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US soldier freed from captivity in Afghanistan (Prisoner Swap)

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It's almost as if that was the plan: The Hill: Bowe Bergdahl’s release bumps VA scandal from political spotlight.



From IowaHawk:


The U.S. doesn't consider those five 'terrorists".........................they're more like "Community Activists"


Upside to Gitmo Taliban release: that's 5 fewer terrorists getting better government healthcare than US veterans.


WH broke law to release Gitmo detainees because of "unique circumstances." a/k/a "to disrupt a bad news cycle."




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It's almost as if that was the plan: The Hill: Bowe Bergdahl’s release bumps VA scandal from political spotlight.



From IowaHawk:


The U.S. doesn't consider those five 'terrorists".........................they're more like "Community Activists"


Upside to Gitmo Taliban release: that's 5 fewer terrorists getting better government healthcare than US veterans.


WH broke law to release Gitmo detainees because of "unique circumstances." a/k/a "to disrupt a bad news cycle."





Considering that Congress has been allowing Obama for the past year-plus to stand at the podium and create the law from whole cloth, they really don't have any cause to complain.

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It's almost as if that was the plan: The Hill: Bowe Bergdahl’s release bumps VA scandal from political spotlight.



From IowaHawk:


The U.S. doesn't consider those five 'terrorists".........................they're more like "Community Activists"


Upside to Gitmo Taliban release: that's 5 fewer terrorists getting better government healthcare than US veterans.


WH broke law to release Gitmo detainees because of "unique circumstances." a/k/a "to disrupt a bad news cycle."





And the EPA regs released today will take the Bergdahl mistake off the front pages.


Gotta hand it to the WH. The one thing they do well is catch and release as many squirrels as is needed to screw up the news cycle.

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"... veterans and soldiers who call him a deserter whose 'selfish act' ended up costing the lives of better men."




A reporter asked Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel Sunday whether Bergdahl had left his post without permission or deserted -- and, if so, whether he would be punished. Hagel didn't answer directly. "Our first priority is assuring his well-being and his health and getting him reunited with his family," he said. "Other circumstances that may develop and questions, those will be dealt with later."


How conspicuously evasive can you get? Other circumstances and questions have developed. That's why the question was asked.




Another senior Defense official said Bergdahl will not likely face any punishment. "Five years is enough," he told CNN on condition of anonymity.



One translation of that is:
We have determined never to air the facts of this case
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If I were President, and I'm clearly not, on the 366th day of "house arrest" in Qatar, those five guys we just released would just so happen to be the "victims" of a wayward drone strike.


I'd never let those guys live out their lives.

Edited by dpberr
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If Bergdahl-gate was the administration's effort to push the VA scandal off the front pages, imagine what POTUS will dream up to bury the Bergdahl kerfluffle. Kind of gives new meaning to the concept of a downward self-reinforcing spiral, eh?

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If Bergdahl-gate was the administration's effort to push the VA scandal off the front pages, imagine what POTUS will dream up to bury the Bergdahl kerfluffle. Kind of gives new meaning to the concept of a downward self-reinforcing spiral, eh?


He and Michelle will get a divorce. It will be a sad story and America digs the celebrity break up **** for some reason.

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Well........................I guess those "conditions" that the Obama administration insisted upon didn't last long.......................lol



Quatar Allowing Freed Taliban Men To Move Freely in Country -- Gulf Official








On the up side, the roads in Qatar are pretty dangerous.

Edited by B-Man
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"What's been interesting, Andrea, is that what's caught the White House off guard here. They were expecting criticisms of Gitmo. Criticisms of the detainees that were chosen. They did not expect this criticism of the attempt to go get Bergdahl and the way that it was done. That appears to be what's caught them off guard and that's why I think they look like they're on their back feet on this one."


It continues to be amateur hour at the White House.

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