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Jonathan Martin AWOL, Incognito suspended

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This unfortunate situation coupled with reports this week of Dolphin's offensive players openly questioning the offensive gameplanning and philosophy is a sign the wheels are coming off. It's no wonder Miami is mired in a losing streak.


I wouldn't be surprised that if the Dolphins fire the coaching staff and bring in a new group, Lamar Miller becomes the star in 2014 he appeared destined to be this year.

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This unfortunate situation coupled with reports this week of Dolphin's offensive players openly questioning the offensive gameplanning and philosophy is a sign the wheels are coming off. It's no wonder Miami is mired in a losing streak.


I wouldn't be surprised that if the Dolphins fire the coaching staff and bring in a new group, Lamar Miller becomes the star in 2014 he appeared destined to be this year.


I don't know anything about the culture in that organization but I will say that it would be hard for a team to be successful with that offensive line.


Although he has all the physical gifts, I'm not sold on Tannehill mentally and putting him behind that O-line is not doing any good for his development.


Guys like Manning can transcend bad O-line play to a large degree but a guy in his second year?

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Wow--isn't he a Stanford guy, too? I guess smarts is no insulation from mental health issues. Here's hoping that he gets the help he needs....


Maybe the mental issues are on the part of the offenders. They need to feel successful at the expense of others. It seems a sane response to me to just get away from such a**h***s.

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You should remove that sentence. Theres mismanagement with some of the charitable organizations connected with that cause and it has nothing to do with mental health or mental health awareness. Pretty sure the whole birth of christ isn't a commercial fabrication. It has been very much so commercialized, but you'll have a hard time claiming Christianity was invented by Hallmark and Toys R' Us.

kind of too close to PPP territory. But. Winter solstice is not christian.
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It's sometimes hard to tell what the consensus is on this board but I think of the three top tackles we knew we had a shot at (we knew that Kalil would go 4th overall), that Riley Reiff (23rd overall) was the people's choice.


There were a few of us that were in Cordy's (41st overall) corner and probably just as many that liked Martin (42nd overall) better.


Interestingly the 3rd tackle taken in 2012 was Mitchell Schwartz (37th overall), taken 4 picks before we took Cordy.


The other interesting thing is that most pundits had Reiff, Cordy, and Martin as first rounders and Schwartz as a second rounder.


I'm still loving our pick.

I liked Martin a lot pre-draft. I recall a lot of discussion as no one thought any of those 3 you listed would make it to our 2d round pick.



I view it as karma that Jason Pierre-Paul has been plagued by back problems ever since his repeated dunkings of Prince Amukamara in the Giants whirlpool bath.


On one hand people have to learn to stand up for themselves but on the other hand, there's no place for bullying.

I remember that too....odd that they picked on Amukamara so much, even after his rookie year. He sounds like a totally nice, humble guy (which is probably what attracts a-holes like JPP).


Brandon Marshall suffered from a personality disorder. Didn't the raiders center miss the Super Bowl in 2003 because of the same thing? Sounds legit to me

Barrett Robbins. He end up getting shot by police sometime later I believe. Dude had serious mental issues.

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You all realize that he makes a living trying to knock the daylights out of 300lb dudes, right?


If he cannot take lockerroom ribbing, after being in the sport for most of his life, then he's definitely in the wrong profession. Anyone find it odd that he had a breakdown a week after Dolphins traded for McKinney?



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Reading the dolphins board it sounds like this is just the most talked about issue in Miami. Serious fighting in the locker room apparently.


Hope Martin gets the help he needs


As for the dolphins…. Bummer


You all realize that he makes a living trying to knock the daylights out of 300lb dudes, right?


If he cannot take lockerroom ribbing, after being in the sport for most of his life, then he's definitely in the wrong profession. Anyone find it odd that he had a breakdown a week after Dolphins traded for McKinney?

If its a mental issue then his job of hitting people is irrelevant. From a dude that has dealt with anxiety, learning how to cope with different and difficult situations is extremely difficult. Most likely the issue wasn't the prank, but something far more powerful that we as fans and frankly outsiders don't see.
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I find it hard to believe that "bullying" isn't a huge part of every training camp, and that football players aren't ruthless with each other, in general. It's a total "survival of the fittest" atmosphere. Just at Little League levels, guys get ridden over the slightest things, let alone playing poorly.


Martin may have an emotional problem, I don't know. He may just be playing poorly, and feeling the kind of pressure from teammates that is common on many teams, but after a lifetime of starring on football teams, he may be unable to handle being abused as a weak link.


There seem to be many posters here that talk about guys holding each other accountable. These are guys that make a living beating the hell out of each other, for millions of dollars. I didn't see many people concerned about Justin Rogers mental state after he was considered by many the primary reason for 2 losses.

Edited by Marauder'sMicro
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Reading the dolphins board it sounds like this is just the most talked about issue in Miami. Serious fighting in the locker room apparently.


Hope Martin gets the help he needs


As for the dolphins…. Bummer


If its a mental issue then his job of hitting people is irrelevant. From a dude that has dealt with anxiety, learning how to cope with different and difficult situations is extremely difficult. Most likely the issue wasn't the prank, but something far more powerful that we as fans and frankly outsiders don't see.


If it's a mental issue, why is he out there making a profession out of hitting people?

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If it's a mental issue, why is he out there making a profession out of hitting people?


Because it's a quite lucrative profession and not unheard of to want to be successful in a career even if you aren't well?


Brandon Marshall suffered from a personality disorder. Didn't the raiders center miss the Super Bowl in 2003 because of the same thing? Sounds legit to me

The lists are likely longer than most realize. Hargrove is another one that disappeared from the rams prompting a trade to us.


But really, we don't know the story. A lot of these guys have terrible backgrounds, as others have mentioned are not used to coping with adversity in football or a variety of other things that could have had him on edge before going near the locker room even if he's not seriously ill.


Heck, he has a teammate being looked into for interstate gun running - who knows what has him feeling the way he does. We know so little behind the scenes.

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Playing professional football is not a healthy way to make a living. It also attracts people that aren't "healthy".


Very true.


I wonder if people would have had the same reaction if it was the more likely member of the Dolphins OL who flipped out? (Although that one is just a matter of time)


Because it's a quite lucrative profession and not unheard of to want to be successful in a career even if you aren't well?


Because his job involves knocking other people's and his own head silly?

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If it's a mental issue, why is he out there making a profession out of hitting people?

I'll try to keep cool because this is a sensitive issue for me.


The profession is irrelevant. Maybe hitting people has been his outlet. Maybe because he was good at it he was able to "hide" his anxiety/ depression behind his talent.


Mental illness strikes anyone, no matter size, strength, talent or what have you. You could have all the advantages in the world, but if the brain chemicals are not firing correctly, they are not firing correctly. I've dealt with these issues myself. It doesn't make any sense. The biggest issue for people on the outside is attempting to rationalize irrational behavior. Even if you are dealing with it, you may be fully aware that your thoughts and behavior are irrational. I personally wouldn't wish a mental illness on anyone. Depression (in my case) is awful. Try to imagine feeling weak, cold, pounding headaches, blurred vision, feeling a million miles away from people just a few inches away and anytime someone speaks it either is mumbled and impossible to understand or sounds like thousands of screaming voices directly in your ear. Food loses taste, you can't feel anything. Your world just feels bleak, like no hope exists. On top of that, you are fully aware that nothing is wrong. There is no reason to feel this way. But you do, and it doesn't go away.


Its truly an awful awful place to be. Try locking yourself in a dark closet for 24 hours and you'll get a small taste of what its like. Then stretch that out for a few weeks or months in really severe cases.


Took me over a year of once a week therapy before I was able to deal with many problems. It may not make sense to you but its no joke and frankly, I one of the lucky ones to have had the support I did. Not everyone has that and they end up in far worse places than I ever was.


I hope he is ok. Sorry to rant

Edited by Captain Hindsight
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Wow--isn't he a Stanford guy, too? I guess smarts is no insulation from mental health issues. Here's hoping that he gets the help he needs....

It may be that he's fed up with the freakin' lunkheads that populate his team and wants to be around normal people. Let's not forget that this might be a possibility.

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