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Islamic Terrorism


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I use the technique of putting the Wahabi into the soy sauce first, instead of downing a dollop of it as a chaser. :ph34r:


Of course. They're terrorizing the innocent peace-loving average جو and trying the evilest worst to intimidate them into joining their vile ranks. They suck goat rooster and drink baby's blood, they want more to join the party.


They're the Hell's Angels of the Middle East and are on a rampage fueled by drugs because they lack the testosterone and intellect to actually be creative and build a culture that doesn't worship death. They are the wolf packs of the region and are preying on the mute cattle and sheep that are within easy reach.


They are amoral animals. They despise peaceful co-existence because they are demented savages who dream of world domination at the expense of every "non-believer" infidel. They are the scum of the earth, they are walking human excrement in shoes. They are unfit to be called humans because they are worthy of being nothing more than fertilizer like cow and sheep dung. The only axe they have to grind with peaceful Muslims is that they are peaceful, decent people and as such are simply fodder for their war of insanity.



On a separate note:

6 people killed in Orlando. He's not Muslim so it isn't terrorism.

Edited by Justice
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6 people killed in Orlando. He's not Muslim so it isn't terrorism.

Wrong, wrong and wrong again.


It's terrorism, just not ISLAMIC terrorism. Both things can exist, and one is most definitely worse than the other.

Edited by joesixpack
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Because people have been killed in terrorists attacks. That's better that stand up to him.


not sure why Tiberius thinks his brand of being an asshat right now is a good thing.

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Because he's an asshat and it's what asshats do and he has a PHD in asshatery.


at least he can show some good taste....


at least until the bodies are put in the ground.

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On a separate note:

6 people killed in Orlando. He's not Muslim so it isn't terrorism.

it wasn't a Muslim issue. It wasn't a Muslim issue for the fudge packer at pulse, either. Its crazy people being stupid. There were red flags before both that were significant.


And no one was strong enough to do anything about either loser

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gays and Muslims are two of the Libs pet causes, they don't want to think how they interact world-wide, a masterful cognitive dissonance


the Orlando matter may have infringed on both, who knows with a media that doesn't even go to first-level fact checking or announcement of retractions....

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RIP to all the victims. Violent world we're living in.

you realize my statement up thread was about the general labels placed on everyone and you're a victim of it as well as guilty of doing it


Muslims are not bad people. You just make them look stupid.

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you realize my statement up thread was about the general labels placed on everyone and you're a victim of it as well as guilty of doing it


Muslims are not bad people. You just make them look stupid.


Justice doesn't have to try to defend every aspect of his faith, I know plenty that are sick about all of this, I accept them as decent people trying to do their best to raise decent families under the law.

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you realize my statement up thread was about the general labels placed on everyone and you're a victim of it as well as guilty of doing it


Muslims are not bad people. You just make them look stupid.


And you make white people look stupid.

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RIP to all the victims. Violent world we're living in.


It's always been violent and always will be. It's in our DNA. That's why I laugh at all the kumbaya people that love that coexist crap. Sure can coexist but don't get pissed with humans with different ideals fight.

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