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Islamic Terrorism


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On the subject of ‘hate speech’, ‘Islamophobia’ and all the rest, this piece by Brendan O’Neill makes the necessary point that the reluctance to criticize Islam may well be making matters worse:





t is becoming increasingly clear that one of the major problems we face today is not that our society is too mean about Islam, but that it flatters Islam too much. Islam now enjoys the same kind of moral protection from blasphemy and ridicule that Christianity once (wrongly) enjoyed….


This is incredibly dangerous. This censorious flattery of Islam is, in my view, a key contributor to the violence we have seen in recent years. Because when you constantly tell people that any mockery of their religion is tantamount to a crime, is vile and racist and unacceptable, you actively invite them, encourage them in fact, to become intolerant. You license their intolerance. You inflame their violent contempt for anyone who questions their dogmas. You provide a moral justification for their desire to punish those who insult their religion….


There are no quick fixes to the terror problem, but here is a good start: oppose all censorship and all clampdowns on offence and blasphemy and so-called ‘Islamophobia’…This will at least start the process of unravelling the Islamist victimhood narrative and its bizarre, violent and officially sanctioned sensitivity to criticism. And if anyone says this is ‘punching down’ — another intellectual weapon in the armoury of Islam-protecting censorship, designed to demonise awkward questions about certain religious and ideological beliefs — tell them that it is in fact punching up: up against a political class and legal system that has foolishly and outrageously sought to police criticism of a religion.


What this means is that the supposedly correct response to terror attacks — ‘Don’t criticise Islam’ — is absolutely the worst response. It pours petrol on fire. It inflames the violent religious narcissism and self-pity that motors many of these attacks. Making criticism of Islam as commonplace and acceptable as criticism of any other religion or ideology is the first step to denuding Islamist terrorism of its warped moral programme, and it will also demonstrate that our society prizes freedom of speech over everything else — including your religion, your God, your prophets, your holy book and your feelings.




Edited by B-Man
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On the subject of ‘hate speech’, ‘Islamophobia’ and all the rest, this piece by Brendan O’Neill makes the necessary point that the reluctance to criticize Islam may well be making matters worse:





t is becoming increasingly clear that one of the major problems we face today is not that our society is too mean about Islam, but that it flatters Islam too much. Islam now enjoys the same kind of moral protection from blasphemy and ridicule that Christianity once (wrongly) enjoyed….


This is incredibly dangerous. This censorious flattery of Islam is, in my view, a key contributor to the violence we have seen in recent years. Because when you constantly tell people that any mockery of their religion is tantamount to a crime, is vile and racist and unacceptable, you actively invite them, encourage them in fact, to become intolerant. You license their intolerance. You inflame their violent contempt for anyone who questions their dogmas. You provide a moral justification for their desire to punish those who insult their religion….


There are no quick fixes to the terror problem, but here is a good start: oppose all censorship and all clampdowns on offence and blasphemy and so-called ‘Islamophobia’…This will at least start the process of unravelling the Islamist victimhood narrative and its bizarre, violent and officially sanctioned sensitivity to criticism. And if anyone says this is ‘punching down’ — another intellectual weapon in the armoury of Islam-protecting censorship, designed to demonise awkward questions about certain religious and ideological beliefs — tell them that it is in fact punching up: up against a political class and legal system that has foolishly and outrageously sought to police criticism of a religion.


What this means is that the supposedly correct response to terror attacks — ‘Don’t criticise Islam’ — is absolutely the worst response. It pours petrol on fire. It inflames the violent religious narcissism and self-pity that motors many of these attacks. Making criticism of Islam as commonplace and acceptable as criticism of any other religion or ideology is the first step to denuding Islamist terrorism of its warped moral programme, and it will also demonstrate that our society prizes freedom of speech over everything else — including your religion, your God, your prophets, your holy book and your feelings.






Again, excellent.


Denunciation of Islam is NOT racism.

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It is them against us. It's just the "them" in that equation is not Muslims and never has been.


How did Wahhabisim actually start? It was fostered by the British who wanted to undercut the Ottoman Empire in the 1700s. Then the Germans in the late eighteenth and through the nineteenth century introduced the concept of extending jihad to secular targets and nations in an effort to undermine the British colonies in the ME. Who is Britian's largest arms buyer? The Saudis. Who is at the heart of funding ISIS and spreading a corrupted form of Islam to serve their own ends? The Saudis... Along with many western powers.


Islam isn't the problem. Wahhabisim is a problem - but not as much as those who use it as fuel for their proxies to wage war against their enemies... And those people are largely not Muslim.


Of course, the simple fact that modern Wahhabists loathe the Saudis rather undercuts any argument that the Saudis are responsible for modern Wahhabist extremists.


It ultimately gets back to the tribal nature of the region: the Saudis will support tribes that want them dead as long as those tribes are also fighting other people who the Saudis are fighting but who are supported by Saudi allies... Making any sort of bald statement blaming "Wahabbism" or "extremism" or any other -ism (other than post-colonialism) applies a bipolar concept of alliances or "us vs. them" that isn't remotely applicable to the nature of the region. Which is too bad, as it would make things so much easier to understand.

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I give you Clinton Global Initiative consultant and Hillary Clinton campaign advisor Peter Daou:



That Daou comment has to be one of the most idiotic comments to come out of a political pie-hole in a long time.


Yet thousands of leftists cheer, like and retweet this stupidity.


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That Daou comment has to be one of the most idiotic comments to come out of a political pie-hole in a long time.


Yet thousands of leftists cheer, like and retweet this stupidity.



That, i believe, is the definition of being a "cuck"

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On the subject of hate speech, Islamophobia and all the rest, this piece by Brendan ONeill makes the necessary point that the reluctance to criticize Islam may well be making matters worse:





t is becoming increasingly clear that one of the major problems we face today is not that our society is too mean about Islam, but that it flatters Islam too much. Islam now enjoys the same kind of moral protection from blasphemy and ridicule that Christianity once (wrongly) enjoyed.


This is incredibly dangerous. This censorious flattery of Islam is, in my view, a key contributor to the violence we have seen in recent years. Because when you constantly tell people that any mockery of their religion is tantamount to a crime, is vile and racist and unacceptable, you actively invite them, encourage them in fact, to become intolerant. You license their intolerance. You inflame their violent contempt for anyone who questions their dogmas. You provide a moral justification for their desire to punish those who insult their religion.


There are no quick fixes to the terror problem, but here is a good start: oppose all censorship and all clampdowns on offence and blasphemy and so-called IslamophobiaThis will at least start the process of unravelling the Islamist victimhood narrative and its bizarre, violent and officially sanctioned sensitivity to criticism. And if anyone says this is punching down another intellectual weapon in the armoury of Islam-protecting censorship, designed to demonise awkward questions about certain religious and ideological beliefs tell them that it is in fact punching up: up against a political class and legal system that has foolishly and outrageously sought to police criticism of a religion.


What this means is that the supposedly correct response to terror attacks Dont criticise Islam is absolutely the worst response. It pours petrol on fire. It inflames the violent religious narcissism and self-pity that motors many of these attacks. Making criticism of Islam as commonplace and acceptable as criticism of any other religion or ideology is the first step to denuding Islamist terrorism of its warped moral programme, and it will also demonstrate that our society prizes freedom of speech over everything else including your religion, your God, your prophets, your holy book and your feelings.





Can you please explain terrorist attacks on Muslims. Take 1,000 casualties and out of that over 800 are Muslim. Why are you ignoring that? What's your motivation behind that?

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Can you please explain terrorist attacks on Muslims. Take 1,000 casualties and out of that over 800 are Muslim. Why are you ignoring that? What's your motivation behind that?

Islam is the motivation.

Seen on twitter:


Muslim murders 10 people: let's not overreact!


Leave the Paris accords: we literally just murdered the planet



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Islam is the motivation.

Seen on twitter:


Muslim murders 10 people: let's not overreact!


Leave the Paris accords: we literally just murdered the planet



You can ignore my question all you'd like too. Silence is deafening.

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I'm just tired of the people that say, "see? It's them against us" and conveniently leave out all the Muslim victims as if they didn't happen or don't count as human lives. They do it to strengthen their beliefs. They do it prove their point. Muslims are bad. They want to kill all the infidels. Must be nice going through life with blinders on like that.

No one is ignoring it but we are used to hearing and reading about these kinds of atrocities in predominantly Arab countries, now it is close to home. Not excusing it, just saying how it is.

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Justice, you don't owe us an answer, I have to trust that every decent person on the planet would not want their loved ones killed by these kinds of attacks or even wish it on strangers.

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You can ignore my question all you'd like too. Silence is deafening.


What's the thing that the bombers in the middle east to car-killers in London to the 9/11 people all share in common?


YOU GUESSED IT! Islam! The people who are Muslim that bomb Muslims think that the bombees aren't Muslim enough.


The people that bomb US do so because we're not.


They're motivated by their bad religion and anyone who denies it is a liar.

Edited by joesixpack
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Justice, you don't owe us an answer, I have to trust that every decent person on the planet would not want their loved ones killed by these kinds of attacks or even wish it on strangers.

this is mostly to justice

I don't judge a man on his religious beliefs or his sexuality. But, disirregardless of justices viewpoint being wrong politically or not - the climate he is in as a Muslim ISIS member is not fair. Just because he is an Islamic Jihadist doesn't make him a bad guy. And I can only believe that there are times he is judged upon the apparel he wears and the choices he makes and that us unfortunate. I sincerely despise those who judge someone upon his/her/ze/zey/dim/zer God.

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one of the stickier problems about these methods is that not even limousine liberals are protected from a concert event or vehicle on a major bridge, they may just happen to be there.

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All this talk of Wahabi's is making me crave sushi

I use the technique of putting the Wahabi into the soy sauce first, instead of downing a dollop of it as a chaser. :ph34r:


Can you please explain terrorist attacks on Muslims. Take 1,000 casualties and out of that over 800 are Muslim. Why are you ignoring that? What's your motivation behind that?

Of course. They're terrorizing the innocent peace-loving average جو and trying the evilest worst to intimidate them into joining their vile ranks. They suck goat rooster and drink baby's blood, they want more to join the party.


They're the Hell's Angels of the Middle East and are on a rampage fueled by drugs because they lack the testosterone and intellect to actually be creative and build a culture that doesn't worship death. They are the wolf packs of the region and are preying on the mute cattle and sheep that are within easy reach.


They are amoral animals. They despise peaceful co-existence because they are demented savages who dream of world domination at the expense of every "non-believer" infidel. They are the scum of the earth, they are walking human excrement in shoes. They are unfit to be called humans because they are worthy of being nothing more than fertilizer like cow and sheep dung. The only axe they have to grind with peaceful Muslims is that they are peaceful, decent people and as such are simply fodder for their war of insanity.

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