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Baby Names That Makes You Want To Punch Someone’s Face

Just Jack

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I am more annoyed when people give their kid a name and don't even use it. They'll end up using the middle name for the kid. I know a dozen people that go by this and they said their parents never called them by the first name.


It is weird to me.

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I knew a family named Rhodes. They named their children, Rocky, Stony, and Pebbles.


My wife's best friend was a teacher, and she says her favorite name she ever had in class was Clamydia...as in the STD...

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My official name is Patrick James but my parents always intended on calling me PJ... I only hear Patrick when I'm in trouble or I owe money


I am more annoyed when people give their kid a name and don't even use it. They'll end up using the middle name for the kid. I know a dozen people that go by this and they said their parents never called them by the first name.


It is weird to me.

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About 20 years ago my wife taught @ one of the colleges in Chicago. One female student's names was:


Spelled like this:




Come on!


But everyone routinely misspelled her name as "Common."



I know of a teacher who one year had two girls in her class both named "Unique."


I also know of a single mom who didn't quite know who the father of her baby was...so naturally, she named the kid "Menage a Trois".


And my brother-in-law wanted to name my nephew "Hoagy Carmichael" until I suggested to him that he may as well name him "Please beat the **** out of me."

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Worst name I've ever came across was a girl we hired a couple years ago: Omunique, pronounced I'm unique.


Actually I hate when names are grossly misspelled.


Who is we? We are to assume by the name that she was an escort or stripper?


Speaking of which .... Who the heck comes up with their names? I forgot who but some stand up comedian did a bit on this once. It was hilarious.

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You won't believe me, but I swear to God I know a woman named Bodacious Cathedral. Swear on my life.


Grew up with a girl named Liberty Bell.


As an educator, I come across a lot of unusual names. Most recently a boy named Sincere Bride. No joke. He's in middle school and gets picked on all the time. What were his parents thinking? Better than Unfaithful Bride I suppose.

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