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What is better, no guns, or more guns?

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As I posted (about an hour and a half ago) in the police shootings thread........there is no justification. Throw the book at him

Actually it was in the "Liberal Protest" thread. But you did post it there and I responded too.

There is absolutely no justification for this shooting. None.

Thank God that the man was "only" shot in the leg - three times.

Edited by Nanker
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Actually it was in the "Liberal Protest" thread. But you did post it there and I responded too.

There is absolutely no justification for this shooting. None.

Thank God that the man was "only" shot in the leg - three times.


Not that it matters but I believe he was only hit once. I could be wrong though.


Could this be an effect of the attacks on other police officers? Could they have thought they were being setup? I mean obviously it's no excuse, but shooting when no one has even seen a gun in this situation let alone waving it around isn't exactly standard procedure.

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Actually it was in the "Liberal Protest" thread. But you did post it there and I responded too.

There is absolutely no justification for this shooting. None.

Thank God that the man was "only" shot in the leg - three times.



:D Not to start a diversion here, but I did put it in the "police shootings" thread ....#681............... :lol:


Not my "liberal protest" thread...........................


I've had Thursday's like that.

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Watch the video. I'll say it, "The cops acted STUPIDLY!"

He was lying on his back with his hands up outstretched. He could not have been more vulnerable.





:D Not to start a diversion here, but I did put it in the "police shootings" thread ....#681............... :lol:


Not my "liberal protest" thread...........................


I've had Thursday's like that.

Sorry. It wasn't you. It was DrinkTHEKoolaid. Case of mistaken identity. Good thing I'm not a cop on the lookout for fugitive robbers. :ph34r:


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Watch the video. I'll say it, "The cops acted STUPIDLY!"

He was lying on his back with his hands up outstretched. He could not have been more vulnerable.




Sorry. It wasn't you. It was DrinkTHEKoolaid. Case of mistaken identity. Good thing I'm not a cop on the lookout for fugitive robbers. :ph34r:


Sneaky sneaky...

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Police now claiming the officer was actually shooting at the autistic client and missed, mistaking the toy train for a gun, proving it wasn't racism but .....mmmmmmmm massive ignorance of autism? really poor vision and incompetent shooting .........on the bright side the behavior specialist is probably glad he was shot instead of his client.

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Police now claiming the officer was actually shooting at the autistic client and missed, mistaking the toy train for a gun, proving it wasn't racism but .....mmmmmmmm massive ignorance of autism? really poor vision and incompetent shooting .........on the bright side the behavior specialist is probably glad he was shot instead of his client.


Brilliant defense.


"A cop shot another black guy!"

"Yeah...but I was aiming for the white guy next to him."

"Oh...okay, then..."

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That fact that it's an iGun will probably deter any criminal from stealing it, since it requires specialty bullets that cost 10x more than normal.

This is ripping off Chris Rock. He said that the solution is not banning guns, and instead, raising the price of ammunition to obscene levels. To wit(NSFW):



Oh, and the next one is strikingly both prophetic and hilarious("She put the entire free world at risk! :lol:):




Now if someone is that determined to get inside your house where they don't care if the neighbors can hear enough to call the cops, you've got some serious problems. Probably should look into moving to another city.


Oh, I see, so rather than being able to live in peace, no matter where one lives...the only alternative is to move. Great.


And what happens when one can't afford to move? Or, is barely hanging on at the job they have, and can't get one in the mystical "other city"...where they supposedly won't be troubled by the same problem?


But no! Your "solution" is everybody GTFO now? :lol: Yeah, um that's pretty much what has turned rust belt cities into ghost towns. Your solution is literally what was "white flight". Now? "Flight" has become diverse!


Black people now splitting from the same, failed, decades-of-Democratic-rule cities as whites already have


Great Plan! You're so good at this, you should tell us all about your plans for Global Warming, and Obamacare!


So a P90 TR is fine, since it's not an AK or AR style...?

WTF are you thinking? A P90 looks like some futuristic welding tool from Star Trek, so its not dangerous at all!


I mean, the fact that it is way more accurate than an AK, easier to use, definitely easier to maintain than an AR, shoots 30% more rounds per minute than an AK, and leaves the AR-15, at 180 RPM vs 900, in the dust? Nah, nothing wrong here. Oh, and did I mention it has a 50 round clip?


So, you know: reloading. Oh, wait, you don't know about reloading? Yeah, try firing an AR-15 for an extended period, say, long enough to wipe out an entire school. You're almost certainly going to encounter a jam. Every single person who has ever dealt with the AR model knows about jamming, and also, the firing pin retaining pin with is a tiny little thing, which if lost, turns the weapon into an expensive club.


We are talking about banning weapons/designs that NATO has either never adopted, because they are inferior(AK-47), or has moved on from, because they are annoying(AR-15). Yet, nothing about the new weapons?


Why? Because, once again: most people know NOTHING about guns.


The chicken is the best. Oh and so that some of you might get a clue? The P-90 is the first weapon in the 2nd row. See? It doesn't look dangerous at all!

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Massachusetts AG redefines “assault rifle” with predictable results “Lines out the door” at gun shops


Normally when you see a change in a state’s gun laws it comes in the form of a new, hotly debated bill which is passed by the legislature and then perhaps signed by the governor. Not so in the Bay State, however, where the Attorney General recently widely expanded a ban on so called “assault rifles” with the stroke of a pen. And it’s got consumers flooding their local gun shops in response.

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Zero dead right, outside the perp (who was shot by police). Fighting for your life is better than being shot dead on the spot. Just imagine if he was packing real heat, could have been much worse. Thank God there is gun control in Germany. Even if a passenger was packing there would surely be more dead. For now, just the perp is dead because the guns are in the hands of the police only.



Well then. It's a happy story.



Yeah... You are right, he just should have found a straw buyer in Bavaria or somewhere else in the country that has lax gun regs.


How's those tough German gun laws working out for them today?

Munchen in lock-down.

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Not that I didn't know this is and how it's done. Always incrementally. Remarkable to hear a low level scrub like this chick discuss the technique.


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Good news! Apple has figured out how to cut down on gun violence!


By replacing a gun emoji with a water pistol.


Welcome to Obama's America...where a cartoon image of a gun is considered a threat.




It will also introduce new and revamped emojis that show women doing stereotypically male jobs like detective, construction worker, and police officer. There are new female athletes, a pride flag, and family options for single parents.


Thank God we're correcting this grave injustice of sexist emojis. It's about time Apple stopped designing the iPhone culture based on ideas straight out of the '50s.


Now if they can just address the racial homogeneity of emojis... #BlackEmojisMatter

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