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[closed]Pegula or Trump

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I'm not sure if anyone knows who pegula is, but if trump becomes owner of the buffalo bills it will create a media frenzy like you wont believe. This attention will be just what the bills need to stay relevant in buffalo! Mainly because Trump will leverage the negative uptight liberal coverage that espn will pour his way into something great!


we will be the badass rebels of the NFL like schwartz wants to make this defense! GO TRUMP its your birthday yeeehaa

Edited by KeepHopeAlive
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attention admin I don't appreciate ladies man defacing my post wall with hate!!


eosott I dont like the idea of my Buffalo Bills in anther country .. .that kind of makes me sick


Although with the economic policies that are in place with this country canada will soon have much more money and freedom than we do to support NFL teams lol

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attention admin I don't appreciate ladies man defacing my post wall with hate!!


eosott I dont like the idea of my Buffalo Bills in anther country .. .that kind of makes me sick


Probably your silly comments about politics on a football board aren't a good start. Also, if I'm a conservative, with your typing skills, you might not be a great representative of our brand. :)

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I'm not sure if anyone knows who pegula is, but if trump becomes owner of the buffalo bills it will create a media frenzy like you wont believe. This attention will be just what the bills need to stay relevant in buffalo! Mainly because Trump will leverage the negative uptight liberal coverage that espn will pour his way into something great!


we will be the badass rebels of the NFL like schwartz wants to make this defense! GO TRUMP its your birthday yeeehaa

Great question, KeepHopeAlive. Can El Donald own BOTH the Buffalo Bills AND the New Jersey Generals?? Seems like a pertinent question.

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attention admin I don't appreciate ladies man defacing my post wall with hate!!


eosott I dont like the idea of my Buffalo Bills in anther country .. .that kind of makes me sick


Although with the economic policies that are in place with this country canada will soon have much more money and freedom than we do to support NFL teams lol

I'm a fairly conservative guy, and actually get a kick out of Trump. Guys a genius. But no way do I want him anywhere near this team.


And people know Pegula. To suggest anything else is asinine.


Also, you want your opinion to be protected from the opinions of others? You have much to learn about the internets.

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Can a mod please add "Worst thread of 2014 nominee" tag to this one? It would be fun to have a vote at the end of the year.



Honestly, how many Hot Pockets would one have to consume to want Trump to own the Bills instead of TP, and under the 'I've heard of him!' rationale no less. :doh:

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And we have a new leader in the clubhouse for Worst Poster!



Can a mod please add "Worst thread of 2014 nominee" tag to this one? It would be fun to have a vote at the end of the year.



Honestly, how many Hot Pockets would one have to consume to want Trump to own the Bills instead of TP, and under the 'I've heard of him!' rationale no less. :doh:

...^^^and this
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I'm not sure if anyone knows who pegula is, but if trump becomes owner of the buffalo bills it will create a media frenzy like you wont believe. This attention will be just what the bills need to stay relevant in buffalo! Mainly because Trump will leverage the negative uptight liberal coverage that espn will pour his way into something great!


we will be the badass rebels of the NFL like schwartz wants to make this defense! GO TRUMP its your birthday yeeehaa

a media circus it would be.


another word comes to mind






Donald .... Is that really you?

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While it is mod practice to post a link to the duplicate threads I will not be taking the step in the case of this thread. There are any of a number of threads out there about Trump' or Pegula's potential bid for the team. Not to mention a significant number of the replies in this particular thread have the potential to lead us all down paths that are best not travelled.

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