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The Ukraine is Weak


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It took Putin just about three months to pull B.O.'s shirttail out of his pants and pull it over his head, bending him over and giving him the bum's rush off the stage and out the door of world diplomacy.


Putin showed B.O. to be the rank amateur and ideological fool that his is by giving him a cold shot of Russian reality.

No, no, NO! That is not how we conduct diplomacy in Russia!

THIS! This is how we deal with ****-head pimple-faced children like you... Блэки!


In short, Putin shived the mofo.

Next up - Estonia.

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It took Putin just about three months to pull B.O.'s shirttail out of his pants and pull it over his head, bending him over and giving him the bum's rush off the stage and out the door of world diplomacy.


Putin showed B.O. to be the rank amateur and ideological fool that his is by giving him a cold shot of Russian reality.

No, no, NO! That is not how we conduct diplomacy in Russia!

THIS! This is how we deal with ****-head pimple-faced children like you... Блэки!


In short, Putin shived the mofo.

Next up - Estonia.


Obama outsmarted Putin by giving him the Neville maneuver.

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Well.............I'm sorry that I threw this thread off track,


So here is more about the Ukraine:


Ukrainian Foreign Minister: Chances of Going to War with Russia Are ‘Growing’



About Those ‘Non-Citizens’





and more Elizabeth:




Positively outstanding. Gatorman, can we agree on that?


NATO should hire Elizabeth to negotiate with Vlad.

Edited by keepthefaith
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I love me some Liz Hurley, but back to the topic. G-7 meets in a few hours to discuss the situation. Russian troops are ready on the border of eastern Ukraine. NATO is banging the drums...




Maybe Obama should tell Putin there is a red line he better not cross


All humor aside it is a scary situation

Edited by drinkTHEkoolaid
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I love me some Liz Hurley, but back to the topic. G-7 meets in a few hours to discuss the situation. Russian troops are ready on the border of eastern Ukraine. NATO is banging the drums...




NATO won't do crap. The Europeans are afraid Putin will shut off their gas, and Obama lacks the balls to actually confront Putin.

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