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Redskins Protest


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No one ever complained about Notre Dame's nickname or mascot.


Have any Irish groups come forward and complained that it was offensive?


It's a slippery slope to begin trying to alleviate everyone's problems through forced action. Who exactly is the arbiter for these debates and how far can they go?


The people most affected are usually not the people with the power to change the status quo.

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Have any Irish groups come forward and complained that it was offensive?



Probably, but no one paid attention because it was a such an insignificant portion of Irish people. Which is pretty similar to American Indians with the Redskins; most couldn't care less. The big difference is white, northeast, urban-types who need a cause to feel fulfilled jumped on one bandwagon and not the other.

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Probably, but no one paid attention because it was a such an insignificant portion of Irish people. Which is pretty similar to American Indians with the Redskins; most couldn't care less. The big difference is white, northeast, urban-types who need a cause to feel fulfilled jumped on one bandwagon and not the other.



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Have any Irish groups come forward and complained that it was offensive?

One guy made a stink a few years ago that the mascot painted Irish Americans as irrationally violent which perpetuated other stereotypes, namely habitual abuse of alcohol. He was collecting signatures for a while until one night when members of the Irish Temperance League got drunk and beat him up.

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Probably, but no one paid attention because it was a such an insignificant portion of Irish people. Which is pretty similar to American Indians with the Redskins; most couldn't care less. The big difference is white, northeast, urban-types who need a cause to feel fulfilled jumped on one bandwagon and not the other.


I missed the poll you took of all Native Americans, care to share? What does the percentage of those offended have to be before you would consider taking action?

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I missed the poll you took of all Native Americans, care to share? What does the percentage of those offended have to be before you would consider taking action?


Links were provided in the original thread on this tired topic that American Indians didn't give a sh-- about sports team names.


Not to mention, I'd think the burden of proof would be on those who want to force a private enterprise to change their name. I'd like to think it takes more than some bored, white, busy-bodies suddenly deciding than an innocuous term is a horrible slur, but I guess not in this day and age.

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Perhaps if the Irish lived in relative peace and harmony for millions of years and then out of the blue a foreign culture came in and methodically eradicated them utilizing means of mass genocide rendering the few remaining Irish who were never given an opportunity to adjust to this new culture in a corner of South Dakota with very little means to fend for themselves, and meanwhile this new culture invented a silly game where men hit each other and throw around a ball made of pigskin and they used an offensive term for the Irish (which Irish, clearly, is not an offensive term) as a team name in their game and still to this day, in South Dakota, the Irish were completely forgotten about, were and still are living in abject squalor, their promises of peace and treaties long since ignored and their once proud culture destroyed forever, then maybe you would be offended by that as well.


Kind of like what the English did to the Irish people?

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