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US soldier freed from captivity in Afghanistan (Prisoner Swap)

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I was channel surfing last night and when I passed Fox News I saw Megyn Kelly was interviewing Jen Psaki. After the double Yeah I would moment I watched for a minute or two


I know Psaki has got a job to do and this Bergdahl issue is not a defensible case, but she was getting seriously pwnd by Kelly. I almost felt sorry for Psaki

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Common man, Bergdal is clearly the victim here. He was captured, tortured (even worse than Abu Ghraib - if you can imagine that), went hungry, lacked for showers, toothpaste, clean socks and u-trow. Hasn't he suffered enough? He went without email for five years fer cripe's sake. All he wanted to do was to help the Afghanis.

I was channel surfing last night and when I passed Fox News I saw Megyn Kelly was interviewing Jen Psaki. After the double Yeah I would moment I watched for a minute or two


I know Psaki has got a job to do and this Bergdahl issue is not a defensible case, but she was getting seriously pwnd by Kelly. I almost felt sorry for Psaki

Never feel sorry for her. Leave her in tears at the door and just keep walking away. She'll come crawling back.

Remember, a Psaki is like a linoleum floor. If you lay it right the first time, after that you can walk all over it.

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Never feel sorry for her. Leave her in tears at the door and just keep walking away. She'll come crawling back.

Remember, a Psaki is like a linoleum floor. If you lay it right the first time, after that you can walk all over it.

Psaki is a...well, she's a word I wouldn't normally use for a woman. Vapid, and utterly useless.

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Psaki is a...well, she's a word I wouldn't normally use for a woman. Vapid, and utterly useless.

When I started writing up my earlier post, those were the two adjectives I had used before deciding to word my post a little more diplomatically.

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Why Bowe Bergdahl Matters

by Erik Erikson


Barack Obama traded five Taliban soldiers for Bowe Bergdahl. Despite State Department statements to the contrary, we know at least one of those Taliban headed back out to kill Americans.


But the Bergdahl situation matters at a different level than that. It matters because the White House, when confronted by who Bergdahl was, sought to smear the people who pointed out he was a deserter instead of dealing with reality. The smears included attacking honorable American soldiers who dared to point out their colleague was a deserter.


Megyn Kelly had Bergdahl’s fellow soldiers, Evan Buetow, Cody Full, Gerald Sutton, and others, on her television show shortly after the news of the Bergdahl trade. Kelly and the soldiers came under withering attacks from the left and people inside the Obama Administration.


Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Brandon Friedman, suggested the soldiers were psychopaths.


Barack Obama himself used Bergdahl’s return as a photo op to suggest he was acting as a great Commander in Chief.




Even now they are spinning rapidly to claim it would have been irresponsible to leave a man behind and that, somehow, no one knew he was a deserter.


And that’s just it. This is why Bergdahl matters. It was known at the time from his fellow soldiers and others what had happened.


Instead of dealing with the reality, the White House and its defenders chose to attack the character of American soldiers, members of the media who challenged their narrative, and conservatives.


This is another example of the left being so invested in Barack Obama that they’d deny reality and let terrorists loose rather than admit this should never have happened in the first place.


And the punchline is this. The same President who let loose five Taliban for one deserter and possible would be Taliban is telling us to trust him negotiating with Iran.







Edited by B-Man
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Cover of today's Boston Herald..............


CBBJeThWwAA1Hyu.jpgYou think that they would have dared to print this in 2009 ?



I can understand them going after Barry for completely botching the Bergdahl swap, but dammit...I am drawing a line when you go after Neil Diamond.

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I can understand them going after Barry for completely botching the Bergdahl swap, but dammit...I am drawing a line when you go after Neil Diamond.







Perhaps we could combine the stories ?


Which Neil song best exemplifies the Obama Administration ?


"Love on the Rocks" ?.............. "Yesterday's Songs" ?................ "Forever in Blue Jeans" ?



Certainly not "America"






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I can understand them going after Barry for completely botching the Bergdahl swap, but dammit...I am drawing a line when you go after Neil Diamond.

(I wish I could find the shorter clip for just the line... but the whole scene is funny. The relevant part starts at 2:35)


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