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bikers vs. range rover...guess who wins!


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And you could have saved all the drama and read post #4. I already addressed it in a non-ppp way... And I think everybody gets your point:


I said in post #4:


"This is where the Range Rover should have had a gun... YES, you heard it from me!"



Because I never read your posts. They give me headaches.

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More bikers than not ( harleys and crotch rockets) act like douchehags on the road

I ride a bike (a cruiser, not a crotch rocket) and I have friends who ride, as well. None of us are douchebags. Ever.


I just started riding this year and I have never had the opinion that "more bikers than not" are douches. Sure ... are plenty of them. Just like there are plenty of automobile drivers who are.


I've been tailgated whilst going 65 MPH on a 55 MPH country road. I've been harassed, then tailgated, because I took too long to take a left at a light with heavy oncoming traffic (route 9, Lake George, summertime). I've been cut off a minimum of 10 times this year by drivers who either didn't see me or didn't care.


I do believe there are a lot of jerk bikers out there. I do not, for one second, believe that it's "the majority."


We have 2 wheels and no protection other than leather and a helmet. We don't get fender benders when we crash. We usually die. Believe me ... most of us are concerned with keeping ourselves safe.


As far as this incident with the Range Rover, I am 100% on his side and I would have run the punk over, too.

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I ride a bike (a cruiser, not a crotch rocket) and I have friends who ride, as well. None of us are douchebags. Ever.


I just started riding this year and I have never had the opinion that "more bikers than not" are douches. Sure ... are plenty of them. Just like there are plenty of automobile drivers who are.


I've been tailgated whilst going 65 MPH on a 55 MPH country road. I've been harassed, then tailgated, because I took too long to take a left at a light with heavy oncoming traffic (route 9, Lake George, summertime). I've been cut off a minimum of 10 times this year by drivers who either didn't see me or didn't care.


I do believe there are a lot of jerk bikers out there. I do not, for one second, believe that it's "the majority."


We have 2 wheels and no protection other than leather and a helmet. We don't get fender benders when we crash. We usually die. Believe me ... most of us are concerned with keeping ourselves safe.


As far as this incident with the Range Rover, I am 100% on his side and I would have run the punk over, too.



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I ride a bike (a cruiser, not a crotch rocket) and I have friends who ride, as well. None of us are douchebags. Ever.


I just started riding this year and I have never had the opinion that "more bikers than not" are douches. Sure ... are plenty of them. Just like there are plenty of automobile drivers who are.


I've been tailgated whilst going 65 MPH on a 55 MPH country road. I've been harassed, then tailgated, because I took too long to take a left at a light with heavy oncoming traffic (route 9, Lake George, summertime). I've been cut off a minimum of 10 times this year by drivers who either didn't see me or didn't care.


I do believe there are a lot of jerk bikers out there. I do not, for one second, believe that it's "the majority."


We have 2 wheels and no protection other than leather and a helmet. We don't get fender benders when we crash. We usually die. Believe me ... most of us are concerned with keeping ourselves safe.


As far as this incident with the Range Rover, I am 100% on his side and I would have run the punk over, too.


Like FiSD said... +1


The only thing I am confused about is that you used the word: whilst and not while. What gives gug? Don't tell me the fork never leaves your left hand. ;-)

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Like FiSD said... +1


The only thing I am confused about is that you used the word: whilst and not while. What gives gug? Don't tell me the fork never leaves your left hand. ;-)

I've been on a mission to bring "whilst" back for about a year. It's catching on!

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Here's a picture of the nice, misunderstood perp who delivered the beating....surprise, surprise, he's a career criminal, and was let off soct free on his last felony.




I didn't read the article... If it is about the perp flipping the bird, won't the judge not look to kindly to that? My God, how stupid!

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