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Starbucks Fans...Whadayathink of this new idea?


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In partnership with USA Today, Starbucks has launched a week-long campaign under the banner “Race Together” to get staff and customers talking about race. In a video message, Schultz urges “partners” to write the phrase on their paper cups “to facilitate a conversation between you and our customers.” A USA Today supplement, set to be published March 20, includes a number of “conversation starters,” including the fill-in-the-blank question: “In the past year, I have been to the home of someone of a different race ___ times.”


It looks like Starbucks wants the employee to write the message on the cup to invite a conversation. Writing the words "Race Together" on the cup is fine, but if the customer hits the employee with a question about race relations, this could end in an assortment of ways:

1) The employee stands there dumbfounded not knowing what to say because he just wants to end his shift and go home;

2) The employee engages in a conversation with someone who believes there is no "race" problem and it escalates quickly to a point where the hot coffee ends up in someone's face, or

3) The employee and the customer have a great, in depth conversation re. race relations (this is the goal obviously), or

4) Customer puts a cardboard insulator around the cup covering the words and walks out.


Yes, I don't see this ending well, at all. I like the idea of encouraging others to discuss a topic ... but the baristas shouldn't be any part of it.


Perhaps they pick 20 issues; racism, abortion, war, dirty politicians, governmental transparency, etc ... and pre-print them on cups. Then encourage patrons to engage in a conversation, that day, about the topic on the cup they're given. Something like that.

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Nailed it. If I really need some comically misinformed 19 year old social justice warrior telling me how the world works I'll just browse reddit or tumblr.

OT i know, but i have a couple of friends that work at Starbucks to get the heatth insurance. Pretty cool company that way, and not all the barisstas 19 yr old knuckleheads.


That being said, i still don't want to talk to them about anything but coffee....and the Bills. Guy at the one closest to me is a big Bills fan.

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i think this is a good move by Starbucks....most people don't go to starbucks just for the coffee, it's the attitude of the place. We all know you can get better and cheaper coffee at any number of places, but Starbucks has become almost a 'hyde park' type place where social awareness and discussion is prevalent and encouraged. Wouldn't bother me one bit...now if they do that when i am at Wawa, that's another story all together.....

What's Wawa?

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Nailed it. If I really need some comically misinformed 19 year old social justice warrior telling me how the world works I'll just browse reddit or tumblr.


Standing in line marking time

Waiting for the welfare dime

'Cause they can't buy a job

The man in the silk suit hurries by

As he catches the poor ladies' eyes

Just for fun he says, "Get a job"


That's just the way it is

Some things will never change

That's just the way it is

Ah but don't you believe them


Said, hey little boy you can't go where the others go

'Cause you don't look like they do

Said, hey old man how can you stand

To think that way, did you really think about it

Before you made the rules?


He said, "Son, that's just the way it is

Some things will never change

That's just the way it is

Ah but don't you believe them"


That's just the way it is

That's just the way it is


Well they passed a law in '64

To give those who ain't got a little more

But it only goes so far

Because the law don't change another's mind

When all it sees at the hiring time

Is the line on the color bar, no, no, no


That's just the way it is

Some things will never change

That's just the way it is

That's just the way it is, it is, it is, it is

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You should have led with I think their coffee tastes horrible. and moved on.


Also isn't this a PPP topic? just asking.


No. It's not a PPP topic. Or at least it won't be until some tool decides to participate in a way that only trolls and doesn't contribute.


A healthy, productive conversation about any topic is one through which the participants each learn something new whilst engaging in a civil, respectful discussion.


I look at this this way: when I walk into a Trader Joe's here, there are always some idiots outside from Greenpeace or some other group. I have the ability to walk by them, do my shopping, pay, and then walk by them again without any interaction. I know this is part of Trader Joe's, and choose to keep going there.


However, the moment I am checking out at Trader Joe's and the checkers spend the next week repeatedly asking me what I think about saving the delta smelt, I no longer go to Trader Joe's.


Not being a Starbucks person, I have to wonder if their customers will generally care about this or not.

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No. It's not a PPP topic. Or at least it won't be until some tool decides to participate in a way that only trolls and doesn't contribute.



I look at this this way: when I walk into a Trader Joe's here, there are always some idiots outside from Greenpeace or some other group. I have the ability to walk by them, do my shopping, pay, and then walk by them again without any interaction. I know this is part of Trader Joe's, and choose to keep going there.


However, the moment I am checking out at Trader Joe's and the checkers spend the next week repeatedly asking me what I think about saving the delta smelt, I no longer go to Trader Joe's.


Not being a Starbucks person, I have to wonder if their customers will generally care about this or not.


People have legitimate SB addictions, or at least have convinced themselves of as much. I wouldn't expect their sales to slow down because of this. Certainly not for any meaningful period of time.

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People have legitimate SB addictions, or at least have convinced themselves of as much. I wouldn't expect their sales to slow down because of this. Certainly not for any meaningful period of time.


I tend to agree with this. Last week I went with my son on his 4th grade trip to Sacramento. A 48-hour whirlwind through our state capital with 11 other kids and their parents. I was stunned how we couldn't move on to the next tour without one of the parents giving a report on where the nearest Starbucks would be. Not the nearest coffee, mind you, but Starbucks.

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I tend to agree with this. Last week I went with my son on his 4th grade trip to Sacramento. A 48-hour whirlwind through our state capital with 11 other kids and their parents. I was stunned how we couldn't move on to the next tour without one of the parents giving a report on where the nearest Starbucks would be. Not the nearest coffee, mind you, but Starbucks.


Yeah. It's weird.


And this new stunt is obnoxious, IMO.

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Standing in line marking time

Waiting for the welfare dime

'Cause they can't buy a job

The man in the silk suit hurries by

As he catches the poor ladies' eyes

Just for fun he says, "Get a job"


That's just the way it is

Some things will never change

That's just the way it is

Ah but don't you believe them


Said, hey little boy you can't go where the others go

'Cause you don't look like they do

Said, hey old man how can you stand

To think that way, did you really think about it

Before you made the rules?


He said, "Son, that's just the way it is

Some things will never change

That's just the way it is

Ah but don't you believe them"


That's just the way it is

That's just the way it is


Well they passed a law in '64

To give those who ain't got a little more

But it only goes so far

Because the law don't change another's mind

When all it sees at the hiring time

Is the line on the color bar, no, no, no


That's just the way it is

Some things will never change

That's just the way it is

That's just the way it is, it is, it is, it is

What is your fascination with me today? At least attempt to make sense.

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No. It's not a PPP topic. Or at least it won't be until some tool decides to participate in a way that only trolls and doesn't contribute.



Not being a Starbucks person, I have to wonder if their customers will generally care about this or not.

understood. Don't we often find that the case though?


someone has to go the extra mile to mess up a conversation.

I don't like the taste of Starbucks coffee, I find it over priced and when I do go to Starbucks with a co-worker I ask for a medium coffee.

Edited by BillsFan-4-Ever
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Yeah...DC's very homogeneous.

You said "local." They must not be hiring "locals" then. ;-)

What is your fascination with me today? At least attempt to make sense.

I don't know. I just read your post and thought of the old man in the song... Go w/it J-mo! ;-)


:w00t: Good luck with that.

He's gonna need it! Luck that is! :-)

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