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bikers vs. range rover...guess who wins!


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I saw this video and there seems to be a lot of unilateral support for the Range Rover. I have to agree. In a situation especially with your family in the car, you get the !@#$ out of there.


YEP. The thing is, the young kid on the crotch rocket... Age 28 seemed to start it all by slowing down on purpose and causing the fender bender... Then the panic struck... The dude had his wife and baby in the car! Pretty effed up... The PFK on the crotch rocket really effed up! If the story is true and holds... HE should be the one that should be balmed for paralyzing the biker... Not sure if he is the one possibly parlyzed? I think it is another biker because that biker's wife spoke out... ??

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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YEP. The thing is, the young kid on the crotch rocket... Age 28 seemed to start it all by slowing down on purpose and causing the fender bender... Then the panic struck... The dude had his wife and baby in the car! Pretty effed up... The PFK on the crotch rocket really effed up! If the story is true and holds... HE should be the one that should be balmed for paralyzing the biker... Not sure if he is the one possibly parlyzed? I think it is another biker because that biker's wife spoke out... ??


The guy slowed everything down because the range rover was complaining. I think the guy who slowed them down was booked for unlawful detainment

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The guy slowed everything down because the range rover was complaining. I think the guy who slowed them down was booked for unlawful detainment


Okay... Yikes, not exactly a great place to make a stand. That is something a bycyclist would do on a winding North Carolinian road. Isn't self-preservation a nature instinct anymore?


Like this, for Chef Jim... This sailboat "gets it." :P


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I think you all know my feelings with regard to bikers though mine is mostly against bicyclists. But I have not read this story so I'm just going by the video here. What did the guy in the Range Rover do to cause the bikers to surround him like that in the first place? That's not in the video. Maybe he did something completely stupid that caused them to "attack" him first. He could have been the true !@#$ here that started this whole crazy thing. Once again I don't know the whole story so I'm not going to go all Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman on the case......yet.

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I think you all know my feelings with regard to bikers though mine is mostly against bicyclists. But I have not read this story so I'm just going by the video here. What did the guy in the Range Rover do to cause the bikers to surround him like that in the first place? That's not in the video. Maybe he did something completely stupid that caused them to "attack" him first. He could have been the true !@#$ here that started this whole crazy thing. Once again I don't know the whole story so I'm not going to go all Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman on the case......yet.


meazza explained it above... I think he, the RR, ended up in that clustereff and then complained. The PFK on the crotcher then slowed down in front of him to "rub it in"... A fender bender was caused... Dude in RR paniced w/his wife and baby on board... Then I think he jumped another biker! Chase into The City and subsequent window smashing and getting yanked out ala Reginald Denny style... But not as extreme! @ least a brick wasn't smashed on his head! <_<

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You have to have a Harley to think your on S of A! These fools are on crotch rockets, not even bikers IMHO.


Half of them were on dirt bikes. This wasn't some motorcycle gang - this was idiots on two wheeled transportation.

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meazza explained it above... I think he, the RR, ended up in that clustereff and then complained. The PFK on the crotcher then slowed down in front of him to "rub it in"... A fender bender was caused... Dude in RR paniced w/his wife and baby on board... Then I think he jumped another biker! Chase into The City and subsequent window smashing and getting yanked out ala Reginald Denny style... But not as extreme! @ least a brick wasn't smashed on his head! <_<


Maybe "move B word get out the way" was playing in the range rover :lol:


But to answer your point Jim, generally no one has come out against the driving of the truck (and there were undercover cops there). From the reports i read, he complained (maybe by flipping them off) about their driving. Either way, I don't think it's illegal to flip someone off on the road but I'm pretty sure that stopping on the highway to zero is illegal especially by intentionally blocking three lanes.


A situation like this happened to me when I just got my license. I almost caused an accident by cutting someone off unintentionally. The driver sped in front of me and slammed on the brakes and started kicking my car. He was literally 3 times my size (and I'm 220 pounds). I literally froze in my seat. On those grounds I think had I been a little older I would have ran him over.

Edited by meazza
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I think you all know my feelings with regard to bikers though mine is mostly against bicyclists. But I have not read this story so I'm just going by the video here. What did the guy in the Range Rover do to cause the bikers to surround him like that in the first place? That's not in the video. Maybe he did something completely stupid that caused them to "attack" him first. He could have been the true !@#$ here that started this whole crazy thing. Once again I don't know the whole story so I'm not going to go all Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman on the case......yet.


The bikers had multiple complaints of harassing cars that day. They were the classic mob of roving idiots looking to mess with easy targets and then when things went bad attacked the guy they instigated the confrontation with in the first place, best I can tell not just from the video but the stories coming in from that day.

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I saw a TV news reporter interview a former member of the same motorcycle "club." He said that the stretch of road where the incident started was straight and flat, and therefore the type of road where club members liked to do tricks on their bikes. He also said that it was common for some of the "club" members to block any following traffic to make the road safer for the guys doing the tricks.


It's only speculation, because the guy being interviewed wasn't there - - but it might have started when one of the bikers tried to slow the RR so his buddies would have a clear stretch of road to do tricks.

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I think the thing that bugs me the most about all of this is that the idiot in the RR had his doors unlocked. What in the hell were you thinking?


Would locked doors have prevented the windows from breaking?

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Would locked doors have prevented the windows from breaking?

I don't carry a gun, but in my trucks I generally have enough of something to stop any would be intruders. From a K-bar or a 20' all steel hammer to a synthetic shiv type glass breaking device that's 9" (in the big truck). I'd aim for the neck.



and Shrader, what bugs me most is that NO one stopped this. The guy filming it obviously filmed it as evidence and has edited it to appear more nonbias against the RR... but anyone could have intervened.

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I don't carry a gun, but in my trucks I generally have enough of something to stop any would be intruders. From a K-bar or a 20' all steel hammer to a synthetic shiv type glass breaking device that's 9" (in the big truck). I'd aim for the neck.



and Shrader, what bugs me most is that NO one stopped this. The guy filming it obviously filmed it as evidence and has edited it to appear more nonbias against the RR... but anyone could have intervened.


It was filmed by the bikers.


Also, someone did help the driver which is probably why he isnt dead.

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Would locked doors have prevented the windows from breaking?


No. From what they say: side windows shatter pretty easy... If the bikers were carrying a "Life Hammer" those side windows would have been totally gone in very fine pieces! The thing is, they pounded them with blunt objects (helmet/fist)... A cold punch or chisel would have shattered them.

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No. From what they say: side windows shatter pretty easy... If the bikers were carrying a "Life Hammer" those side windows would have been totally gone in very fine pieces! The thing is, they pounded them with blunt objects (helmet/fist)... A cold punch or chisel would have shattered them.


Was kind of rhetorical :lol:

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