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The Affordable Care Act II - Because Mr. Obama Loves You All

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Why are they trying to pass this disaster?



So the Donald can put his name on it. Check off a campaign promise.


If they want to repeal and replace "ObamaCare" then do it with a well thought out plan.

I'm wondering if this is why the markets took a tumble today

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If a few Dems voted at last minute to save this dumpster fire and send it to the Senate, that would be fun! But looks dead as dead can be right now

Refusing to pass bad legislation is a good thing.


It's a lesson Pelosi and Reid could have stood to have learned.

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Refusing to pass bad legislation is a good thing.


It's a lesson Pelosi and Reid could have stood to have learned.

Ya, its so bad people don't want to give it up! Nancy and Harry did good service to the country getting Obamacare through. That's why this push to repeal it is such a failure

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Ya, its so bad people don't want to give it up! Nancy and Harry did good service to the country getting Obamacare through. That's why this push to repeal it is such a failure


The push to repeal the ACA is a failure because the Republican House somehow managed to come up with something even worse. If people don't want to give up the ACA, it's because it was structured to backload the serious issues to later years, where it would be "somebody else's problem" and not Obama/Reid/Pelosi's fault. As many of us pointed out at the time...and hey, look what's happening!

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THE HILL: Key conservative: GOP doesn’t have votes on healthcare repeal.



Maybe they should offer a better bill, one that actually fulfills all their campaign promises. Just a thought.... :lol:


What the Freedom caucus would want would largely be rejected by the country, would have even less Republican votes and would be NOT on what the president campaigned on.

Edited by Magox
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This is something that I would have thought would have been a no-brainer to be included in the repeal if it would have been permitted by the rules of budget reconciliation.


Apparently, it would be permitted. Which begs the question why did they not include that in the first draft and what else could be added to the Repeal? In any case, I am glad they are looking to add this to the repeal. This alone will help drive down rates.


White House officials are moving to eliminate broad coverage requirements for health insurers in the Obamacare repeal bill in a dramatic bid to win over holdout members of the House Freedom Caucus.

White House budget director Mick Mulvaney is working with Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), chairman of the hard-line conservative coalition, to strike Obamacare’s lengthy list of essential benefits that health plans now have to cover, according to a senior administration official.

Some Republicans have long argued that insurers should be able to sell skimpier coverage that, for example, wouldn't cover maternity or mental health services. Consumers could choose how much insurance they want. Critics of the practice say it could leave people unprotected in the case of sudden illness.

A senior leadership aide said Speaker Paul Ryan would support the move and that Ryan's office has been assured removing the benefits would not preclude it from being procedurally blocked under the Senate's strict budget rules.


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Consumers could choose how much insurance they want. Critics of the practice say it could leave people unprotected in the case of sudden illness.


Yeah, I really need to be paying for pediatric care just in case I unexpectedly have a child.

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This is something that I would have thought would have been a no-brainer to be included in the repeal if it would have been permitted by the rules of budget reconciliation.


Apparently, it would be permitted. Which begs the question why did they not include that in the first draft and what else could be added to the Repeal? In any case, I am glad they are looking to add this to the repeal. This alone will help drive down rates.


I wonder if health insurance without mental health services is what Consevatives had in mind when they said better mental health devices could help stop mass shootings?

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It's kind of like "Oh boy, here comes George Soros..." but without cops being attacked and limos set on fire and traffic disrupted and homeless people taking a dump on police cars.

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If repeal of the ACA fails, it will be because of these sort of intransigent members of the GOP. Holding out until you get everything you want, knowing that even if you did get all the concessions you were gunning for would lead to a failed outcome in regards to the vote, implies that


A) you are delusional




B) you have no interest in negotiating in good faith and are in it for yourself.

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