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New rule for bills fans


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After witnessing the endless collapses that all of you remember too well, I've concluded that I will not watch a single bills game unless the team is .500 or better. I've watched every game since at least the music city miracle and I've absolutely HAD IT.Call me a bandwagon fan but at this point anyone who still watches with their hopes up is just a masochist. I know there's a lot of old school bills fans that have seen it all and can tell me all about the superbowl years (I was an infant at the time), but god d@mnit this team has ripped the hearts out of the fans chests so many times that they don't deserve our loyalty. From this point on I'm not watching them until they've proven to be a winning team. I swear this franchise has lost more games that they should have won than any I've seen in ANY sport. Drafts, training camps, wild card races, all of that hope crushed over and over and over. I'm done

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I don't know how one could be a fan of this team if they weren't around for the Super Bowl teams, or at least some of the 90s. They forever forced me to care about this loser team. Free yourself, for your own sanity.

The Bills have sucked for as long as my kids have been alive and they are still Bills fans. Almost certainly because of me. But they expect the Bills to suck every season, and why wouldn't they. One of my sons came home the other day with a 49'ers t-shirt though, so who knows.


My oldest has a bit of a foul mouth at times. I call him on it when I hear it, but it emerged during the fumbles yesterday and I could not bring myself to scold him then ;)

Edited by CodeMonkey
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After witnessing the endless collapses that all of you remember too well, I've concluded that I will not watch a single bills game unless the team is .500 or better. I've watched every game since at least the music city miracle and I've absolutely HAD IT.Call me a bandwagon fan but at this point anyone who still watches with their hopes up is just a masochist. I know there's a lot of old school bills fans that have seen it all and can tell me all about the superbowl years (I was an infant at the time), but god d@mnit this team has ripped the hearts out of the fans chests so many times that they don't deserve our loyalty. From this point on I'm not watching them until they've proven to be a winning team. I swear this franchise has lost more games that they should have won than any I've seen in ANY sport. Drafts, training camps, wild card races, all of that hope crushed over and over and over. I'm done


So the QB controversy and historic playoff gaffe comprised the birth of your fanhood?


Wow. I cannot imagine being a fan without having benefited from the Kelly-Reed-Thurman-Bruce era.

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I was 10 during SB 25. I've been attached to this team since that first superbowl season. I'm not giving up, ever. However, because it's been so long, I wondered yesterday what the edge of your seat stress would be like iwhen the Bills make another superbowl. Seeing what it's like when they're 4-7 and trying to keep the hope alive! I'm not going to lie.....Lots of ups and downs.

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Can someone please explain to me what it was about this loss that set the higher-than-normal amount of fans over the edge? The team loses in heartbreaking fashion a lot. If you aren't used to it by now, I don't know what to say.

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After witnessing the endless collapses that all of you remember too well, I've concluded that I will not watch a single bills game unless the team is .500 or better. I've watched every game since at least the music city miracle and I've absolutely HAD IT.Call me a bandwagon fan but at this point anyone who still watches with their hopes up is just a masochist. I know there's a lot of old school bills fans that have seen it all and can tell me all about the superbowl years (I was an infant at the time), but god d@mnit this team has ripped the hearts out of the fans chests so many times that they don't deserve our loyalty. From this point on I'm not watching them until they've proven to be a winning team. I swear this franchise has lost more games that they should have won than any I've seen in ANY sport. Drafts, training camps, wild card races, all of that hope crushed over and over and over. I'm done

This is what they want...the move to Toronto will be much smoother. This is my thought.

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See ya.. we will let you back on the wagon next year.



Can someone please explain to me what it was about this loss that set the higher-than-normal amount of fans over the edge? The team loses in heartbreaking fashion a lot. If you aren't used to it by now, I don't know what to say.

the chances of what IF went down the drain.


The elimination game always hurts the most

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The earliest game I can remember is the '64 championship game. I have been through the 0-forever losses to the Dolphins, The Miracle at Rich, and the Kelly era. Lately however watching the Bills is like getting poked in the eye with a sharp stick. Did I say lately? Maybe a decade. I may not be done forever with the Bills but I think I'm done for this year.

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