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Game of Thrones Part Deax: The Readers Thread


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Bran is Bran the Builder. He's the one who dictated that there must always be a Stark in Winterfell, so he can eventually exist. The young version of Bloodraven is told to go North to eventually train Bran by Bran. He is also told to make sure Bran is at the right time to cause Hodor's seizure when they escape.


Time loop has changed the game.


Also, Benjen/Coldhands saves Bran and Meera.

That would be good. I always thought Benjen = Coldhands too but Martin denies it. I normally wouldn't believe him but he was pretty adamant about it when it was brought up.

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That would be good. I always thought Benjen = Coldhands too but Martin denies it. I normally wouldn't believe him but he was pretty adamant about it when it was brought up.

Coldhands was never introduced right? Benjen may just be filling his role in the show.

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As dark and depressing as the GoT universe is, you really gotta appreciate the light moments when they present themselves. I thought the flirtatious look Tormund Giantsbane gave to Brienne and her reaction to it last night was hysterical.

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That would be good. I always thought Benjen = Coldhands too but Martin denies it. I normally wouldn't believe him but he was pretty adamant about it when it was brought up.


Didn't he also say Jon Snow is dead?

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Some people are theorizing that the Raven is Bran and he's caught in a time loop. Not sure I buy that but it's floating around on the interwebs this morning.



Bran is Bran the Builder. He's the one who dictated that there must always be a Stark in Winterfell, so he can eventually exist. The young version of Bloodraven is told to go North to eventually train Bran by Bran. He is also told to make sure Bran is at the right time to cause Hodor's seizure when they escape.


Time loop has changed the game.



I'll counter with a theory that occurred to me while reading the above:


Bran is The Lord of Light.


He uses his time hopping to guide Melsandra to Stannis. Stannis to kill, ugh I forgot his gay brother's name, which leads Brianne to Kathrine Stark/Jaimie Lanister/Sansa Stark. Bran's false visions guide Melisandra to lead Stannis to defeat at Kings Landing, which regroups him to the North and his ultimate defeat at Winterfell where he is felled by Brianne. Melisandra returns to Winterfell to resurrect John Snow. Snow is then re-united with Sansa who convinces John Snow to raise an army and retake Winterfell. John Snow, Sansa, Brianne, and Melisandra ride off to the Vale to start raising their army along with Sir Davos (who by his connection to Stannis is guided by Bran/Lord of Light via Melisandra). Think back to last season, I don't remember. Did Melisandra tell Stannis to send Sir Davos away before the sacrifice?


The Lord of Light Cult brokered an alliance with Tyriodn and Varis in last night's episode, giving Bran influence into Dany's circle to guide her towards her eventual meeting with John Snow


And as I typed that up, the Greyjoy scene started to come into focus. Aside from the epic one liner "Where are my niece and nephew? Let's go murder them!' that arc felt out of place. But now that I think back, I recall the new Salt King's speech about the fleet he wanted to build to bring Dany back across the ocean. He mentioned something about the Lord of Light...

As dark and depressing as the GoT universe is, you really gotta appreciate the light moments when they present themselves. I thought the flirtatious look Tormund Giantsbane gave to Brienne and her reaction to it last night was hysterical.

You know what else would have been hysterical?


Swidgen and Hodor

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I'll counter with a theory that occurred to me while reading the above:


Bran is The Lord of Light.


He uses his time hopping to guide Melsandra to Stannis. Stannis to kill, ugh I forgot his gay brother's name, which leads Brianne to Kathrine Stark/Jaimie Lanister/Sansa Stark. Bran's false visions guide Melisandra to lead Stannis to defeat at Kings Landing, which regroups him to the North and his ultimate defeat at Winterfell where he is felled by Brianne. Melisandra returns to Winterfell to resurrect John Snow. Snow is then re-united with Sansa who convinces John Snow to raise an army and retake Winterfell. John Snow, Sansa, Brianne, and Melisandra ride off to the Vale to start raising their army along with Sir Davos (who by his connection to Stannis is guided by Bran/Lord of Light via Melisandra). Think back to last season, I don't remember. Did Melisandra tell Stannis to send Sir Davos away before the sacrifice?


The Lord of Light Cult brokered an alliance with Tyriodn and Varis in last night's episode, giving Bran influence into Dany's circle to guide her towards her eventual meeting with John Snow


And as I typed that up, the Greyjoy scene started to come into focus. Aside from the epic one liner "Where are my niece and nephew? Let's go murder them!' that arc felt out of place. But now that I think back, I recall the new Salt King's speech about the fleet he wanted to build to bring Dany back across the ocean. He mentioned something about the Lord of Light...

The weird and slightly awesome part about this plot point is that we both could be right. Bran could be the source of every god, every vision, etc. etc.


Bran playing with the past and attempting to communicate is a little more fleshed out in the books. IIRC, he does it with a younger Ned (just like in the show, except completely different context) and Jon Snow (only noticed in hindsight) and one more I can't really remember.

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The weird and slightly awesome part about this plot point is that we both could be right. Bran could be the source of every god, every vision, etc. etc.


Bran playing with the past and attempting to communicate is a little more fleshed out in the books. IIRC, he does it with a younger Ned (just like in the show, except completely different context) and Jon Snow (only noticed in hindsight) and one more I can't really remember.


Maybe Bran makes Joffrey such an evil little twerp.

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The weird and slightly awesome part about this plot point is that we both could be right. Bran could be the source of every god, every vision, etc. etc.


If Bran is the source of the Gods, could Arya end up being the Faceless God?

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Didn't he also say Jon Snow is dead?


He did, but like FC pointed out Snow was dead. If I remember right, the Benjen/Coldhands denial was to his editor... just looked and found it. He might be full of it or have changed his mind since this:








I'll counter with a theory that occurred to me while reading the above:


Bran is The Lord of Light.


He uses his time hopping to guide Melsandra to Stannis. Stannis to kill, ugh I forgot his gay brother's name, which leads Brianne to Kathrine Stark/Jaimie Lanister/Sansa Stark. Bran's false visions guide Melisandra to lead Stannis to defeat at Kings Landing, which regroups him to the North and his ultimate defeat at Winterfell where he is felled by Brianne. Melisandra returns to Winterfell to resurrect John Snow. Snow is then re-united with Sansa who convinces John Snow to raise an army and retake Winterfell. John Snow, Sansa, Brianne, and Melisandra ride off to the Vale to start raising their army along with Sir Davos (who by his connection to Stannis is guided by Bran/Lord of Light via Melisandra). Think back to last season, I don't remember. Did Melisandra tell Stannis to send Sir Davos away before the sacrifice?


The Lord of Light Cult brokered an alliance with Tyriodn and Varis in last night's episode, giving Bran influence into Dany's circle to guide her towards her eventual meeting with John Snow


And as I typed that up, the Greyjoy scene started to come into focus. Aside from the epic one liner "Where are my niece and nephew? Let's go murder them!' that arc felt out of place. But now that I think back, I recall the new Salt King's speech about the fleet he wanted to build to bring Dany back across the ocean. He mentioned something about the Lord of Light...

You know what else would have been hysterical?


Swidgen and Hodor



The weird and slightly awesome part about this plot point is that we both could be right. Bran could be the source of every god, every vision, etc. etc.


Bran playing with the past and attempting to communicate is a little more fleshed out in the books. IIRC, he does it with a younger Ned (just like in the show, except completely different context) and Jon Snow (only noticed in hindsight) and one more I can't really remember.



If Bran is the source of the Gods, could Arya end up being the Faceless God?


I like it. Good stuff. :beer:

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Bran is Bran the Builder. He's the one who dictated that there must always be a Stark in Winterfell, so he can eventually exist. The young version of Bloodraven is told to go North to eventually train Bran by Bran. He is also told to make sure Bran is at the right time to cause Hodor's seizure when they escape.

Time loop has changed the game.

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Who the hell are benjen/coldhands?

Didn't know FC was such a GOT nerd. Learning things here.

Benjen was Ned's brother who was in season one. He was a ranger in the nights watch who took Snow under his wing before he went missing on the other side of the wall. His horse returned but Benjen didn't.


Cold hands hasn't been in the show but was in the books. He wore nights watch gear and helped Bran and company once they escaped winter fell and went past the wall. They never see his face (it's cloaked) but there are hints that he was dead and possible either a walker or a wight. Book readers assumed he was uncle Benjen post being killed -- but he vanished in book 3 (?) and we haven't seen him since.

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Coworker of mine floated an interesting theory today. Ser Jorah goes out to seek a cure for his Greyscale and eventually crosses path with the Meisters and Samwell Tarley.


Jorah is tied to Dany. Samwell to John Snow. Their meeting could help lay the groundwork for DT and JS paths to cross.


I also think the mutually un-consensual marriage between Sansa and Tyrion will play a role in DT and JS eventual alliance. Sansa will remember Tyrion was kind to her and was one of the few, perhaps the only, ethical persons in Kings Landing during her unhappy time with the Lannisters.

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Coworker of mine floated an interesting theory today. Ser Jorah goes out to seek a cure for his Greyscale and eventually crosses path with the Meisters and Samwell Tarley.


Jorah is tied to Dany. Samwell to John Snow. Their meeting could help lay the groundwork for DT and JS paths to cross.


I also think the mutually un-consensual marriage between Sansa and Tyrion will play a role in DT and JS eventual alliance. Sansa will remember Tyrion was kind to her and was one of the few, perhaps the only, ethical persons in Kings Landing during her unhappy time with the Lannisters.

Jorah was already giving info to Varys about Dany.
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