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Patriots' Hernandez arrested in homicide investigation

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theres a pretty wide gap between "hes clearly guilty of murder" or "he shot him execution style" as have been posted, and "something like this couldve happened"


speculating on possibilities and staking firm opinions on outcomes based on nearly nothing are, in my opinion, pretty far different.


Hey, if it was good enough for the Trayvon Martin thread, it's good enough for this one.

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Hey, if it was good enough for the Trayvon Martin thread, it's good enough for this one.


it works so well for society, it is strange that anyone would object to it.


heck, we still have quarterly "ray lewis is guilty of murder" threads around here.

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If he ever plays for the Patriots again, it would be a disgrace. If this guy was on the Bills, I could not get him out of this city fast enough. Just with the evidence I have heard, I would think he would never play in the NFL again but hey, these idiots tend to get away with murder all the time (literally and figuratively).

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Logic? Logic suggests (channeling my inner Spock here) that it wasn't a massive coincidence that AH's surveillance system and cell phone (i.e. his personal property) were smashed to hide evidence and his house was cleaned the first weekday after the incident. Whether the smashing was done by him or someone else is irrelevant.

I tend to agree with you that multiple coincidences point in the direction of AH being involved with this shooting....but all of our conjecture is based on "confidential sources" or "sources within the investigation". As such, our speculation is only as good as the anonymous sources we are relying on.

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"he is clearly guilty of murder" or another favorite "he shot him execution style" is hardly the same as "for all we know its a weekly cleaning crew, what he did vs what can be proven is still unknown"

Agreed. Had you reserved your favorite response for instances like the one described above its unlikely that I would have commented.


My bigger issue is that you assume that everyone who wants to advance their current working theory of what transpired Monday morning, or offer their gut feeling of AH's involvement is:


1. Forming a concrete opinion.

2. Somehow blithely unaware that we do not have all the facts.

3. Forgetting that there are other possible explanations.

4. Unwilling to change their stance to reflect new information.

5. Ready to convict.


Why do you assume that everyone with an opinion on AH's involvement in this incident is a nitwit?

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If he ever plays for the Patriots again, it would be a disgrace. If this guy was on the Bills, I could not get him out of this city fast enough. Just with the evidence I have heard, I would think he would never play in the NFL again but hey, these idiots tend to get away with murder all the time (literally and figuratively).


I agree with you! I'd gain respect for the pats if they cut him!

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You are not allowed to speculate since we don't have all the facts yet. There is a poster here who points this out in any breaking news thread and then immediately follows up with his own speculation. Call him on it and he'll explain how he wasn't really responding directly to you but to all those out there who might be jumping the gun and don't know much about our legal system, and he's only trying to point out how little we know at this time, as if it weren't plainly obvious.


Sorry, this thread should be immediately locked until the jury reads their verdict.

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Agreed. Had you reserved your favorite response for instances like the one described above its unlikely that I would have commented.


My bigger issue is that you assume that everyone who wants to advance their current working theory of what transpired Monday morning, or offer their gut feeling of AH's involvement is:


1. Forming a concrete opinion.

2. Somehow blithely unaware that we do not have all the facts.

3. Forgetting that there are other possible explanations.

4. Unwilling to change their stance to reflect new information.

5. Ready to convict.


Why do you assume that everyone with an opinion on AH's involvement in this incident is a nitwit?


i dont, but many have made nitwit comments that dont further the flow of information, or lend themselves to folks coming here for updates getting an inaccurate view of what is known vs what is speculated.


have a stepped on some toes that didnt deserve it - probably.

have i stepped on some that definitely did deserve it - yes.


right now theres no reason to speculate that it was a drug deal gone wrong, that hes avenging some act against his gfs sister, etc... theres no reason to say he clearly did it or that he shot him execution style. random statements such as "hes guilty" deserve an "of what?" in response. if your going to speculate on a theory of what happened, its fair to expect a "why do you think that?" especially if its not based on any of the facts that have come out to date.


especially early in the thread - the swarm of "hes not cooperating, hes guilty" deserved a dose of "or he doesnt want to cooperate for a variety of other reasons"


if i questioned some people that didnt deserve it, my apologies to them - wasnt trying to be a jerk, but i do tend to like the discussion on this stuff based in reality and not just flinging poop against the wall. the mob, especially with it being a pats player, is ready to run wild on this story... i think it deserves someone on the other side asking the obvious questions.

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This guy definitely has major issues. Who maliciously threatens a co-worker within days of being hired? Steroids?


I wish we had Pollard on our team to dish out the just this guy deserves.


... lend themselves to folks coming here for updates getting an inaccurate view of what is known vs what is speculated.


True. People should be able to rely on getting their facts from a Buffalo Bills message board.

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This guy definitely has major issues. Who maliciously threatens a co-worker within days of being hired? Steroids?


I wish we had Pollard on our team to dish out the just this guy deserves.




True. People should be able to rely on getting their facts from a Buffalo Bills message board.


man - it speaks volumes to how well the pats keep things quiet. the stories are just flowing now... when he re-signed last year it was nearly framed as a redemption story of the slightly troubled teen they rehabbed. now its all "threatening coworkers, avoiding teammates and opting for friends from his youth, and guns/fights galore"


the media coverage aspect of this is an interesting one.


True. People should be able to rely on getting their facts from a Buffalo Bills message board.


i know, weird, i come here to see updates and read yalls opinions, and hope that they are based in fact/reality and that when they arent someone will say that.


as i said, its still awesome having the quarterly ray lewis is a murderer debate because people got swept up in the speculation instead of following the actual story.

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Obstruction of Justice is just the first step. More will follow.


Latest report is that no arrest warrant issued (at least yet)


I can't post the link - go to CNN, and then slide over to Sports and then report on Hernandez probe

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Latest report is that no arrest warrant issued (at least yet)


I can't post the link - go to CNN, and then slide over to Sports and then report on Hernandez probe


about an hour ago on Mike and Mike (also no link, live tv) they firmly said an arrest warrant had been issued. not sure if one side has their information wrong, or just a matter of an older story needing to be updated.

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Hernandez got bent at Welker for being a dick? well I've seen everything now, the evidence is clear- he's guilty... lol...

That is usual rookie stuff, you don't just freak out on a Vet like that over a funny comment.

But yea if you don't realize he is looking pretty guilty right now then you haven't been watching this unfold.

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That is usual rookie stuff, you don't just freak out on a Vet like that over a funny comment.

But yea if you don't realize he is looking pretty guilty right now then you haven't been watching this unfold.


he appears to be !@#$ed- but again, what can be proved is the big question, and what he can be charged with remains to be seen.


I just like how articles will continue to pop up about the one time Aaron yelled at the janitor because the shitter had no TP.... fans have conluded obviosly a monster, "we should have seen this coming from a mile away!!!"


Now it makes sense why Welker went to Denver.


He feared for his life being around Hernandez




well that, and he actually wanted to win a Superbowl

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