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Oh, no, kids, that security fence is just a suggestion

Just Jack

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Is it just me or is this world becoming more self centralized with a focus on self entitlement? So much so that it is becoming a danger to those own selves.



The world is now focused on one thing" how can I get the best picture ever on the internet so everyone will think how fabulous am I and look what a great time I am having"



Edited by plenzmd1
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The world is now focused on one thing" how can I get the best picture ever on the internet so everyone will think how fabulous am I and look what a great time I am having"

Where for the most part "everyone" is a bunch of Facebook "friends" who I've never met and who collectively don't give 2 ***** about me and vice versa. Meanwhile the 2 kids are orphaned in a horrific way for nothing. smh.

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Dual Darwin award?


Nope. To be eligible for a Darwin Award, you have to take yourself out of the breeding population. And these bozos already bred.


On the plus side...the kids stand a chance of being raised by sane, responsible parents now. On balance, for them it's a positive.

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Wifey and the kids went there a few years back. She and I went to Ireland a year ago and we visited the Cliffs of Mohr. Truly sublime. Back in Dublin I was speaking to an innkeeper and said we'd been there. His reply? He'd never been. It's too sad a place. It's the suicide hot spot of Europe evidently.dsc01363.jpgimg_8514.jpg312596_2319948725374_705221415_n.jpg

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Wifey and the kids went there a few years back. She and I went to Ireland a year ago and we visited the Cliffs of Mohr. Truly sublime. Back in Dublin I was speaking to an innkeeper and said we'd been there. His reply? He'd never been. It's too sad a place. It's the suicide hot spot of Europe evidently.dsc01363.jpg


Your wife looks ridiculously young.

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Wifey and the kids went there a few years back. She and I went to Ireland a year ago and we visited the Cliffs of Mohr. Truly sublime. Back in Dublin I was speaking to an innkeeper and said we'd been there. His reply? He'd never been. It's too sad a place. It's the suicide hot spot of Europe evidently.dsc01363.jpg


Since nobody asked... What's the deal with that sign? It says: Do not go past this point. It looks like everybody is past the point. Am I reading it wrong? Do they mean the point where the sign is or the actual "point" as in the geographical point? Looks like a ton of people are past it and breezing along. I assume it means "Do not go past the sign." ??


What gives?


@ least your children were behaving... ;-) ;-)

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