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While I'm ecstatic the pats* got spanked in their own stadium

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Yes he WAS. Get YOUR facts right.




He plea bargained down to obstruction of justice to save his skin and then refused to reveal enough information to convict anyone else.


Because in Baltimore - snitches get stitches. What a man. What a leader.

Ok I stand corrected.


Like all of us he will be judged when he dies. But I wont call him a murderer. If they had enough evidence he would be in jail right now.


But they didnt. Its a shame that the Justice system can be bought. Money can buy you way out of a case if you have enough money to get a good lawyer.

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How much did Lewis payoff people of the family he was involved in the murder seems folks forget that. I hate seeing him in SB but better than cheaters


I think it kind of puts my Patriots hatred in perspective. I dislike a man involved in a murder much less than I DESPISE the New England Patriots.

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Ok I stand corrected.


Like all of us he will be judged when he dies. But I wont call him a murderer. If they had enough evidence he would be in jail right now.


But they didnt. Its a shame that the Justice system can be bought. Money can buy you way out of a case if you have enough money to get a good lawyer.


Great football player. POS human being.


He has a right to play and I have a right not to put him on a pedestal, while SMH at those who do.

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I'm not sure I'll survive the next 2 weeks of Ray Lewis hype. Seriously - if I were a teammate I'd probably be shivved in the parking lot by other players cause I'd completely ignore the guy and his utterly staged "emotional" outbursts. The team intro dances, the incessant "pep talks" pre-game and on the sidelines. Even his little camera-friendly post-game prayer vigil made me wanna hurl.


Don't worry.. you only have to make it through 2 weeks and 1 more game. Then he's gone forever.

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i love the pre-game 'dance' the rest is brutal


I'm not sure I'll survive the next 2 weeks of Ray Lewis hype. Seriously - if I were a teammate I'd probably be shivved in the parking lot by other players cause I'd completely ignore the guy and his utterly staged "emotional" outbursts. The team intro dances, the incessant "pep talks" pre-game and on the sidelines. Even his little camera-friendly post-game prayer vigil made me wanna hurl.

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Um, i don't want to really get to much into a debate about this, but i don't think Ray Lewis is really that overboard. I don't think there is anything wrong with someone being so emotional after reaching a goal that is difficult to attain. I mean, have you ever given your all in something and finally achieved it and not have your emotions run extremely high?


In high school i set the school record for the 800 meter time, and I cried like a little girl for 10 minutes. It took me 2 yrs to shave off 7 seconds from my time to beat that record. I can't even imagine what it's like to play a sport as physically demanding and draining as football, and finally get to the Superbowl for a second time. How many years did he play lights out, lead his team emotionally and with his play on the field. How many years was Ray the Face of the franchise. Think about it, even though they have flacco and rice, Ray Lewis is the face of that franchise. He holds so much on his shoulders as a man in his position.


Ray is a very emotional person, and extremely religious. If you don't like it, mute the tv and wait for it to pass.

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Great...Another Bills fan who focuses more on other teams and spends time hating versus respecting the game. If we had some of these guys that people like you hate on...Bellicheck, Brady, Ray, Wilfork...Maybe we wouldn't be in the longest playoff drought ever. Stop hating, and learn to appreciate the game.

I've been watching football since 1968 - I was 6. I think I appreciate & respect the game just fine thank you. And if you mean that maybe if we had some of the most talented players ever at their positions & most brilliant coaches ever then we would not suck then yeah I agree. And what exactly should I be focusing on with the Bills at this particular time? Which position coaches they should have hired?

Edited by JÂy RÛßeÒ
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Which of the following is the action of a leader? 1) Admit to whatever involvement he participated in and take the consequences; 2) Bargain for the least possible level of responsibility and testify against those around him at the time to seek favorable treatment.


I'm thinkin' a leader man's up to his involvement....


Since yesterday is the best predictor of tomorrow, I hope he doesn't cut and run on the rest of the Ravens when they need him....

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Ok I stand corrected.


Like all of us he will be judged when he dies. But I wont call him a murderer. If they had enough evidence he would be in jail right now.


But they didnt. Its a shame that the Justice system can be bought. Money can buy you way out of a case if you have enough money to get a good lawyer.


they didn't have enough evidence for OJ Simpson either.


Was he trying to take his pads off before the end of the game and some guy in a suit telling him to keep them on?


ya i saw that. clearly god was telling him to do that.


"get naked Ray. Thou command you"

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I find it almost funny that folks can pass judgment on Ray Lewis based on Wikipedia, then talk about his morals. Give me a break! Since I do not know the facts of the case and have no idea what the evidence proved, I have no comment on his legal past.


On the field, a rare General.


The antics would be better received if he played here. When he's going through one of his crying "god speeches", I'm watching the NHL channel.

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I'm not sure I'll survive the next 2 weeks of Ray Lewis hype. Seriously - if I were a teammate I'd probably be shivved in the parking lot by other players cause I'd completely ignore the guy and his utterly staged "emotional" outbursts. The team intro dances, the incessant "pep talks" pre-game and on the sidelines. Even his little camera-friendly post-game prayer vigil made me wanna hurl.


(Ignoring Lewis' Atlanta incident), I prefer watching Lewis' drama than another two weeks of the media falling over themselves trying to prove who salivates more about the the Pats* and Brady.

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Somehow, I see lewis on a 2AM infomercial barking something post NFL career.

And hopefully that will be the extent of his relevance.

Good player, but a suspect human being, and his fake preaching has grown tiresome except for his most ardent followers.


He already signed a deal with ESPN and will probably be one of their more featured analysts. And for good reason. There's talk of him replacing Keyshawn on Gameday.


In the words of another LB... CANT WAIT!

Edited by DrDareustein
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(Ignoring Lewis' Atlanta incident), I prefer watching Lewis' drama than another two weeks of the media falling over themselves trying to prove who salivates more about the the Pats* and Brady.

Yeah, the two of those combined is almost the perfect storm of media-feuled suckitude. I didn't watch NFL network or ESPN all week, and probably won't for the next 2 either. I feel much like the players (except for Ray Lewis ;) ) probably do - let's skip the lead up and just get to kickoff already.

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Somehow, I see lewis on a 2AM infomercial barking something post NFL career.

And hopefully that will be the extent of his relevance.

Good player, but a suspect human being, and his fake preaching has grown tiresome except for his most ardent followers.

As human beings arent we all suspect?

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