.00 more a couple years ago when no one would come work for them. If you started at $15 per hour at an entry level job and put in for up grades and went to a 25 rate assembler job you have increased your pay by 89%. They are still not happy.

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About 15 years ago I worked for a biotech firm They laid off about 1--15% pf the workforce in October, Everybody left got a 5% raise on Jan 1. Someone lower than me was complaining about the raise.I told him I was glad that I was gratefulI didn't get laid off and the 5% was fine. On Valentines Day, the cut another 33% including me and him. We had found out that they were not paying bills, so when we got our severance pay checks, everyone rushed to the bank to cash theirs the next day. I cashed in my stock options as soon as I could and made only about $7K. About 2 years later the stock jumped $1 in a day (from $5/share to $6.share. Yep, they had been sold. I heard that the new company only kept about 5 people and they had to move to MA from CA. It again got sold to a large pharma giant.

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GE has. 2 tier wage system in place at Schenectady. Started in 2010 when Batterie plant came to Schenectady. T rates make $10 less per hour. Company asked when they hired them if it would bother them working next to a person making $10 more per hour.. Now that they have been around a while they want GE to raise the rate and make it equal. They gave the trades $3.00 more a couple years ago when no one would come work for them. If you started at $15 per hour at an entry level job and put in for up grades and went to a 25 rate assembler job you have increased your pay by 89%. They are still not happy.

How is morale under those conditions? You said they weren't happy. What I am asking is, how's the actual work climate under these conditions. People get snarky? Lot's of drama? Do crappy work?

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