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Patriots locker room attendant implicated in Deflate gate

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Has anyone noticed that the Patriots* seem to be run in the "best" tradition of Boston organized crime these days?

-Skirt the rules when not breaking them

-Deniability when caught ("Hernandez? Oh, we had no idea he was a thug and a murderer, we have now cut all ties")

-Let the little guy (Locker Room Attendant) take the fall while the Big Tunas who you know had to ask or at least OK it (Brady) act all pretty

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I know not why so many people here are forcing excuses at this situation. I understand playing devil's advocate.....and anyone who has followed my posting throughout the years knows that I like to have ample facts before drawing some sort of conclusion......but everything pretty much points in the one direction on this topic and the counter arguments are more like possible excuses rather than reasons for why it isn't so.




Agree. It really is bizarre. I would hope that the apologists at least recognize and lament the fact that the Pats** have forever lost the benefit of the doubt in the court of public opinion based on their history of aggressively pushing the ethical limits of the game. Their "end justifies the means" philosophy may be effective but it certainly isn't attractive to the vast majority of fans.


The kid that took a pee is Bill BELLICHEAT's Son!!!! WTF! No wonder they came out so hard in defense




Fact or speculation?

I thought it was fact based on this thread.


upon rerearding it appears to be speculation.



Edited by newcombo
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We don't have to prove that it mattered or had an impact on their winning %ages. They got caught tampering with equipment. End of story. It doesn't matter if stats show it was a big deal or not.


The rules say they can't do it. They did it. It's part of a pattern. Make them pay. Draft picks + fine.


It also doesn't matter which individual did it. The organization is unable to police itselfand that starts with Belichick. Ball boys don't do anything without instructions. And nothing that man does wastes time or energy. Make the organization pay and maybe their actions will begin to match their rhetoric about playing fair and staying far away from anything resembling cheating.


The discussion about advantages and fumbling rates is a distraction.




WRT to turnovers .... look what it says and who championed it


The most incriminating thing i have seen against the pats
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40 seconds!




So funny i hear Pats fans saying bathroom is a small one players use in case they need to go during game.Therefore too small to deflate 12 balls.


I say because its a small bathroom, I would assume no surveillance camera. My guess is cameras in bathrooms are against the law, but i could be wrong.


I also think that is why Kraft so so adamant and used the word "definitive" in his statement. Unless the guy who did it admits it...Kraft knows there will be no "definite" evidense as it occurred in a bathroom with no camera.


Any thing else is circumstantial, not definitive.

Edited by plenzmd1
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Do you think their decision to wait has anything to do with their findings? Or do you think even if they're positive the Patriots are innocent right now they'd still wait?


I'm just looking for anything I can to give me hope that the Patriots will be found guilty. :thumbsup:

It's going to be after. They are not close. They haven't even interviewed Brady yet and they aren't going to until after Sunday.
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Do you think their decision to wait has anything to do with their findings? Or do you think even if they're positive the Patriots are innocent right now they'd still wait?


I'm just looking for anything I can to give me hope that the Patriots will be found guilty. :thumbsup:


their decision has everything to do with getting it right. it just so happens it's also convienent that it will take weeks to thoroughly investigate (see mueller/ ray rice report).


according to Bill Poilian, NFL executive vice president Jeff Pash is the perfect guy to lead the investigation. he is above reproach.


Goodell does not need to see evidence that rises to the level of a criminal court. he can simply use his common sense (what's left of it) to dish out punishment. i say this because his botched sting operation will cost him his job. he betrayed the trust of one single owner trying to set a trap, when he should have known this was a league wide problem and sent a letter to all 32 teams saying stop this now, we are watching.

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I thought it was fact based on this thread.


upon rerearding it appears to be speculation.




He's in his third year as a "coaching assistant," and the Patriots don't list an equipment manager in their media guide. The last one to hold that title (publicly) left to battle an eventually-fatal illness... three seasons ago.


I ain't sayin', I'm just sayin'.

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their decision has everything to do with getting it right. it just so happens it's also convienent that it will take weeks to thoroughly investigate (see mueller/ ray rice report).


according to Bill Poilian, NFL executive vice president Jeff Pash is the perfect guy to lead the investigation. he is above reproach.[/size]


Goodell does not need to see evidence that rises to the level of a criminal court. he can simply use his common sense (what's left of it) to dish out punishment. i say this because his botched sting operation will cost him his job. he betrayed the trust of one single owner trying to set a trap, when he should have known this was a league wide problem and sent a letter to all 32 teams saying stop this now, we are watching.[/size]

Ted Wells, an independent guy, is leading the investigation. Pash probably from the NFLs side.

He's in his third year as a "coaching assistant," and the Patriots don't list an equipment manager in their media guide. The last one to hold that title (publicly) left to battle an eventually-fatal illness... three seasons ago.


I ain't sayin', I'm just sayin'.

I sincerely doubt that Hoodwink would make his son the "locker room attendant"
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A reporter, with no experience in such matters, managed to take 12 footballs out of a bag and deflate them in 40 seconds, by himself.


I only wish they had video of the experiment to go with it, but (a) I'm sure someone will come out with that and (b) the apologists will say it was doctored.

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A reporter, with no experience in such matters, managed to take 12 footballs out of a bag and deflate them in 40 seconds, by himself.


I only wish they had video of the experiment to go with it, but (a) I'm sure someone will come out with that and (b) the apologists will say it was doctored.

The video of it is there. They show it.
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I sincerely doubt that Hoodwink would make his son the "locker room attendant"


Think about it. Who would be less likely to talk out of school about such activities, some random ball boy or the coach's son?


You do know that Steve Scarnecchia, son of then-Pats' DC Dante Scarnecchia, was a key figure in the SpyGate videotaping?

The video of it is there. They show it.


My bad.


Obviously it was doctored! :)

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Think about it. Who would be less likely to talk out of school about such activities, some random ball boy or the coach's son?


You do know that Steve Scarnecchia, son of then-Pats' DC Dante Scarnecchia, was a key figure in the SpyGate videotaping?


My bad.


Obviously it was doctored! :)

That's not the point. About who would talk out of school. The point is he wouldn't give his son a job as towel boy. It's the equivalent of lunch monitor and not quite bathroom attendant. And his son wouldn't do it. He wants to be a coach.
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Ted Wells, an independent guy, is leading the investigation. Pash probably from the NFLs side.

I sincerely doubt that Hoodwink would make his son the "locker room attendant"


You're assuming the news reports - and the NFL - got the job title right.


I think The Devil Wears Hoodies would make his son a locker room attendant - give him a nice "coach's assistant" title, but make him do scut work like picking up towels. It just strikes me as the thing that he'd do.

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